
guǎn zhì
  • control;police;clamp down;put under surveillance
管制 [guǎn zhì]
  • [control] 监督管理

  • 管制灯火

  • 交通管制

  • [put under surveillance] 刑事处分的一种,对某些有罪的人由政府和群众强制管束,使其得到改造

  • 管制三年

管制[guǎn zhì]
  1. 飞行员得到空中交通管制站发出的着陆许可。

    The pilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control .

  2. 他们需要等空中交通管制人员的放行。

    They have to wait for clearance from air traffic control .

  3. 这个城市仍实施严格的军事管制。

    The city remains firmly under martial law .

  4. 亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。

    Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America

  5. 人们曾认为会放开护照管制。

    It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped .

  6. 银行监管机构直到本月初才开始严格管制。

    Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month .

  7. 我是唯一受母亲严加管制的人。

    I 'm the sole victim of Mother 's tyranny .

  8. 他控告他们实行贸易管制,并且胜诉了。

    He sued them for restraint of trade and won .

  9. 受到过度的、官僚化的管制的社会生活中不存在民主。

    Democracy is incompatible with excessive , bureaucratic regimentation of social life .

  10. 军方领导层又解除了几个市镇的军事管制。

    The military leadership have lifted martial law in several more towns .

  11. 6月份可以放开金融管制。

    You can take the financial brakes off in June .

  12. 不少企业集团一直在向联邦储备委员会施压,要求其放松利率管制。

    Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates

  13. 一些分析人士认为政府不久将开始放松经济管制。

    Some analysts believe that the government soon will begin relaxing economic controls .

  14. 分析人士担心超负荷运转的空中交通管制系统会面临崩溃。

    Analysts fear the overstretched air traffic control system could reach breaking point .

  15. 价格自解除管制以来已经上涨了61%。

    Prices have gone up 61 percent since deregulation .

  16. 瑞典对枪支实行非常严格的管制。

    They have very strict gun control in Sweden .

  17. 匈牙利可能不得不降低其缩小国家军事管制区的期望。

    Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector .

  18. 管制撤销之后,银行可以自行设定利率。

    Since deregulation , banks are permitted to set their own interest rates .

  19. 那些措施包括对媒体报道的严格管制。

    The measures include tight control of media coverage

  20. 他们说业界所谓的放宽管制已经取得了成效的说法纯属谎言。

    They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation .

  21. 据电台报道,首相已下令实行价格管制。

    The radio said that the prime minister had ordered price controls to be introduced

  22. 当局把他转到一个管制不那么严格的开放式监狱。

    The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison .

  23. 去年1月份俄罗斯政府决定暂不放开对石油和天然气价格的管制。

    The Russian government chose not to decontrol oil and gas prices last January .

  24. 最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。

    Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe .

  25. 作为律师,我会反对在现阶段对基因疗法进行任何形式的法律管制。

    As a lawyer , I would deprecate any sort of legal control on gene therapy at this stage .

  26. 委员会认为应放宽移民管制。

    The committee believed that immigration controls should be relaxed .

  27. 我们会主动寻求对战争武器的管制。

    We will aggressively seek to control the weaponry of war .

  28. 在枪支管制方面政府必须采取果断措施。

    The government must take decisive action on gun control .

  29. 这家医院装有备用发电系统以防灯火管制。

    The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout .

  30. 几位政府官员发表电视讲话,试探公众对工资管制的意见。

    Some members of the government flew a kite about wage control on television .