
dònɡ tài fēn pèi
  • dynamic allocation
  1. 基于多Agent的传感器资源动态分配方法

    Dynamic Allocation of Sensors Resources Based on Multi - agent

  2. 基于IP地址动态分配的IP电话实现方案

    Implementation scheme of Internet Phone ( IP ) based on the dynamic allocation of IP address

  3. 无线Mesh网络中基于信道动态分配的路由研究

    Study on Routing Based on Dynamic Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks

  4. 因此采用动态分配IP地址的方案&拨号接入Interent。

    So the author adopts the scheme of assigning dynamic IP address-connecting to the internet by dialing .

  5. 在动态分配IP地址的网络系统里,不需要手工分配主机名和域名。

    You will not be required to manually assign hostnames and domain names in a dynamic IP addressing scheme .

  6. ATM网络虚通道资源动态分配的分散控制

    Decentralized Control of Dynamic Resource Allocation Problem of Virtual Path in ATM Networks

  7. 在WebSphereProcessServer中,可将人工角色动态分配给每个流程实例的人工活动,在设计时加以指定。

    In WebSphere Process Server , human roles can be dynamically assigned to each process instance 's human activity , designated at design time .

  8. Rational令牌和用于RationalLicenseKeyServer的共享服务的使用都支持从某一个高度共享的池动态分配许可。

    Use of Rational tokens and a shared service for Rational License Key Server allows licenses to be allocated from a highly shared pool dynamically .

  9. VoD系统的数据预取及缓冲区动态分配策略

    The Strategy for Dynamic Data Prefetching and Buffer Allocation in VoD System

  10. EPON上行信道带宽动态分配技术研究

    Study on the Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Schemes of EPON Upstream Channel

  11. 采用神经网络和屏蔽遗传算法为VP网络动态分配带宽的方法

    Bandwidth allocation of virtual paths using neural networks and masked genetic algoriths

  12. 远程实时控制系统EPON动态分配研究

    Study on Long-Distance Real-Time Control System With Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation of EPON

  13. EPON中的一种新的带宽动态分配算法及其分析

    A New Algorithm of Bandwidth Dynamic Allocation and its Analysis in EPON

  14. 如果是ORBLISTENERADDRESS,这就意味着端口号是动态分配的。

    In the case of the ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS , this means that the port number is dynamically assigned .

  15. 在数据处理方面采用了不同于传统的BOD法,动态分配权重。

    BOD method is used in data processing which assignes weights dynamically .

  16. 基于改进LOGIT模型的交通微观仿真动态分配方法

    Dynamic Assignment of Microscope Traffic Simulation Based On Improved LOGIT Model

  17. 通过分析网络的状态和视频流的特性来动态分配资源,提高了端到端的QoS。

    By dynamically allocating resources according to network status and media characteristics , it improves the end-to-end Quality of Services ( QoS ) .

  18. OFDMA系统中的比特和子载波动态分配算法研究

    Research on the Bit and Subcarrier Dynamic Allocation Algorithms for OFDMA System

  19. 本论文主要对EPON上行信道带宽动态分配技术进行了研究。

    The research is mainly focused on the dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes of EPON upstream channel .

  20. 对于SAP应用程序,DB2完成了存储优化,可在需要时动态分配存储空间,在不需要时释放空间。

    For an SAP application , DB2 accomplishes storage optimization by dynamically allocating storage space when needed and free space when not needed .

  21. 介绍了IP地址与IP地址的动态分配,点对点TCP/IP连接,动态IP地址的捕捉及捕捉后的应用。

    This paper introduces IP address and the dynamic distribution of IP address , point-to-point connection of TCP / IP , the capture and application of dynamic IP address .

  22. 建立网站的需求不断增加,但一般用户的IP却是动态分配的,Internet上的域名解析一般是静态的,无法把域名解释到自己上网的本地计算机。

    The demand of building website is increasing , But the IP of general user are dynamic allocation ,, DNS of Internet is static , It can 't link the domain with native computer .

  23. 动态分配时隙ALOHA的抗碰撞算法

    Anti-collision Algorithm for Dynamic Distribution Slotted ALOHA

  24. 利用SVC与利用PVC不一样,用户能在帧中继网中任意一对的端点之间动态分配虚拟电路。

    Unlike PVCs , with SVCs , users are able to dynamically allocate the virtual circuit between an arbitrary pair of endpoints on a frame relay network .

  25. 其主要思想是把HLA功能在网格系统中实现,并充分利用网格系统提供的资源共享及动态分配、安全性和扩展性等HLA协议所不能够提供的特性。

    The system implements the HLA functions with grid technologies that enable the features of resources sharing , dynamic allocation of resources , strong security , and good fault tolerance .

  26. 本文描述了一种基于规则的动态分配用户到角色的模型,称为RB-RBAC(Rule-basedRBAC)。

    This article described a model called RB-RBAC ( Rule-based RBAC ), which assigns user to role based on the rule dynamically .

  27. DB2配置参数LOGSECOND指定了在需要时可以动态分配的二级日志的最大数量(高达254)。

    The DB2 configuration parameter LOGSECOND specifies the maximum number ( up to254 ) of secondary logs that can be allocated dynamically when needed .

  28. 基于工作流执行系统的适应性需求,提出了资源动态分配管理模块体系结构,修改和补充了HP公司的工作流资源管理技术。

    To meet the adaptive requirement of the workflow enactment system , this paper presented the architecture of resource dynamic assignment management modules . The workflow resource management method used in HP Company was modified and extended .

  29. 您还可以为每个执行组配置特定的缓存角色,而不是在启动时动态分配它们,方法是将代理缓存策略属性更改为none,这会启用一组详细的执行组属性。

    You can also configure specific cache roles for each execution group , rather than having them dynamically assigned on startup , by changing the broker cache policy property to none , which then enables a set of detailed execution group properties .

  30. 帧中继(FR)作为一种快速分组交换技术,能够按需动态分配带宽,适于突发性,高速率和大流量的数据传输。

    As a king of fast packet exchange network , Frame Relay ( FR ) can distribute bandwidth on demand , which is fit for paroxysmal , high speed and huge flux data transportation .