
  • 网络ACER;LENOVO;htc
  1. 在英国花179英镑可以买到大部分宏基AspireOne基本型号,而在美国大约要花300美元。

    The most basic model of the Acer Aspire One can be found for ? 179 in Britain and around $ 300 in America .

  2. 宏基要负担行销费用,而OEM对此却不必担心。

    Acer was charged for marketing expenses , which OEMs are not concerned with .

  3. AcingtheComputerBusiness“宏”鹄之志今天宏基在全球市场的竞争力毋庸置疑。

    There is little doubt todaywhether or not Acer can compete in the global marketplace .

  4. 这种方法通过限制Femtocell用户的最大发射功率来保证宏基站用户达到预设的信干噪比(SINR:SignaltoInterferenceplusNoiseRatio)要求,此方法只需要求一次均衡,算法复杂度低。

    This method protects the SINR ( signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio ) of user in Macrocell with low complexity by limiting the maximum transmit power of Femtocell users .

  5. 他们也正与苹果(Apple)展开竞争——借助平板/笔记本电脑,以及新的“超级本”:宏基的AspireS7超级本厚12毫米,而苹果MacBook则厚17毫米。

    and new ultrabooks-Acer 's Aspire S7 ultrabook is 12mm thick compared with the MacBook 's 17mm .

  6. 戴尔的Latitude3330和宏基的AspireV3都是售价在700美元以下的不错选择。

    Dell 's Latitude 330 and Acer 's Aspire V3 are both good choices under $ 700 .

  7. 这种宏基产品内置网络摄像头,把它当作如Skype一样的视频电话服务是很理想的。

    The Acer has a built-in webcam , which makes it ideal for video-calling services such as Skype .

  8. 上海世博园区TD-LTE宏基站天馈系统布置策略研究

    Study of Feed System Disposing Tactic of TD-LTE Macro Site in Shanghai World EXPO Park

  9. 当时,和纯外销的原始设备制造商(OEM)相比,宏基显得效率不高,运作缺乏灵活性。

    At that time , Acer appeared to be inefficient and inflexible in comparison with the purely export-oriented original equipment manufacturers ( OEM ) .

  10. 宏基低端的AspireOne上网本与Android操作系统的结合,同时反映出智能手机和电脑之间的界线进一步模糊。Android最初是设计用于手机的。

    The marriage of Acer 's low-end Aspire One netbook with the Android operating system , originally designed for mobile phones , also reflects a continued blurring of the lines between smartphones and computers .

  11. 宏基(Acer)增长迅速的台湾竞争对手将取代联想成为2012年伦敦夏季奥运会的官方IT赞助商。

    Acer , a fast-growing Taiwanese rival , will take Lenovo 's place as official IT sponsor of the London summer games in 2012 .

  12. 宏基还没有公布新款aspire系列的定价细节,但它将属于苹果主导的高利润的高端品类。

    Acer has not released pricing details for the new aspire , but it will be in the high-margin premium category dominated by apple .

  13. 第一个方法―也是最好的方法―就是从电脑厂商的官网上购买一台Windows7台式电脑或笔记本电脑,这些厂商包括宏基(Acer)、戴尔(Dell)、惠普(Hewlett-Packard)和联想(Lenovo)。

    The first and best choice is to buy a Windows 7 laptop or desktop from select manufacturer websites , including Acer , Dell , Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo .

  14. 谷歌发布了两种模型,三星5和宏基chromebook。

    Google has announced two models , the Samsung Series 5 and the Acer chromebook .

  15. ,但是宏基站的3G信号在穿透建筑物墙壁时传输损耗和空间损耗较大,因此室内会有3G信号覆盖不到的地方,这样会使通信质量受到影响,甚至会导致通信的中断。

    But the 3G signal of the micro base station will encounter a loss when it penetrates the wall of the building , which will influence the communication quality and even result in the discontinuity of the communication .

  16. 消费者应能受益,但在等待用户决定到底要什么之际,生产商可能很难获利。宏基还没有公布新款Aspire系列的定价细节,但它将属于苹果主导的高利润的高端品类。

    Consumers should benefit , but makers may struggle to profit as they wait for users to decide what they want.Acer has not released pricing details for the new Aspire ,

  17. 最流行的型号,包括三星公司的NC10、大部分华硕Eee系列、MSI的Wind和宏基的AspireOne,都采用了英特尔的Atom作为中央处理器。

    Most current models , including Samsung 's NC10 , much of the Asus Eee range , the MSI Wind and the Acer Aspire One , use Intel 's Atom as their central processor .

