
  • 网络macroeconomic policy;macro-economic policy;macro economic policy;Macro-Economy Policy
  1. 会议上提出的还是那些惯常讨论的老套话题——宏观经济政策、第三世界债务和环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy , third-world debt and the environment .

  2. 为协调一致的宏观经济政策构建一个灵活的框架,将是g20面临的核心挑战。

    Developing a flexible framework for co-ordinated macroeconomic policy will be a central challenge for the G20 .

  3. 这种划分对于政府制定宏观经济政策促进GDP增长具有重要意义。

    This way of classification is rather significant to government in deciding macro-economic policies to increase GDP .

  4. 最近欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)加强了成员国预算程序和宏观经济政策的控制,在这个方向上取得了一定进步。

    Some steps in that direction were taken recently when the European Council strengthened control of national budgetary processes and on national macroeconomic policies .

  5. 提高imf的合法性,将有助于imf更有效地维持国际金融稳定,推行合理的宏观经济政策,并协助其成员调整国际收支平衡。

    Increasing legitimacy will help make the IMF more effective in maintaining international financial stability , promoting sound macroeconomic policies and assisting with balance of payments adjustment among its members .

  6. 为了抑制国内当前的高房价,我国对房地产实行紧缩的宏观经济政策,这为REITs在国内的推出提供了良好机遇。

    In order to control the current high domestic price of real estate , China apply macroeconomic policies , which provides a good opportunity for the introduction of REITs in China .

  7. 对妇女参与非正式部门的宏观经济政策分析

    Macro-economic Policy Analysis of Women 's Participation in the Informal Sector

  8. 宏观经济政策是否有效&基于理性预期模型的分析

    The effectiveness of macro-economic policies & Based on rational expectations model

  9. 宏观经济政策调整对国防费政策的影响

    Influence of macro economic policy adjustment upon national defense expenditure policy

  10. 宏观经济政策协调的宏大计划以往的结果好坏参半。

    Grand schemes for macroeconomic policy co-ordination have a mixed record .

  11. 作为一种宏观经济政策手段,财政政策遭到抛弃。

    Fiscal policy was discarded as an instrument of macroeconomic policy .

  12. 关于应对金融危机宏观经济政策的思考

    Reflections on the Macroeconomic Policies to Deal with the Financial Crisis

  13. 论对目的犯之教唆和帮助行为泰国宏观经济政策决策分析

    On the Action of Instigator and Assistant Thailand 's Macroeconomic Policymaking

  14. 政府将继续保持稳定和持续的宏观经济政策。

    The government would maintain the stability and continuity of macro-economic .

  15. 主权财富基金、宏观经济政策协调与金融稳定

    Sovereign Wealth Funds , Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Financial Stability

  16. 而税收政策又是国家宏观经济政策中的主要政策。

    Tax policy is a policy of national macroeconomic policies .

  17. 我国经济紧缩时期的宏观经济政策反思

    Reflection on the Macro-economic Policies Adopted in the Periods of Economic Tightening

  18. 利润极大化应为国有商业银行的首要经营目标&兼析国有商业银行追求利润与贯彻政府宏观经济政策之间的关系

    Profit-Maximization & the Prime Objective of the State-owned Commercial Banks

  19. 如果宏观经济政策方面,并在同一时间的底部,这将是更好的。

    It will be added to the bottom of the right-hand side .

  20. 二十世纪九十年代日本宏观经济政策:特点及其评价

    Japanese Macro Economic Policy in the 1990 's : Characteristics and Evaluation

  21. 宏观经济政策能够引起严重轻视农业的倾向。

    Macroeconomic Policies can introduce a severe bias against agriculture .

  22. 中国经济发展的主要矛盾及宏观经济政策取向

    The Main Contradictions in China 's Economic Development and the Macro-economic Policy

  23. 当前经济衰退的性质与宏观经济政策选择

    The Nature of the Current Economic Recession and the Option of Macro-economic Policies

  24. 关于当前我国宏观经济政策的分析

    Analysis of the Current Policy of Macroeconomy in China

  25. 论文指出需要在进一步推进与完善体制改革的基础上,科学地使用多种宏观经济政策才能达到标本兼治的效果;

    Which need deepen economic reform and use multi macro economic policy scientific .

  26. 国际宏观经济政策协调与经济主权问题

    International Macro - economic Policies Coordination and Economic Sovereignty

  27. 现代市场经济离不开宏观经济政策协同配合的调节作用。

    Modern market economy needs adjustment function of macro - economy policies cooperation .

  28. 尽管如此,日本的宏观经济政策却一直保持着紧缩性。

    Even so , macroeconomic policy has remained contractionary .

  29. 需要保持宏观经济政策(包括汇率政策)的稳健性。

    Macroeconomic policies , including exchange rate policies , need to be sound .

  30. 所有这些对于宏观经济政策意味着什么呢?

    What does all this say about macroeconomic policy ?