
  • 网络exchange rate policy;exchange policy
  1. 独立评估办公室是IMF的内部监督机构,该机构对1999年到2005年间IMF为30个国家提供的汇率政策建议进行了调查研究。

    The internal monitor 's report surveyed the fund 's exchange rate policy advice to 30 countries between 1999 and 2005 .

  2. IMF独立评估办公室表示,该组织需要对其工作重心进行重大调整,以弥补它在汇率政策建议方面的效力缺口。

    The IMF 's independent evaluation office said the fund needed a major refocus of efforts to remedy an effectiveness gap in the IMF 's advice on exchange rate policy .

  3. 加入WTO后人民币汇率政策的选择与操作

    The Adoption and Operation of the Renminbi Exchange Policy after China Joining in the WTO

  4. 中国已采取巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)所称的建设性举措,放弃人民币盯住美元的汇率政策。

    China has taken what Barack Obama called the constructive step of abandoning the renminbi 's peg against the US dollar .

  5. 面对美国要求其改变汇率政策的压力,假如中国继续保持强硬立场,几乎可以肯定,此事将提交国际贸易组织(wto)处理。

    If China continues to stand firm in the face of US pressure for policy change , the case will almost certainly go to the World Trade Organisation .

  6. 昨日他对路透社(reuters)表示,汇率政策的任何变化,都将只是“渐进和可控的”。

    He told Reuters yesterday that any shift in currency policy would only be " gradual and controlled " .

  7. 稳定的汇率政策通过促进出口、FDI和提高财政政策的有效性来调节内部经济,成为我国经济增长的关键因素。

    Stable exchange rate has improved the export , FDI and the efficiency of China 's expansionary fiscal policy , which help China 's economic growth greatly .

  8. 中国似乎也说服G20与会者相信,中国有意在未来更清楚地传达其经济和汇率政策。

    China also appears to have persuaded G20 participants that it intends to communicate its economic and currency policies more clearly in future .

  9. IMF执行董事会的24名成员意见不一,将减弱要求中国进一步升值人民币的压力。此前中国已在6月份放弃盯住美元的汇率政策。

    The disagreement among the 24-member board weakens the pressure on China further to revalue the renminbi after it abandoned its peg to the dollar in June .

  10. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)对这项协议表示欢迎,但表示世界仍需要“建立针对汇率政策的更强有力的规范”。

    Welcoming the agreement , Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , said the world still needed to " establish stronger norms for exchange rate policies " .

  11. 这位官员表示,IMF将以更客观的尺度评价汇率政策,因此,在成员国是否真正履行其义务的问题上,我们现在应当更加直率。

    With more objective metrics for judging currency policy , the official said , logically we ought to be more explicit now in terms of whether members are actually meeting their obligations .

  12. 他们称,现行的(人民币)汇率政策已经过时,而且“违反了国际货币基金组织(imf)和世贸组织的原则,从而对全球贸易体系构成了严重威胁”。

    They said existing currency policies were out of date and " pose a serious threat to the global trading system by violating the principles of the International Monetary Fund and the WTO " .

  13. 中国昨日警告其它大型经济体,不要把20国集团(G20)多伦多峰会当成批评中国汇率政策的平台,此举可能是一种先发制人的摊牌。

    China tried to pre-empt a potential showdown at the upcoming G20 summit yesterday when it warned the other large economies not to use the Toronto meeting as a platform to criticise its currency policy .

  14. 日本礼貌但尖锐地呼吁韩国和中国对汇率政策负责任,突显出下月首尔20国集团(G20)峰会之前,在汇率问题上日益紧张的国际局势。

    Japan 's polite but pointed call for currency responsibility from South Korea and China has highlighted growing international tensions over exchange rates ahead of a summit of the G20 leading economies in Seoul next month .

  15. IMF重申支持中国采取更为灵活的汇率政策,但该机构表示,这必须与促进中国经济增长、并为全球经济再平衡作出贡献(无论这种贡献多么有限)的改革方案结合起来。

    The fund reiterated its support for a more flexible renminbi , but said that it needed to be part of a package of reforms to increase Chinese growth and contribute , however modestly , to rebalancing the global economy .

