
  • 网络ROMANCE;ROMANZA;Romance for Violin and Orchestra;romanze;Lied
  1. 春天像一首温馨且不乏华丽的浪漫曲。

    Spring is just like a soft song , full of romance and grace .

  2. 本文以拉赫玛尼诺夫浪漫曲作品集中的五首歌曲为主要研究对象,进行初步的理论分析和演唱实践。

    This paper works Rachmaninoff Romance songs focus on five main subjects , a preliminary theoretical analysis and concert practice .

  3. 夏威夷的花之音,海之韵,为游客们奏出一支优美的浪漫曲。

    Hawaii flower voice , sea charm for tourists , played out beautiful romantic songs .

  4. 绿色浪漫曲&评上海市曲阳居住区城市公共绿地规划

    A romantic melody of green & comment on the public green area planning of Quyang residential area of Shanghai City

  5. 本文以拉赫玛尼诺夫的浪漫曲作品为研究专题,围绕其不同创作时期浪漫曲的色彩和声现象,研究拉氏浪漫曲中和声对作品风格的影响,探究演唱者如何演绎他的歌曲。

    In this paper , Rachmaninoff Romanza works for the research project around a different creative period the Romanza color harmonies phenomenon , research Rumsfeld Romances in harmony work style , explore the artist how to interpret his songs .

  6. 夏威夷浪漫进行曲

    Romantic march in Hawaii

  7. 听一首浪漫的婚礼曲足以令人感动落泪——甚至是一个才两岁大的小萝莉。

    Listening to a romantic wedding song can be enough to reduce anyone to tears - even a two-year-old girl .

  8. 可以说,从他们身上我们就可以看出整个浪漫主义时期即兴曲这一钢琴体裁的发展脉络。

    We can say that from them we can see that the entire Romantic period piano Impromptu in this genre of the school .

  9. 李云迪的演奏曲目是肖邦和李斯特这两位他的演奏受到高度赞誉的作曲家作品,也是浪漫主义时期协奏曲中最耳熟能详的两首。

    Yundi Li plays the repertoire for which he is so highly acclaimed ? Chopin and liszt ? With recordings of the two most popular works from romantic Concerto repertoire .