
  • 网络exchange rate index;NEER;CIB-CCI;CIB-CBI
  1. 贸易加权港元汇率指数

    Trade-weighted effective exchange rate index of Hong Kong dollar

  2. 贸易加权有效汇率指数

    Trade-weighted effective exchange rate index

  3. 过去3个月,摩根大通(JPMorgan)新兴市场货币兑美元汇率指数下跌近8%。

    During the past three months , the JPMorgan index of emerging market currencies has fallen by almost 8 per cent against the dollar .

  4. 根据国际清算银行(BIS)公布的人民币名义有效汇率指数来看,从2005年7月至2010年2月,根据贸易权重计算的人民币名义有效汇率累计升值12.55%,人民币实际有效汇率累计升值18.87%。

    According to Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) from July 2005 to February 2010 , under the trade-weighted nominal effective exchange rate , the cumulative appreciation of RMB is 12.55 % , the RMB real effective exchange rate has appreciated 18.87 % .

  5. 实证分析得出,物价指数差(DFCPI)和美元汇率指数(USDI)两个基础变量与人民币实际有效汇率(REER)之间存在协整关系,模型可决系数R平方值为0.93。

    The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .

  6. 从多本位的视角研究货币汇率指数的属性

    On the Property of Currency and Exchange Indices Based on Multi-perspectives

  7. 转型期人民币有效汇率指数的构造及权重的确定

    To Build RMB effective Exchange Rate Index and Weight at the Stage of Economic Model Change in China

  8. 美元实际有效汇率指数有一定消极影响,但程度很小。

    Moreover , the negative effect of real effective exchange rates of the US dollar on unemployment is only minimal .

  9. 进入2003年以后,由于实际有效汇率指数受美元贬值的影响急剧下降,人民币处于相对低估状态。

    After 2003 , because the real effective equilibrium exchange rate was affected by the depreciation of US dollars , RMB was underestimated .

  10. 基于制造业部门的单位劳动成本的实际有效汇率指数被认为是衡量国际竞争力的有用指标。

    Real effective exchange rate indices based on unit labor costs in the manufacturing sector have been considered as the useful indicators of international competitiveness .

  11. 文章在编制了名义有效汇率指数的基础上,再剔除物价因素的影响编制了实际有效汇率指数,物价指标选择的是各国以2005年为基期的居民消费价格指数。

    At the base of having established nominal effective exchange rate index , the article also constructed real effective exchange rate indices , which had excluded the impact of price . Consumer price index was selected .

  12. 幸运的是,国际清算银行(BIS)编制的贸易加权汇率月度指数,提供了一种有用的纠正。

    Thankfully , the Bank for International Settlements provides a useful corrective with its monthly index of trade-weighted exchange rates .

  13. 中国金融市场中汇率和股票指数的关联性

    Linkages between Exchange Rates and Stock Indexes : Evidence from Chinese Financial Markets

  14. 衡量美元兑一篮子竞争货币汇率的美元指数周一早盘上涨0.4%,至91.36,为9年高点。

    The US dollar index , which measures the currency against a basket of rivals , rose 0.4 per cent early on Monday to 91.36 , a nine-year high .

  15. 在本文的理论框架结构中,作者最终选取了中国的经济增长率、利差、人民币汇率和上证指数收益率作为影响因素来进行了实证检验。

    In this paper the theoretical framework of the structure , the author finally selected the Chinese economic growth rates , carry , and the RMB exchange rate and the Shanghai index returns as influence factors to empirically analysed .

  16. 人民币汇率变动对地产指数影响的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Change of RMB Exchange Rate Effecting Real State Index

  17. 定价公式与另一种产品,汇率,利率等指数挂钩。

    Pricing formula is linked to indices of e.g.another product , exchange rates , interest rates .

  18. 通过研究本文发现人民币名义有效汇率对进口价格指数的短期传递效应为-0。

    Research shows that short-term pass-through effect of RMB nominal effective exchange rate to import price index for-0 .

  19. 表明人民币汇率对消费物价指数及经济增长率的影响存在一段时间的滞后效应。

    Show that the RMB exchange rate on the consumer price index and the impact of economic growth for some time lag effect .

  20. 但日本股市上涨的同时,日元在走低,而与美元挂钩的人民币则与美元一同走高。衡量美元对一揽子货币汇率变化的美元指数已创下12年新高。

    But whereas Japanese rallies are correlated with a weakening yen , China 's renminbi is pegged to the US dollar , which has been hitting 12-year highs against a basket of currencies .

  21. 韩国媒体和分析家们也表示谨慎乐观,作为对朝鲜的转变的回应,韩元对美元汇率上升,股市指数也出现上扬。

    South Korean media and analysts were cautiously optimistic , too , and the won currency rose against the dollar in response to the North 's shift and a rising stock market index .

  22. 这是因为许多的经济现象都表现为非线性,常见的有物价指数、人民币汇率、住房价格指数和股票价格指数等。

    One of the reasons is that many of the economic performance are non-linear phenomena , such as the consumer price index , the RMB exchange rate , the housing price index and stock price index .

  23. 本文还在汇率塑性幂指数模型的自回归模型基础上,分别从塑性系数与自回归项系数的变动规律出发,研究其经济意义。

    In addition , based on the Auto Regression Model of the Exchange Rate Plasticity Power Exponent Model , this paper studies the economic significance of the exchange rate separately from the fluctuation rules of the plasticity coefficient and the auto regression coefficient .

  24. 汇率改革政策执行之后,不仅人民币兑美元汇率一路上扬,而且实际有效汇率指数在近年来持续攀升,多次创下汇率改革以来的新高。

    After the implement of exchange rate reformation , not only the exchange rate between the RMB Yuan and US dollar continued to rise , but also the real effective exchange rate has kept going up and hit new peak several times .