
  • 网络macroeconomy risk;macroeconomic risk
  1. 后工业时代宏观经济风险凸显诱发了宏观经济安全理念产生,并使其成为经济法安全理念的重要内核。

    Macroeconomy risk in late industry time induced the safety theory of macroeconomy to happen , and made it the major part of the safety theory of economy law .

  2. 第三,印度必须证明自己不会出现重大的宏观经济风险,尤其是过度财政赤字、融入全球金融体系时管理不善,以及更长期国内信贷失控的风险。

    Third , India must proof itself against big macroeconomic risks , particularly from excessive fiscal deficits , ill-managed integration with the global financial system and , in the longer run , out-of-control domestic credit .

  3. 增长与调控从时间上讲是相互分离的两个过程,低利率与负利率是这个过程的副产品,客观上起到了缓解信贷偿还压力和减少宏观经济风险的目的。

    In this process , inflation and interest rate control are the by-products of economy growth .

  4. 进而对安徽省商业银行规避宏观经济风险的能力进行检验。

    Therefore , we can make a test on capacity of eluding macro-economy risk for commercial bank of AnHui province .

  5. 信用风险包括借款人风险和开发商风险,市场风险包括宏观经济风险、利率风险和提前还款风险,操作风险包括银行经营管理风险和法律风险。

    Credit risk includes borrower risk and developer risk . Market risk includes macroeconomic risk , interest risk and early repayment risk .

  6. 一支股票的期望风险溢价受因素或者宏观经济风险的影响;它不会受独有风险的影响。

    The expected risk premium on a stock is affected by factor or macroeconomic risk ; it is not affected by unique risk .

  7. 本文选取宏观经济风险、汇率风险、价格风险、目标市场经营性风险和支付性风险为研究对象。

    The objectives of the thesis are macro economy risks , exchange rate risks , price risks , target market risks , payment risks .

  8. 资源型城市产业结构比较单一,抵御宏观经济风险的能力比较弱,而且随着资源的枯竭,资源型城市转型问题显得越来越突出。

    Thanks to quite unitary industrial structure , quite weak ability of resistance to macro-economic risk , and resources depletion , transformation of the resource-based city is becoming more and more prominent .

  9. 总的来讲,企业可能面临的风险有:技术风险,市场风险,财务风险,经营管理风险,信用风险,宏观经济风险。

    Generally speaking , risks that enterprises are likely to face in the future operation include technology risk , marketplace risk , finance risk , management risk , credit risk , and macro-economy risk .

  10. 这使新兴市场变得很有意思,因为你得到了增量息差(与发达国家相比较高的利率),而实际上承担了较小的宏观经济风险。

    This makes emerging markets interesting because you 're picking up incremental spread [ higher interest rates compared with developed world rates ] , and in return you 're actually taking less macroeconomic risk .

  11. 本文通过因子分析法研究我国金融风险的来源,结论表明,导致金融风险的主要因素是宏观经济风险、金融市场风险和企业融资风险;

    This paper studies the source of financial risk in our country by the method of factor analysis . The conclusion indicates that the main factors causing financial risk are macroeconomic risk , financial market risk and financing risk of enterprises ;

  12. 上述原因所造成的地方政府投融资冲动带来了很多风险,包括:因为债务违约可能造成的地方政府信用风险和道德风险,融资规模过大可能引起的财政风险,地方金融风险和宏观经济风险等。

    The other main reason is excessive usage of state-owned banks of local governments . The above reasons caused the local government investment and financing impulse will bring a lot of risk , including credit risk and moral hazard caused by the local government debt default .

  13. 第四章,重点讨论国际资本流动下的国家经济安全问题。主要讨论国际资本流动中的宏观经济风险,以及国际资本流动与泡沫经济、经济动荡、金融危机、经济周期和债务危机的关系。

    I discuss national economic safety under conditions of international capital flow in Chapter IV. I chiefly discuss macro-economic risk under conditions of international capital flow , and the relation between international capital flow and bubble economy , economic turbulence , financial crisis , economic cycle and debt crisis .