  16. 花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家彭垦表示,希腊问题引发的市场不确定性,给中国带来了一个改革汇率政策的“独特机遇”,因为外界对升值幅度的预期已大幅降低。

    Ken Peng , an economist at Citigroup , said market uncertainty about Greece gave China a " unique opportunity " to reform its currency policy because expectations about the size of any appreciation had reduced considerably .

  17. 近日,美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)和美国贸易代表苏珊•施瓦布(SusanSchwab)纷纷表态,批评中国的贸易、经济和汇率政策。

    In recent days Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary , and Susan Schwab , the US trade representative , have both made statements admonishing China over its trade , economic and currency policies .

  18. 强调中国应该尊重(imf应该执行)公认的国际汇率政策行为准则并不是“抨击中国”,而是在致力于一个有助于市场向所有国家保持开放的体系。

    Insisting that China respect and that the IMF enforce the agreed international code of conduct on exchange rate policy is not " China bashing " ; it is instead investing in a system that helps to keep markets open for all countries .

  19. IMF在提供汇率政策建议方面的角色,是建立在其一系列正式义务基础上的,但评估办公室的报告发现,汇率监督的游戏规则并不明确,对于IMF和其成员国来说均是如此。

    The IMF 's role in providing exchange rate policy advice is based on a set of formal obligations but the report found that the rules of the game for exchange rate surveillance are unclear , both for the IMF and the member countries .

  20. 美国将寻求利用将要在韩国首尔召开的20国集团(g20)会议,对中国施压,要求其放松汇率政策,中国汇率政策也已招致其它多个g20国家的抱怨。

    The US will seek to use the forthcoming meeting of the G20 countries in Seoul , South Korea , to put pressure on China to loosen its exchange rate policy , which has also drawn complaints from several other G20 nations .

  21. 雷德克表示,g20会议在汇率政策上达成的积极解决方案,将会对外汇市场产生巨大影响允许美元对那些它本该贬值的货币(即亚洲货币)贬值。

    Mr Redeker said a positive solution over currency policy at the G20 meeting would have a huge impact on currency markets , allowing the dollar to weaken against those currencies it should have weakened against in the first place , namely Asian currencies .

  22. 罗纳德麦金农(ronaldmckinnon)会认为,政府在推行一项合理的汇率政策,以此作为一个货币锚定手段,而国际收支盈余过剩完全是储蓄过剩的结果。

    Ronald McKinnon would argue that the state is pursuing a rational policy of fixing exchange rates , as a monetary anchor , while the balance of payments surpluses are simply the result of excess savings .

  23. 基金公司BridgewaterAssociates创始人和首席财务官戴利奥表示,实际上,长期解决方法将涉及汇率政策--比如中国人民币升值--以解决美国的贸易失衡问题。

    Rather , Mr Dalio , founder and chief investment officer of money manager Bridgewater Associates , said the longer-term solution would involve currency policies - such as a revaluation of the Chinese renminbi - to address the US 's trade imbalance .

  24. 国会处在保护主义的位置上密切关注着中国的固定汇率政策,对于中国出资购买美两家著名公司-UNOCAL、MAYTAG也感到紧张。

    Congress is in a protectionist lather about China 's fixed exchange-rate regime and the country 's bids to buy two of America 's best-known companies , Unocal and Maytag ( see article ) .

  25. 关税和汇率政策配合与宏观经济均衡研究

    Tariffs and exchange rate policy research of the balance of macroeconomy

  26. 不过,中国汇率政策将如何演变,目前还远未明朗。

    Yet how the policy will evolve is much less clear .

  27. 结论是,亚洲汇率政策完全是有理性的。

    The conclusion is that Asian exchange-rate policy is perfectly rational .

  28. 人民币汇率政策信誉分析

    The Analysis of the Credibility of the RMB Exchange Rate Policy

  29. 从微观视角看我国汇率政策选择

    Chinese choice of exchange rate policy : from the microeconomic perspective

  30. 国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策

    On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System