
  • 网络exchange rate pass-through;pass-through;ERPT;exchange rate pass through
  1. 这种汇率传递效应程度高是符合小型开放型经济体的理论假设和实证的结果,还有也可能与市场定价(PTM)效应有关。

    The high magnitude of the exchange rate pass-through results are consistent with the assumption and experiences of small , open economies , and might also be in part a consequence of low pricing-to-market ( PTM ) effects .

  2. 人民币汇率传递对中国出口商品结构的影响

    The Influence of RMB Exchange Rate Pass-through on China 's Export Commodity Structure

  3. 本文通过对基于PTM模型的人民币汇率传递研究来分析汇率,尤其是升值政策对调节贸易收支的有效性问题。

    The paper discusses the effectiveness of exchange rate policy , especially exchange rate appreciation , to adjust the international trade balance from the perspective of RMB pass-through based on the PTM ( pricing-to-market ) model .

  4. 国际价格竞争与人民币汇率传递的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on International Price Competition and Exchange Rate Pass-through

  5. 汇率传递的经济增长效应研究

    Effects of Exchange Rate Transitivity on China 's Economic Growth

  6. 汇率传递与企业生产控制模式、出口商品定价策略研究

    Production Controlled Model , Exchange Rate Pass-through and Pricing Strategy

  7. 不完全汇率传递研究

    Study on Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass - through

  8. 美元定价、汇率传递与美元贬值对东亚经济的冲击

    Dollar Invoicing , Exchange Rate Pass-through and Dollar Depreciation 's Impact on East Asia

  9. 人民币升值后的汇率传递效应与贸易结构调整

    Exchange Rate Pass-through Effect and Trade Structure Adjustment on the Background of RMB Appreciation

  10. 贸易模式与不完全汇率传递&基于扩展的古诺模型的解释

    Trade Patterns and Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-through : Explanations based on an Extended Cournot Model

  11. 理论分析从不同的角度探讨了汇率传递不完全的原因。

    The theoretical analysis has discussed the exchange rate transmission incomplete reason from the different angle .

  12. 另外各分类出口品的汇率传递系数不同,即各分类出口品价格的上升幅度不尽相同,表明各出口品在欧洲市场上的竞争力是不同的。

    And the prices of classified exports rise to different extent , which is to say that the competitiveness of each export in European market is different .

  13. 向量误差修正模型的检验结果表明,中国进口商品的汇率传递是不完全的,而且传递程度在短期与长期有显著不同,外国厂商的生产成本对我国进口商品价格的影响更高一些。

    Tests of Vector Error Correction Model indicate that the exchange rate pass through of import commodities is incomplete and the extent is different between short and long period .

  14. 汇率传递(主要表现为不完全汇率传递)大小是分析汇率变动与实体经济联结的重要环节。

    The size of exchange rate pass-through ( mainly for incomplete exchange rate pass-through ) is essential to the analysis of the link between exchange rate and the real economy .

  15. 汇率传递根本上就是企业在面对汇率变化时对价格策略所做的一个选择,这与企业的定价策略密切关联。

    Exchange rate pass a fundamental change in the exchange rate is the business in the face of pricing strategy when a choice made , which is closely linked to corporate pricing strategy .

  16. 近年来相对稳健的货币政策降低了通货膨胀环境,并且确实由此改变了这几年的汇率传递效应,这恰好验证了泰勒规则在我国的存在性。

    In recent years , relatively stable monetary policy reduces inflation environment , and actually changed the effective of exchange rate pass-through past few years , this is just the evidence Taylor rule exists in china .

  17. 而后通过人民币汇率传递的商品结构效应、国别效应、滞后效应以及非对称性等方面来较为详细的分析了人民币汇率的传递效应。

    Then a more detailed analysis of the RMB exchange rate pass-through effect is researched , such as the RMB exchange rate pass-through commodity structure effect , country effects , hysteresis , and nonlinear and threshold effects .

  18. 我国商品出口价格存在不完全汇率传递现象,而且存在时滞,汇率变动的传递程度在短期和长期也是不同的,且都是不完全传递。

    Our country merchandise exports price existence incomplete exchange rate transmission phenomenon , and time-lagged , the exchange rate change transmission degree in the short-term and is also for a long time different , and not completely transmits .

  19. 虽然国内关于人民币汇率传递的问题研究很多,不过汇率传递的多层面角度来研究人民币汇率传递效应大小及趋势变化却在少数。

    Although there have been many studies on the issue of the RMB exchange rate pass-through , but the research of exchange rate pass multi-level point of view to study the effect size and trends of the RMB exchange rate pass-through are very little .

  20. 综合其他学者的研究和我们的分析,我们发现发达国家的PTM主要通过控制劳动力成本,规模经济和出口筛选机制来转移汇率不完全传递带来的成本问题。

    Based on the past studies and our analysis , we find that developed countries switch the cost by labor cost control , economy of scale and exports screening mechanisms .

  21. 紧接着本章介绍汇率不完全传递的宏观理论基础的五个方面。

    Then this section states five macro bases of incomplete exchange rate pass-through theory .

  22. 人民币汇率变化及其传递对中国外贸平衡影响的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of the Influence of RMB Exchange Rate on China 's Trade Balance

  23. 此外,在金融危机时期,通货膨胀水平较低且稳定,汇率的价格传递效应也会降低。

    In times of financial crisis , inflation is low and stable , so the price of the exchange rate pass-through effect will be reduced .

  24. 从而表明人民币升值对国内物价水平的影响是不显著的,名义有效汇率的总体传递效应较小。

    Hence the impact of the appreciation of the RMB on the domestic price level is not significant and overall , the nominal effective exchange rate pass-through is small .

  25. 基于我国经济现状,我们将人民币汇率不完全传递的效应大小及变化趋势作为本文研究的主题,试图在研究的过程中对我国的汇率传递效应做出解释。

    Based on our current economic situation , effect size and trend of the RMB exchange rate is not completely passed as a theme for this study to try to explain this issue in the course of the study .

  26. 汇率的价格传递效应在不同的通货膨胀环境中存在显著差异,低通货膨胀时期,汇率对进口价格的传递效应增加,但对消费者价格传递效应则减小了。

    There is significant difference in the degree of exchange rate pass-through under different inflation environment , the pass-through into import price increased in the period with relative high inflation rate , but in the era with relative high inflation the pass-through into consumer price declined .

  27. 汇率对出口价格传递率的经验研究:以1971~2003年的日本为例

    Pass Through of Exchange Rate to Export Price : A Case Study of Japan from 1971 to 2003

  28. 本文从理论视角描述了汇率对出口价格传递机制:在进口的投入品比例高时,或出口产品与外国产品相似、竞争激烈时,出口变化对汇率的变动不敏感。

    This paper introduced a model of export price pass-through of exchange rate , which showed that the more imported input the export goods consist of , or the more substitutions the export goods face to , the more insensitive export is to exchange rate variability .

  29. 由于汇率升值综合症和汇率传递效应的存在,浮动汇率安排也不能避免通货紧缩的国际传染。第六,通货紧缩是一种经济周期性现象。

    With the existence of appreciation syndrome and exchange rate passing through effect , the flexible exchange rate regimes could not be immune from contagion effect of deflation either . 6 . Global deflationary trend is a cyclical economic phenomena .

  30. 并以人民币汇率为例,估计了汇率传递效应决定模型中相关变量的取值,计算了人民币汇率传递效应水平。

    Take RMB as an example , I estimated the value of variables in the model , and calculated the level of RMB exchange rate pass-through .