
  • 网络management concept;Administration Concepts
  1. 开发人员使用Repositories、Folders、Documents和ACLs等自然的内容管理概念,而不是集合、条目和提要。

    Instead of collections , and entries , and feeds , developers work with natural content management concepts like Repositories , Folders , Documents , and ACLs .

  2. 介绍策略管理概念,研究重点,与相关理论。

    To develop an understanding of strategic management concepts , research , and theories .

  3. 为了遵循这些步骤,您需要理解Java™编程模型,Eclipse插件结构和开发,以及IBMRationalSoftwareArchitect转换管理概念。

    To follow the steps , you need to understand the Java ™ programming model , Eclipse plug-in architecture and development , and IBM Rational Software Architect transformation authoring concepts .

  4. 自从1997年Gartnergroup提出客户关系管理概念以来,许多研究机构纷纷撰文进行客户关系管理理论和实践的探讨。

    Since 1997 , Gartner Group presented the concept of customer relationship management , many research institutions have written articles for discussing customer relationship management from theoretical and practical perspective .

  5. 并综合知识管理概念和综合集成法,提出了一个基于知识碰撞的虚拟研讨厅模型(KCBVWS)。

    And then a system named KCBVWS ( knowledge collision based virtual workshop system ) is presented , which combines the methods of KM ( knowledge manage ) and the metasynthesis .

  6. 西方国家公共安全管理概念辨析

    Discrimination the meaning of emergency management in western nations

  7. 区域生态系统适应性管理概念、理论框架及其应用研究

    Research on the Concept , Theory Framework and Application of Regional Ecosystem Adaptive Management

  8. 用于工程项目集成管理概念建模的气球理论

    A Balloon Theory for Civil Engineering Integration Management

  9. 长外将人力资源管理概念于运用于学校管理上,通过制度创新,以人为本,科学管理,为长外创名牌建立了良好的师资基础。

    CFLS adopts the human resource management in the practice of the school management .

  10. 岗位胜任力是20世纪70年代初期兴起于美国的一个管理概念。

    Competency is a concept in management originated in the United States in early 70 's of 20th century .

  11. 界定了作业成本管理概念;阐述了经济责任考评相关思想;

    Defined the concept of Activity-based Costing Management ( ABCM ), stated the related thoughts in economic responsibilities evaluation .

  12. 六西格玛(6σ)概念作为品质管理概念,主要是降低品质的波动。

    The concept of Six Sigma ( 6a ) is quality management , which focus on reducing quality unstability .

  13. 在认识论层次上统一了信息和知识的定义,提出了知识管理概念。

    Unifying the definitions of information and knowledge on the layer of epistemology , we put forward the concept of knowledge management .

  14. 虽然业务用户可能不习惯于发布管理概念,但不允许他们在任何时间做出更改。

    Although business users may not be accustomed to release management concepts , they shouldn 't be allowed to make changes all the time .

  15. 企业核心竞争力是近年来影响最大也是最重要的一个企业战略管理概念。

    Firm 's core competence is one of the most influential and most important concepts in the field of business strategy management in recent years .

  16. 道德管理概念的恰当界定,有赖于对“道德”与“管理”两个概念的本质涵义的正确把握。

    A proper definition of " ethics management " depends upon right understanding of the meaning of the concepts " ethics " and " management " .

  17. 本论文首次明确提出了质量分析的生命周期管理概念,对业务的动态发展对质量的影响做出了有益的尝试。

    The papers presented qualitative analysis of life-cycle management concept for the first time clearly , and made a useful attempt to business dynamics of the impact on quality .

  18. 本文认为,自组织理论或者说现代复杂性科学的兴起,使得人们在世界简单性基础之上建立起来的组织及其管理概念正在日趋解构。

    The rise of self-organization theory or modern complexity science is deconstructing the concepts of organization and its management that are based on the idea of the simple world .

  19. 简要论述了在信息时代,知识管理概念与技术的形成和发展,以及知识管理在企业管理和企业员工管理中的作用。

    The paper briefly introduces the formation and development of knowledge management concepts and techniques in the era of information and the function of knowledge management in enterprise and staff management .

  20. 面对早已利用先进的供应链管理概念,构建了高效的网络与数据库系统的国外医药集团,我国的医药企业面临着巨大的市场压力。

    On the other hand , Chinese medicine enterprise face the huge market pressure , because the foreign medicine enterprise already utilized advanced accommodate chain management , high power network and database system .

  21. 本文对企业危机信息管理概念作了界定,指出了企业开展危机信息管理的重要意义,并着重探讨了企业危机信息管理体制的构建问题。

    This paper defines the concept of enterprise crisis information management , points out the importance of crisis information management for enterprises , and emphatically discusses how to construct the enterprise crisis information management system .

  22. 随着二十世纪八十年代初中国内地深圳引进物业管理概念的二十多年以来,物业管理在中国内地得到了迅速的发展和逐步规范。

    In the past twenty years , as the concept of Property Management has been introduced into interior of China in early 1980s from Shenzhen , it developed very fast and became more and more standard .

  23. 平衡记分卡被《哈佛商业评论》评为20世纪最具影响力的管理概念之一,并被誉为75年来最伟大的管理工具之一。

    Balanced Score Card is awarded as one of the most impacted management concepts in 20s by " Harvard Business Review " . And Balanced Score Card is thought as one of the greatest management tools .

  24. 作者特别梳理和分析了公共管理概念的三种不同用法,指出公共管理是公共部门管理研究领域中继公共行政和公共政策(政策分析)之后出现的一种新研究途径或新范式。

    He reviews three usages of public management , points out that public management is a new approach or paradigm which rises after public administration and public policy in the field of public sector management research .

  25. 阐述项目管理概念及项目管理与合同的不可分割性,强调合同控制的重要性和动态性,综述合同有效管理的措施。

    The paper expatiates the conception of program management and the indivisibility between program management and contract . It emphasizes the importance and dynamic characteristics of contract controlling and comprehensively states the measures for contract effective management .

  26. 文章将知识链管理概念运用于图书馆管理中,阐述了图书馆知识管理的现状及实施图书馆知识链管理的必要性和内容,旨在通过知识链的有效管理实现图书馆的知识增值服务模式。

    This article discusses the necessity and contents of the management of knowledge chain in library by using the concept of the knowledge chain management , and analyzes the model of realizing the service of knowledge increment in library by the efficient management of knowledge chain .

  27. Web内容管理:概念、原则及核心

    Web Content Management : Concept , Principles and Core

  28. 企业管理新概念:E化企业与E化管理

    Enterprise Management New Concept : E-enterprise and E-management

  29. 本文首先阐述了全IP移动通信网中的微移动性管理的概念;

    In this paper , a brief survey of the micro-mobility management in the all-IP networks is firstly discussed ;

  30. 介绍盈余管理的概念,盈余管理的基本特征,盈余管理国内外的研究现状,盈余管理的策略和常见方法,盈余管理的效应。第三部分介绍ST长控资产重组事件。

    Part two - General Review : It introduces the concept , basic features , studying presence home and abroad , tactics and means , influence of earning management .