
dòng cí
  • verb
动词 [dòng cí]
  • [verb] 词类中的其特性是主要作谓语语法核心的词,它陈述动作、情况、变化的词,如跑、哭、有、在、听、读、漂动、上升等

动词[dòng cí]
  1. 这个动词应该用复数形式。

    The verb should be in the plural .

  2. 这个动词应当用单数形式。

    The verb should be in the singular .

  3. 英语有数千个动词,大多数是规则动词。

    There are thousands of verbs in English and most are regular .

  4. 这个动词是虚拟语气。

    The verb is in the subjunctive .

  5. 她考了我们的不规则动词。

    She tested us on irregular verbs .

  6. 这个动词在此用作及物动词。

    The verb is being used transitively .

  7. 这个动词此处的用法是不及物的。

    The verb is being used intransitively .

  8. 动词可细分为及物动词和不及物动词。

    The verbs were subdivided into transitive and intransitive categories .

  9. 避免使用复杂的动词结构。

    Avoid complex verbal constructions .

  10. 这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成的。

    The word is compounded of a preposition and a verb .

  11. 参看第20页(动词句型13)。

    See page 20 ( verb pattern 13 ) .

  12. 在istudyenglish一句中动词为主动语态形式。

    In " I study english " the verb is active .

  13. 谓语动词的数和人称与其主语一致。

    The verb agrees with its subject in number am person .

  14. 这本词典没有收入全部英语动词。

    This dictionary does not cover all the English verbs .

  15. 在叙述过程中,间接引语的动词通常用过去式。

    In narrative , the reporting verb is in the past tense .

  16. 在这个句子中你应该用及物动词。

    You should use the transitive verb in the sentence .

  17. 许多动词和许多其他类词都蕴涵着因果关系。

    Many verbs and many words of other kinds are implicitly causal .

  18. 这是一个学习英语动词的好练习。

    This is a good drill for learning how to use English verbs .

  19. 这些是一个动词的限定形式。

    These are the finite forms of a verb .

  20. 情态动词通常用不带to的不定式。

    Modal verbs generally take the bare infinitive .

  21. 动词与主语必须在人称和数上一致。

    There must exist agreement of a verb and a subject in person and number .

  22. 这是个陈述语气的动词。

    It 's an indicative verb .

  23. 这个动词有哪些变化形式?

    How does this verb conjugate ?

  24. 我学法语的不规则动词有困难,我似乎无法记住。

    I have difficulty learning French irregular verbs ; I just can 't seem to get them into my head .

  25. 不过,正如哈佛的艾米·埃德蒙森所说,各组织越来越多地将“团队”用作动词而非名词。

    However , as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out , organisations increasingly use " team " as a verb rather than a noun .

  26. 动词“matter”可用来表达“某事很重要”。

    The verb matter in English can mean ' be important ' .

  27. 动词“mind”的意思是“不喜欢、介意“或”反对“。

    The verb mind means ' dislike , be annoyed by ' or ' object to ' .

  28. 我们会永远记得这一刻。(forget——带有否定意义的动词)

    We will never forget the moment .

  29. “Mind”后通常接“动词–ing”,多用于否定句和疑问句中。

    It 's normally followed by verbING and often used in negatives and questions .

  30. 我在一个约会对象上花了好多钱,最终却发现她只想和我发展纯友谊。FriendZone的动词形式是Friend-ed。

    I spent all that money on a date , just to find out she put me in the Friend Zone .