
  • 网络conjugation;Verb conjugations
  1. 比如诗歌和织袜子,总结法语动词变位,

    like poetry and knitting socks and conjugating French irregular verbs

  2. 这也是为什么,没人发现当我研究法语动词变位时,

    And that 's why no one recognized that when I was conjugating French irregular verbs ,

  3. 或者我们说,把这个法语动词变位一下

    Linda Or we say ," Linda , hey , conjugate such and such a verb in French . "

  4. 不过,一周给他上一次课的家教为他辅导的并非钢琴音阶和西班牙语的动词变位,而是教他如何写代码。

    His once-a-week tutor isn 't helping him with piano scales or Spanish conjugations , but teaching him how to code .

  5. 课程对动词变位没有要求,但对语法的重视细致入微&这种重视虽然很少言明,但融入到整个学习过程之中。

    There is no conjugating of verbs but the attention to grammar is detailed . It is part of the process , seldom explicit .

  6. 在最初的普通话课上,老师告诉我们,我们很幸运,因为汉语语法非常简单:几乎没有什么规矩,连动词变位都没有。

    During one of my first lectures my Mandarin teacher told us that we are lucky because Chinese grammar is so simple : there are hardly any rules , you don 't ever need to conjugate .

  7. 我法语课的大部分时间都花在不规则动词的变位上面。

    I spent most of my time in French lessons conjugatingirregular verbs .

  8. 在西班牙语中,动词的变位是词根和词尾的变化。

    In Spanish , the conjugation of the verb is the result of the root of the verb ( stem ) and a specific termination .

  9. 学外语常常需要进行大量枯燥的记忆以及掌握动词的各种变位,但在韩国,拳打脚踢也成了外语课程的一部分。

    Learning a foreign language often involves a lot of boring memorization and verb conjugation , except in South Korea where flying punches and killer kicks are part of the curriculum .

  10. HE和其他词类&名词、形容词(形容词比较级)、数词、副词(副词比较级)、代词、动词及其非变位形式(形动词、副动词)的连用;

    2 ) The linked use of He and the other parts of speech & noun , adjective ( adjective comparative degree ), numeral , adverb ( adverbial comparative degree ), pronoun , verb and verbal non_changeable form .