
  • 网络Romanticism;romanticism literature
  1. 美国浪漫主义文学兴起的历史背景复杂多样。

    The causes of the rise of American romanticism are various .

  2. 美国浪漫主义文学中的人神关系

    On the Relationship Between Man and God in American Romanticism

  3. 左翼浪漫主义文学命运的历史反思

    A Historical Retrospect of the Destiny of the Left-wing Romantic Literature

  4. 西方浪漫主义文学思潮对中国浪漫主义文学的影响

    Influence of Western Romantic Literary Ideological Trend on Chinese Romanticism Literature

  5. 日本浪漫主义文学对中国创造社的影响

    The Influence of Romantic Literature in Japan on Chinese Creation Society

  6. 中西浪漫主义文学的主体性和理想问题

    The Subjective and Ideal Problems of Chinese and Western Romantic Literature

  7. 论传统道家思想对中国现代浪漫主义文学的影响

    On the Influence of Traditional Taoistic Philosophy on Contemporary Chinese Romantic Literature

  8. 对比是浪漫主义文学的艺术原则之一。

    Contrast is the artistic principle for the romantic literature .

  9. 实际上,在浪漫主义文学中已经孕育了许多现代主义因素。

    Actually some Modernist elements had already been carried within Romantic literature .

  10. 欧洲浪漫主义文学对中国现代文学的影响

    Influence of Romantic Literature in Europe on Modern Chinese Literature

  11. 威廉·布莱克是英国前期浪漫主义文学的重要代表。

    William Blake is an important representative in English romanticism .

  12. 爱论·坡是一位美国十九世纪浪漫主义文学家。

    Edgar Allan Poe was an American romanticism writer in the 19th century .

  13. 一是改造国民性和重塑民族性格的浪漫主义文学;

    The other is romantic literature of transforming nationality and remodeling national personality .

  14. 疯狂是德国浪漫主义文学的一个主题。

    Insanity is a theme in German romanticism literature .

  15. 它是对李白浪漫主义文学思想的补充。

    It reinforced LI Bai 's romanticism literature theory .

  16. 华兹华斯是19世纪英国浪漫主义文学的奠基者,他诗歌的艺术特色可用秀、雅、和、远四字概括。秀,诗歌语言清新秀丽;

    Wordsworth was a major founder of the romanticism in nineteenth century in England .

  17. 越中浪漫主义文学之比较

    A comparison between Romantic Chinese and Vietnamese literature

  18. 论英国浪漫主义文学对古典主义的继承与超越

    Inheritance and Going-beyond : Rethinking of British Romanticism

  19. 左翼浪漫主义文学从“先锋”到“障碍”的乖戾命运给人们带来了诸多的沉思。

    The absurd destiny of the Left-wing romantic literature set people thinking a lot .

  20. 埃德加·爱伦·坡是美国浪漫主义文学大师,也是美国民族文学的奠基人之一。

    Edgar Allan Poe is a Romantic and also a founder of American literature .

  21. 论浪漫主义文学思潮对创造诗派、新月诗派的影响

    Comments on the Influences of Romantic Literature on Creation Poets and New Moon Poets

  22. 杂乱的指涉和归类:新时期浪漫主义文学专题性研究

    Tanglesome Reference and Classification : the Monographic Research of Romanticism in the New Era

  23. 浪漫主义文学与中国人的主体状况

    Romantic literature and subject state of the Chinese

  24. 西方浪漫主义文学自我意识探析

    Analysis of Self-Consciousness in Western Romantic Literature

  25. 也意味着荆楚文学神话浪漫主义文学创作的衰微。

    Meanwhile , it also implicate the creation of JingChu myth romantic literature become declined .

  26. 她广泛涉猎了浪漫主义文学,这从她的文章中可以看出来。

    She has read widely in romantic literature , as it appears from her essay .

  27. 缺席、在场都是尴尬的存在&新时期浪漫主义文学研究述评

    Absence or Presence , an Awkward Existence Alike & on the Romanticism in the New Era

  28. 自然、童心与诗&论英国19世纪浪漫主义文学中的童年意识

    Nature , Child and poem & Childhood Ideal In the 19 th Century British Romantic Literature

  29. 德国浪漫主义文学中的疯狂

    Madness In German Romanticism Literature

  30. 同时,美国方式也为美国浪漫主义文学奠定了美国民族特有的深厚文化底蕴。

    Meanwhile , Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American Romanticism with its own national characteristics .