
huì piào dānɡ shì rén
  • The parties to the bill of exchange;party to a draft;accommodation party
  1. 汇票当事人对汇票支付的货币种类另有约定的,从其约定。

    Where the parties to a bill of exchange have agreed otherwise regarding the type of currency in payment , such agreement shall be complied with .

  2. 在其他情况下,为使汇票之任何当事人负责,并非必须提示承兑。

    In other cases , for the bills of any party responsible , not have to prompt acceptance .

  3. 票据持有人仍有收取付款之权利,并可向该汇票之其他当事人执行其权利。

    The drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill , and to enforce it against any other party thereto .

  4. 在同样情形下,如执票人或其代理人故意注销任何须对汇票负责之当事人之签名,则该当事人对汇票之责任亦告解除。

    In like manner , any party liable on a bill may be discharged by the intentional cancellation of his signature by the holder or his agent .

  5. 当汇票到期时有责任付款给在汇票上被指定当事人的接受银行支票或汇票的人(或机构)。

    The person ( or institution ) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures .

  6. 如两名或两名以上的人为不同之当事人提供支付汇票之票款,则就该项付款能解除最多的汇票当事人责任者为享有优先权。

    If two or more people to pay the bill for parties different from the ticketed , then for the payment of the bill can be lifted up to the party responsible for the given priority .

  7. 凡在一个国家开立之汇票在另一国家流通转让、承兑或支付,汇票各当事人之权利、义务及责任应决定如下

    " Where a bill drawn in one country is negotiated , accepted , or payable in another , the rights , duties , and liabilities of the parties thereto are determined as follows & "

  8. 执票人可于汇票到期日以前、到期日,或到期日以后以同样方式放弃汇票应由当事人对其负担之责任;

    The liabilities of any party to a bill may in like manner be renounced by the holder before , at , or after its maturity ;