
  • 网络should;do sth
  1. 当我们叫别人做什么事时(使句)我们以动词原形开头造句。

    We start a sentence with the base form of a verb when we want to tell people what to do .

  2. 传统英语教学语法认为to在动词原形前只起不定式符号的作用,没有词汇意义。

    Traditional English pedagogical grammar assumes that to in an infinitive has no lexical meaning and serves merely as a marker of the infinitive .

  3. 背诵并写出一个名词或动词的原形。

    Recite and write a noun or a verb in original shape .

  4. 在不定式符号“to”后面,不能用动词的过去形式,应该用动词原形。

    Don 't use the past form of the verb after the infinitive sign " to "; the root form should be used .