  14. 还是会加剧宏观经济运行风险?

    Will intensify the macro economic movement risk ?

  15. 作为对众多文献的补充,从贷款企业非财务风险因素、银行风险因素和宏观经济环境风险因素三个方面进行了信用风险因素分析,完善了商业银行信用风险评估指标体系。

    This paper analyses the credit risk from three respects respectively : enterprise factors , bank 's own risk condition and macroeconomics , which is hoped to better the index system of the credit risk evaluation of commercial banks .

  16. 东部发达地区主要有四个方面的结构性问题:一是自主创新能力不足;二是能源、资源、环境压力骤增;三是城镇居民收入差距急剧拉大;四是宏观经济运行风险系数加大。

    Eastern region has four main aspects of the structural problems : First , lack of capacity of independent innovation ; the second is surging pressure of the energy , resources , and environmental ; Third , rapid urban income gap widening ; Fourth , increased macroeconomic risk factor .

  17. 就像经验丰富的基金经理长期以来采用夏普比率(sharpe)投资回报与相关风险的比率来衡量绩效一样,政策制定者必须学会对宏观经济表现进行风险调整。

    Just as sophisticated fund managers have long measured their performance by some version of the Sharpe ratio returns divided by the risks taken to generate them so policy makers must learn to risk-adjust macroeconomic performance .

  18. 近期股市价格走势与宏观经济协调性风险分析

    Harmony and risk analysis of stock price trend and macroeconomic nowadays

  19. 可能对许多中低收入国家的宏观经济稳定构成风险。

    Could pose risks to macroeconomic stability in a number of low and middle-income countries , it said .

  20. 我国证券市场存在过度投机、市场走势与宏观经济背离、风险结构失衡等问题。

    Chinese Security Market has some problems of the excessive speculation , the divergence between stock market prices and macro-economy as well as the off-balance in risk structure etc.

  21. 宏观经济预测、财政风险评估与财政风险控制决策研究

    Study on Macro Economy Forecast , Public Finance Risk Evaluation and Public Finance Risk Control Decision

  22. 分析师预计,随着客户在不确定的宏观经济环境下缩减风险敞口,欧洲投行的收入将有同等程度的下降。

    Analysts expect European investment banks to report similar declines as clients scale back risk exposure in an uncertain macroeconomic climate .

  23. 这种区域非对称效应会引起区域经济周期的不同步,造成宏观经济运行的额外风险,甚至可能会扩大地区差距。

    This kind of asymmetric regional effect will lead to the inconsistent regional business cycles , bring additional risk to macroeconomic , and may even enlarge regional differences .

  24. 通过降低抵押品标准,欧洲央行等央行避免了短期灾难,但可能使其资产负债表和宏观经济积聚更大风险,最终违背它们的意图。

    By lowering their collateral standards , central banks such as the ECB have averted short-term disaster but could be defeating their purpose by storing up risks to their balance sheets and the broader economy .

  25. 为了应对大规模、波动不定的资本流动带来的宏观经济或金融稳定风险,在实施必要的宏观经济政策调整的同时,还应采取审慎措施,适当时还可采取资本流动管理措施。

    When dealing with macroeconomic or financial stability risks arising from large and volatile capital flows , the necessary macroeconomic policy adjustment could be supported by prudential measures and , as appropriate , capital flow management measures .

  26. 在研究过程中,本文是以商业银行信贷具有亲周期性为突破口,将信贷的亲周期性作为宏观经济变化与信贷风险的关系的一个桥梁,是本文组成的一个关键。

    In the course of the study , this article is based on that the commercial bank credit has a pro-cyclical , and regard the pro-cyclical of credit as the bridge between the change of the macro-economy and the credit risk , which is a key component of this article .