- 网络currency manipulator

Mitt Romney has a ' Confront China ' policy and says he 'll declare China a currency manipulator if he 's elected president .
Strong pressure was building in the US Congress to label China a currency manipulator , which would have resulted in more formal trade sanctions and a hearing before the World Trade Organisation .
Tim Geithner , treasury secretary , has repeatedly underlined in public the limited gains from thus naming Beijing .
Tim Geithner , the current Treasury secretary , has a damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don 't choice facing him in mid-April , when he is required to pronounce on whether China is a currency manipulator .
The sighs of relief did not just come from Tim Geithner at the US Treasury , who was facing a querulous Congress and increasing pressure to label China a " currency manipulator " .
In terms of " when " , the visit of US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to Beijing and his decision to delay a report to Congress on whether to label China as a currency manipulator has raised expectations .
Many would like to see China labelled a currency manipulator and some are displeased at the failure to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement , both things which Mr Obama pledged in 2008 , then dropped .
Should the US at last declare China a currency manipulator ?
Hopefully it won 't name China a currency manipulator .
The joint study will undermine calls in the us to label China a currency manipulator .
The United States has removed China from a list of countries it considers currency manipulators .
Is China a currency manipulator ?
US legislation requires only that the administration starts negotiations with any country it so designates .
The decision whether to label China a currency manipulator is ultimately one for the White House .
The same applies to China , which Mr Romney has promised to brand a currency manipulator .
Mr Romney has promised to brand China a currency manipulator on my first day in office .
Mr Obama promises to restrict Chinese imports ; Mr Romney wants to declare Beijing a currency manipulator .
After labeling the country as a currency manipulator , Treasury should enter into negotiations with China regarding its foreign exchange regime .
The Trump administration labeled Beijing a currency manipulator last August follows the weakening of the Chinese currency beyond 7 yuan per U.S. dollar .
First , Mr Romney has already pledged to risk a trade war in his first day in office by branding China a currency manipulator .
Mr. Romney has repeatedly said he would designate China a currency manipulator . But Zakheim says Mr. Romney does not see China as a natural enemy .
Trading in renminbi futures came under scrutiny yesterday following a delay to the publication of a US report that was expected to brand China a currency manipulator .
The inescapable conclusion is that we should stop pestering the Chinese with calls for appreciation and threats of designating them as currency manipulators , as many in Washington plot to do .
Recently , RMB / USD exchange rate was a topic to people because of that USA wanted to classify China as exchange rate controlling country . So to research exchange rate is meaningful .
Mr Romney has promised he would declare China a currency manipulator the day he arrives in the White House , which he says would allow him to impose tariffs on selected Chinese imports .
We have seen this film before . The US Congress is threatening a trade war to punish currency manipulators , those it deems to be boosting their trade balance artificially at the expense of America .
Those who wish to see application of these principles to more recent and aggressive currency manipulators than Japan in Asia and beyond require a strong stomach for putting other trade and foreign policy goals in danger .
Both sides have made conciliatory gestures following months of strained relations , with the US delaying a decision on China as a " currency manipulator " and Beijing moving diplomatically with Washington on Iran and nuclear security .
Speaking as Beijing sent a senior official to Washington to ease trade frictions , Chen Deming , commerce minister , said China would not turn a blind eye if labelled a manipulator . I think we will not do nothing .
The US decided to ease off its public pressure on China to allow the renminbi to appreciate by postponing a twice-yearly report , originally due for publication on April 15 , which could have named China as a currency manipulator .