
guǎn xián yuè
  • orchestral music
管弦乐 [guǎn xián yuè]
  • [orchestral music] 管、弦乐器和打击乐器按总谱合奏的音乐

  • 管弦乐队

管弦乐[guǎn xián yuè]
  1. 我在学生时代创作过很多管弦乐作品。

    I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days

  2. 首先它也是管弦乐。

    First of all it too is orchestral music .

  3. 管弦乐编曲还要考虑其他因素。

    There were also other factors that entered into the orchestration .

  4. 在接下来的年头和专辑里面,从2005年激愤的《毕竟还是人类》(HumanAfterAll)到2010年激情澎湃、有管弦乐辅助的《创:战记》(Tron:Legacy)配乐,傻朋克的音乐在继续变异。

    Daft Punk 's music would continue to mutate over the coming years and albums , from the aggro Human After All ( 2005 ) to the swelling , orchestra-aided Tron : Legacy soundtrack ( 2010 ) .

  5. 2011年日本东北部遭遇地震和海啸灾难之后,为了鼓励孩子们一起演奏音乐,ElSistema推动成立了相马市儿童管弦乐与合唱团(SomaChildren'sOrchestraandChorus)。

    The Soma Children 's Orchestra and Chorus was established after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami ravaged the northeastern part of Japan , to encourage children there to make music communally .

  6. 佩钦科早年曾在柏林喜歌剧院(KomischeOper)担任音乐总监,并曾与芝加哥交响乐团(ChicagoSymphonyOrchestra)、克利夫兰管弦乐团(ClevelandOrchestra)等其他乐团有过合作,都受到盛赞。

    He received acclaim for his earlier run as music director of the Komische Oper in Berlin , as well as engagements with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra , Cleveland Orchestra and other ensembles .

  7. 佩钦科出生于西伯利亚(Siberia)鄂木斯克(Omsk)。18岁那年,由于身为小提琴家的父亲在奥地利(Austria)的地方管弦乐团谋了份差事,他们举家移民至奥地利。

    Mr. Petrenko was born in Omsk in Siberia and immigrated at the age of 18 with his family to Austria , where his father , a violinist , got a post with a provincial orchestra .

  8. 民族管弦乐的实践与开拓&有关中央民族乐团乐队改革与发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Reform and Development of Central Chinese Music Orchestra

  9. 东京管弦乐队的管弦乐合奏,还有一些其他的好节目。

    String orchestra by Tokyo Orchestra and some other interesting items .

  10. 我对管弦乐音乐会不感兴趣&我喜欢跳迪斯科舞。

    I don 't like orchestral concerts-discos are more my scene .

  11. 显然有人能在管弦乐四重奏里代替我演奏的。

    Certainly people can take my part in the string quartet .

  12. 威伯恩自由无调性管弦乐作品中的节奏特征(下)

    The Rhythmic Features of Webern s Free Atonality Orchestral Work (ⅱ);

  13. 管弦乐人重奏,写于1824年;四重奏演得可神了。

    The Octet for Wind and Strings , written in 1824 ;

  14. 他的音乐诗是管弦乐作品的宝库。

    His tone poems are a treasury of orchestral discoveries .

  15. 例如,演奏管弦乐时,我就是一名神枪手。

    Playing orchestral music , for example , I become a sharpshooter .

  16. 由作曲家谱写成管弦乐的一套钢琴曲。

    A set of piano pieces orchestrated by the composer .

  17. 第一幕结尾处那段著名的管弦乐颤音。

    The famous orchestra trill at the end of the first act .

  18. 美国军队进行曲的管弦乐的首席指挥和作曲家(1854-1932)。

    A US bandmaster and composer of military marches ( 1854-1932 ) .

  19. 小喇叭的号声渐渐融进管弦乐的背景音乐。

    The trumpet call melts gradually into the orchestral background .

  20. 建立在文学作品或民间传说基础上的管弦乐。

    An orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales .

  21. 陈其钢管弦乐组曲《五行》的音响结构

    Acoustic Structure of the Orchestral Suite " The Five Elements " Chen Lu

  22. 就是这位学生创作了他称之为风暴的第一首全管弦乐作品。

    wrote his first full-scale orchestral work and called it , the Storm .

  23. 他在交响管弦乐团拉小提琴。

    He plays the violin in Symphony orchestra .

  24. 由管弦乐改写的钢琴曲准备由管弦乐队演奏的。

    Arrangement of orchestral music for the piano arranged for performance by an orchestra .

  25. 大型民族管弦乐作品《抒情变奏曲》就是其中的代表之一。

    Large-scale National Orchestra Music " Lyric Variations " is one of the representatives .

  26. 指的是几百年前起源于欧洲的管弦乐。

    Refers to orchestra music that originated in Europe a few hundred years ago .

  27. 联系、巩固与预示&威伯恩《管弦乐变奏曲》分析

    Connection , Consolidation and Prediction & An Analysis of Anton Webern 's Orchestral Variations

  28. 如管弦乐,戏曲,戏剧。书画。

    Such as , drama , drama orchestral .

  29. 2006年被中国民族管弦乐学会授予终身贡献奖。

    In2006 , he was conferred Lifetime Contribution Award by China Nationalities Orchestra Society .

  30. 尽管邦德乐队是在最显著的位置,但是我们又加上了巨大的管弦乐声音。

    Bond are still at the forefront but we have this massive orchestral sound .