
  • 网络Arterial Hemorrhage
  1. 死因是动脉出血。

    Cause of death is arterial hemorrhage .

  2. 但是,动脉出血,假性动脉瘤以及动静脉瘘需要血管造影栓塞进行急诊干预治疗。

    Arterial hemorrhage , pseudoaneurysms , and arterial-venous fistulas , however , require prompt intervention with angiographic embolization .

  3. 同时用小鼠20只,腹腔注射MCA10mg/kg共3d,测定其尾动脉出血时间。

    The tail artery blooding time was also determined using another 20 rats receiving 10 mg / kg × 3d given by peritoneal injection .

  4. 500例LC胆囊动脉出血10例,占2%,胆总管横断伤1例,占02%。

    In 500 LC , 10 had cholecystic artery hemorrhage , about 2 % , and 1 had crosscut injury of common bile duct , about 0.2 % .

  5. 结果:MCA可抑制ADP和胶原引起的血小板聚集;且延长小鼠尾动脉出血时间。

    Results : The platelet aggregation induced by ADP and collagen can be inhibited by MCA and the rats'tail artery blooding time can be prolonged by it .

  6. 结论:无论是OC或LC避免胆囊动脉出血、门静脉损伤大出血、胆道损伤,关键在于对Calot三角的正确解剖。

    Conclusions : No matter OC and LC the accurate anatomy of the Calot triangle was the key to avoid hemorrhage of cholecystic artery and portal injury and biliary tract .

  7. 结果:4000例OC中发生胆囊动脉出血20例,占05%,门静脉损伤大出血2例,占005%,死亡1例。

    Results : In 4000 OC , 20 cases had cholecystic artery hemorrhage , about 0.5 % , 2 had hemorrhage of portal injury , about 0.05 % , and 1 dead .

  8. 胆囊动脉出血2例(12.5%);

    Gallbladder artery bleeding in 2 cases ( 12.5 % );

  9. 结果腹腔镜胆囊切除动脉出血5例,使用电凝、钛夹止血成功。

    Results 5 cases of bleeding were underwent with coagulator and clamp .

  10. 血管内介入诊疗技术在空回肠动脉出血中的临床应用

    Clinical application of interventional technology in jejunum and ileum bleeding

  11. 腹腔镜胆囊切除手术胆囊动脉出血及胆道损伤的预防

    Prevention of Bile Duct Injury and Cystic Artery Hemorrhage in Laparoscope Cholecystectomy

  12. 内颔动脉出血是颅颜外伤病患严重的问题。

    Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries .

  13. 分别建立新西兰兔颈动脉出血模型和新西兰兔肝脏创伤出血模型。

    Establish the models of carotid hemorrhage and hepatic hemorrhage of New Zealand white rabbits .

  14. 气管切开术后无名动脉出血的解剖基础及护理对策

    Anatomical Basis of the Arteria Anonyma Hemorrhage after Tracheotomy and its indication to Nursing Care

  15. 腰动脉出血在临床上罕见,一旦发生将导致严重后果,甚至致命。

    Lumbar artery hemorrhage occurs rarely , but may cause serious results once it happens .

  16. 多功能自控加压止血绷带对犬股动脉出血的止血效果及安全性分析

    Multi-functional self-controlled pressure hemostatic bandage for canine femoral artery bleeding model : efficacy and safety

  17. 拟吻合的肠切端必须有动脉出血。

    It was important that there be arterial bleeding in the intestinal ends that would be inosculated .

  18. 方法选择刮宫后子宫动脉出血急诊病人为研究对象;

    Methods Select the emergent patients with uterine artery bleeding after curettage as the basis for study .

  19. 用小鼠尾动脉出血实验观察APLA2Ⅰ对出血时间的影响。

    Effect of APLA 2 ⅰ on hemorrhage time was investigated by the method of mouse cauda arterial hemorrhage .

  20. 结论:1、六线六结法开胸能有效避免肋间动脉出血、减少气胸的发生。

    Conclusion : The method of six sutures and six knots can successfully reduce intercostal arterial hemorrhage and Pneumothorax formation .

  21. 结果:全组病例术中胆囊动脉出血10例,其中8例为双胆囊动脉者;

    Results : 10 cases had bleeding during the operation , of them , 8 cases were double cystic artery ;

  22. 结论:非驱血状态下制备组织瓣具有明显优点:可简化操作,缩短手术时间,不增加术中动脉出血,减少术后皮瓣渗血的机会。

    CONCLUSIONS : Free forearm flap harvesting under non-blood evacuation can simplify operation and reduce bleeding of the flap postoperatively .

  23. 本组术后5例出血,其中1例动脉出血,4例渗血,应用内镜压迫、肾上腺素盐水注射及氩离子束凝固术治疗均成功止血;

    After the mucosectomy 5 cases had bleeding which was controlled successfully by compression , local injection of saline-epinephrine , and APC .

  24. 但如果伤口有血不断涌出,就很有可能是动脉出血。

    But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force , this may be a sign of arterial bleeding .

  25. 减少醋酸引起的小鼠扭体次数,缩短兔股动脉出血时间而不影响凝血时间,延长异戊巴比妥钠对小鼠的催眠时间。

    It shortened femoral artery bleeding time instead of cotting time in rabbits , and prolonged the hypnotic duration of sodium amobarbital in mice .

  26. 经导管超选择栓塞出血动脉出血点的远端和近端,栓塞后造影了解栓塞效果。

    When the bleeding artery was documented , the proximal and distal area of the bleeding site was embolized by gelfoam and spring coil through catheter .

  27. 结果:本组192例患者痊愈出院,术后无一例发生胆囊动脉出血及胆总管狭窄。

    Results : 192 patients in this group all cured and leave hospital . None of patients take place gallbladder artery bleeding and choledochal narrow after operation .

  28. 传统上处置常常仅是严密观察,而全肾切除或部分肾切除是用于大量肾动脉出血或复杂肾内动脉瘤;

    The traditional management of an IPRAA is simply close observation , and a nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy is reserved for overt renal artery rupture and complex intra-renal aneurysms .

  29. 结果:7例中发生MOF1例,胆漏2例,胆囊动脉出血3例,十二指肠损伤1例,均治愈。

    Results : The complications were MOF in 1 case ; bile duct leak in 2 cases ; cystic artery bleeding in 3 cases , the duodenum hurts in 1 case .

  30. 结果6例均为蝶腭动脉出血,多为术后1周左右出现,经鼻内镜下电凝止血和碘仿纱条填塞压迫后治愈。

    Results The reason of severe secondary bleeding was sphenopalatine artery injury occurred about one week after operation . All cases were cured by endoscopic electric coagulation hemostasis and iodoform gauze packing .