
làng cháo
  • wave;tide;tidal wave;storm
浪潮 [làng cháo]
  • [tidal wave;tide] 如潮水般汹涌起伏的波涛

  • 革命的浪潮

  • 罢工浪潮

浪潮[làng cháo]
  1. 战争的浪潮回过头来席卷了全国。

    The tide of war swept back across their country .

  2. 新科技革命和产业变革的时代浪潮奔腾而至,如果我们不应变、不求变,将错失发展机遇,甚至错过整个时代。

    If we do not move proactively to adapt to the surging tide of new scientific revolution and industrial transformation , we risk missing valuable opportunities or even falling behind the times . We should be good reformers and pioneers .

  3. 罢工浪潮使这个国家受到了重创。

    The nation had been buffeted by a wave of strikes .

  4. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。

    The government 's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press .

  5. 亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。

    Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America

  6. 针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。

    Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism .

  7. 庆幸的是,许多乡村教区仍然没有感受到战后的犯罪浪潮。

    Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave .

  8. 停滞不前的经济和最近的一次劳工骚乱浪潮影响了新政党的声望。

    A faltering economy and a recent wave of labour unrest have affected the new party 's popularity .

  9. 改革浪潮是不可抗拒的。

    The raging trend of reforms is irresistible .

  10. 群众情绪的浪潮激励他前进。

    He was carried forward on a wave of popular feeling .

  11. 她很谦虚,赞扬声像浪潮般向她袭来,她也不会被冲昏头脑。

    She being a modest woman her head was by no means turned by the acclaim which broke over her .

  12. 目前,宽带IP城域网的建设浪潮无疑地证明了这一点。

    The view has been verified by the tide of deploying Broadband IP Metropolitan Area Networks .

  13. 网格是继互联网的前两个浪潮Internet和Web之后的第三次浪潮,迅速受到全世界的瞩目。

    The grid is the third wave following the tides Internet and Web , attracting the attention of the whole world rapidly .

  14. 随着加入WTO,经济全球化的浪潮冲击着国内经济各个领域。

    Along with the entry of WTO , economy globalization impacts on every economy field of china .

  15. Internet在商业银行中的应用,引发了银行界新的科技革命和服务创新浪潮。

    The utilization of internet in commercial banks results in new tides of revolution in science and technology and the innovation of banking services .

  16. 中国加入WTO标志着我国将真正融入到经济全球化和资本市场国际化的时代浪潮。

    China 's entry into WTO indicates that our nation will be absorbed in the tidal wave of economical globalization and capital market internalization .

  17. 面对WTO的加入及汹涌澎湃的全球化浪潮,浙江企业面临着技术变革的巨大挑战。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and the overwhelming trend of globalization , the enterprises in Zhejiang Province are facing great challenge of technological reforms .

  18. 加入WTO,是我国经济融入经济全球化的浪潮,与世界经济接轨,实现社会主义现代化目标的必由之路。

    The entry into WTO is the only way for our economy to integrate the global economy tide , meet the world economy to achieve the cause of socialism modernization .

  19. 网格技术已经成为当前国际计算机技术研究的热点和前沿领域,它代表了继Internet技术和Web技术之后的第三次技术浪潮。

    The grid technology has already became the hot spot of current international computer technology research fields and the front domain . It represented third technical tide which followed the Internet technology and the Web technology .

  20. 随着加入WTO的脚步日益临近,知识经济浪潮下的中国农业面临转型,我国农产品营销体系亟待创新。

    With the approaching of China joining the WTO , Chinese agriculture under the tide of knowledge economics confronts with transforming , net marketing system of chinese agricultural products is in great need of innovation .

  21. 加入WTO后,中国经济的发展将不可避免地融入经济全球化的浪潮。经济全球化也必将给法律制度的发展带来深刻的影响。

    After the entry of WTO , China 's economy is inevitably to integrate with economic globalization , which , in return , is bound to exert a tremendous influence upon the development of legal system .

  22. “web2.0”一代最为成功的一些消费者互联网公司正纷纷走向全球,掀起了一波国际扩张浪潮,与美国第一轮互联网热潮时的勃勃雄心颇为相似。

    Some of the most successful members of the " Web 2.0 " generation of consumer Internet companies are racing to go global , in a wave of international expansion that echoes the outsized ambitions of the first wave of dotcoms from the US .

  23. 近年来,翻转课堂(TheFlippedClassroom)掀起了国内外教育改革的浪潮,为教与学的发展提供了新思路。

    In recent years , The Flipped Classroom set off a wave of education reform at home and abroad , providing a new idea for the development of teaching and learning .

  24. 上世纪90年代,高科技浪潮席卷硅谷乃至全世界。沃西基家是城里最早购买计算机的家庭之一,他们购入的是苹果电脑(Mac)。

    In the 90s , when the tech boom transformed Silicon Valley and the world , the Wojcickis were one of the first families in town to get a computer - a Mac .

  25. 类似的,当大批量生产成为19世纪的大潮之时,威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)和约翰•拉斯金(JohnRuskin)等英国辩论家希望将这股浪潮推回去。

    Similarly , when mass production became a spring tide in the 19th century , British polemicists such as William Morris and John Ruskin were there to wave it back .

  26. 当前中国,正处于城市化加速发展时期,在加入WTO之后更加融入全球经济一体化的浪潮中,并且市场化改革的领域进一步拓宽,这些都是城市经营理念在中国迅速传播的时代背景。

    China is experiencing the accelerating urbanization and China further melts into the tide of globalization after joining WTO , accordingly China is widening the field of market-oriented reformation , and these factors are the background of urban management spread in China .

  27. 玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)因中风去世,享年87岁,在世界各地引发了一阵哀悼浪潮。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。

    Margaret Thatcher , Britain 's longest-serving and only woman prime minister , has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke , prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe .

  28. 为适应世界性区域经济一体化的浪潮,日本制定了FTA战略,确定优先与东盟建立自由贸易区的目标。

    With the trend of regional economic integration in the world range , Japan has made the FTA strategy with the priority to establish free trade area ( FTA ) with the ASEAN .

  29. 第五章,根据我国企业RD国际化现状提出我国企业在RD国际化浪潮中应采取的对策建议。第六章,对全文给出结论并指出不足。

    The fifth chapter puts forward some suggestions and measures that China should be introduced in the internationalization tide of R D according to the current situations of Chinese enterprises in R D. The last chapter is the conclusion and the shortage of the essay .

  30. 然而,随着股票市场受一波大型企业交易浪潮的抬升而屡创新高,更多的经济学家转而认为,美国经济的强劲程度足以承受更高的利率。美联储(FederalReserve)预计将在今年提高利率。

    Still , as equity markets hit new highs , lifted by a wave of large-scale corporate deal making , more economists are coming around to the view that the American economy is strong enough to absorb an expected increase in interest rates this year by the Federal Reserve .