  18. 至于我的情况下,我有一个宏基笔记本电脑具有内置的DVD-RW驱动器。

    As for my case , I have an Acer laptop with built-in DVD-RW drive .

  19. 东芝(Toshiba)、联想(Lenovo)、华硕(Asus)、宏基(Acer)等厂商今年秋天都将先后推出自己的Ultrabook超级笔记本,不过这些厂商也都面临着一些难以克服的困难。

    But manufacturers like Toshiba , Lenovo , ASUS and Acer all of which roll out ultrabooks this fall have plenty of obstacles that may be difficult to overcome .

  20. 如果你只需要阅读邮件、浏览网页的话,那么宏基的C720型Chromebook就非常强大了,并且它的售价只有200美元。

    If you just need email and the Web , Acer 's C720 Chromebook is plenty powerful -- and only costs $ 200 .

  21. 今年将是宏基奋起反击的一年,其它正竭力追赶平板电脑潮流的PC生产商也是如此。他们正押注于微软Windows8,该操作系统将于今年晚些时候发布。

    This is Acer 's fightback year , as it is for other PC makers who have struggled to catch up with the popularity of tablets.They are betting on Microsoft 's Windows 8 , due for release later this year.They are also taking the battle to Apple with laptops that become tablets ,

  22. 他表示现有的大部分游戏机,包括任天堂和Xbox,都是封闭和专有的系统。但是基于开放标准的宏基设备将提供全新的极富创造性的应用。

    Wong said that , beyond " openness ," all of the Acer-branded systems being eyed right now , including the game machine , are envisioned as offering new and innovative form factors and applications .

  23. 不同于之前由三星(Samsung)、宏基(Acer)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)等厂商制造的Chromebook,Pixel完全是谷歌的产品,虽然它是由亚洲的一家签约制造商组装的。

    Unlike prior Chromebooks , which were made by the likes of Samsung , Acer , and Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) , the Pixel is entirely a Google product , though it is being assembled by a contract manufacturer in Asia .

  24. 据台湾IT网站DigiTimes报道,宏基、联想、东芝和华硕四厂商首批推出的Ultrabook笔记本总数可能不足5万台,虽说是投石探路,但石头太小,也不足以让公众的认知产生波澜。

    According to DIGITIMES , Acer , Lenovo , Toshiba and Asustek may produce less than 50,000 units , too conservative to really make a dent in public awareness .

  25. 宏基站就是WiMAX无线城域网的应用之一。论文研究来源于中兴通讯有限公司WiMAX宏基站项目,该项目根据802.16e标准开发宏基站,为用户提供高速稳定的通信服务。

    WiMAX Acer station is one of the wireless metropolitan area network applications . A research paper is from ZTE WiMAX Acer Limited Station project , which developed under the 802.16e standard Acer stations , to provide users with stable high-speed communications services .

  26. 按照宏基(Acer)总裁翁建仁(JimWong)的说法,消费者并不知道自己要什么。他相信解决该问题是供应商的责任。从本周规模巨大的台北国际电脑展(Computex)亮相的产品范围看,行业也不太确定。

    Consumers do not know what they want , according to Jim Wong , president of Acer.He believes that it is the supplier 's responsibility to figure that out.Judging by the range of products unveiled at this week 's giant Computex PC show in Taipei , the industry is not very sure either .

  27. 由于它在几秒内启动,所以,与其把这种宏基电脑看作一个迷你笔记本电脑,倒不如把它看作增强型个人数字助理,例如旧式PalmPilot或者Psion,不过有更好的屏幕和适用的键盘,这样才可能恰如其分。

    Because it boots up in a few seconds , rather than thinking of the Acer as a mini laptop it might make more sense to view it as a beefed-up personal digital assistant , such as an old PalmPilot or Psion , but with a better screen and a proper keyboard .

  28. 此外,宏基还因存货周转率低而屡遭批评。

    Acer was also criticized for its slow inventory turnover .

  29. 他们将派宏基美国办公室的要求,得到他们的认可。

    They will send requirement to Acer US office to get their approval .

  30. 宏基拒绝进一步就其新产品的定价策略发表置评。

    Acer declined to comment further on its pricing strategy for the new product .