
rì chánɡ yǔ yán
  • ordinary language
  1. 日常语言哲学中的他心问题

    The Problem of Other Minds in the Philosophy of Ordinary Language

  2. 此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。

    This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy .

  3. 所以,我认为最有意义的是我别无选择,只能使用日常语言技能,而不是书本上的语言。

    So , What I thought most meaningful was that I had no choice but to use everyday language skills , rather than the language from books .

  4. 日常语言中关于该词的贬义内涵至少在1736年就已经产生了。

    This term is the environmental analogue sense of the term has been in the language since at least 1736 .

  5. 这些eye的搭配已成为日常语言的一部分,其隐喻性常常被忽略。

    People often turn a blind eye to the metaphoricity of these conventional collocations , as they are a part of everyday language .

  6. 话语标记语(discoursemarkers)在日常语言使用中几乎无处不在,对其得体的使用和恰如其分的理解是语用能力中很重要的一个方面。

    Discourse markers are so pervasively used in daily language that the proper use and interpretation of them consist of a considerable part of pragmatic or communicative competence .

  7. Grice分析日常语言的真实意图在于寻求哲学问题的解决方法。

    Grice 's real intention of language analysis aims at solutions to philosophical problems .

  8. Facebook、Twitter或者博客上的大多数人都试着像奥威尔那样写作:他们使用日常语言,以第一人称口吻发表看法,而不是借看似渊博的专家之口。

    Most people on Facebook , Twitter or blogs try to sound like Orwell : they use everyday words , and speak in the subjective " I " rather than as some fake-omniscient expert .

  9. 象似性普遍存在于日常语言与文学语言中。

    Iconicity occurs in both ordinary language and literary texts .

  10. 称代形式是日常语言交际中的普遍现象。

    Address forms are common phenomena in verbal communication in daily life .

  11. 但是要设法用日常语言解释他们所说的。

    But try to explain what they 're saying in everyday terms .

  12. 为此,他提出了使哲学话语重回日常语言的治疗方案。

    He offers a way to restore philosophical discourse to ordinary language .

  13. 所以,日常语言与文学语言都是人文语言。

    That is , everyday language and literary language both are humanistic languages .

  14. 称谓语是日常语言生活中一个重要的组成部分。

    Address terms are an important part of the daily language of life .

  15. 心理词汇组织严密,机制完善,是影响我们日常语言听辨的重要因素。

    Mental lexicon 's organization is rigorous , and its mechanism is perfect .

  16. 语码转换和语码混合在日常语言中的日益普及即是一例。

    The popularity of code-switching and code-mixing is a good case in point .

  17. 不管采用哪种技术实现,都要在日常语言中定义术语。

    It 's about defining terms in everyday language regardless of technical implementation .

  18. 日常语言的典型效应及其认知理据

    Prototypical Effects of Natural Language and Their Cognitive Motivations

  19. 通感隐喻大量存在于文学作品和日常语言之中。

    Synaesthetic metaphors are pervasive in everyday language as well as in literary works .

  20. 它帮助用日常语言定义词汇,与技术实现无关。

    It helps define terms in every-day language , without regard to technical implementation .

  21. 而非形式化则紧密联系日常语言,但也有明显缺陷。

    Non-formalization is closely related to daily life , but also has obvious defections .

  22. 笛福开始尝试用日常语言来描写普通人的生活。

    Defoe began trying to depict the lives of ordinary people in everyday language .

  23. (与文学语言相区别的)人们的日常语言。

    The everyday speech of the people ( as distinguished from literary language ) .

  24. 日常语言和经典物理学都是建立在这种认知模式之上的。

    Both our daily language and classical physics are based on this cognitive model .

  25. 奥斯丁是英国著名的哲学家,是牛津日常语言学派的代表人物。

    Austin is a famous British philosopher , Oxford school of daily language representatives .

  26. 分析法学的日常语言分析转向

    The Ordinary Language Analysis Turn of Analytic Jurisprudence

  27. 由此,维特根斯坦开创了日常语言分析哲学的先河。

    So , Wittgenstein initiated ordinary language philosophy .

  28. 眼隐喻在日常语言中普遍存在。

    Eye metaphors are pervasive in everyday language .

  29. 你可以用日常语言向它提问,它则向你提供答案。

    You can ask it questions using everyday language and it gives an answer .

  30. 论日常语言与哲学语言的差异性

    Difference Between Common Language and Philosophical Language