
huí ɡòu
  • buy-back;repo;buyback;counterpurchase
  1. 2005年4月和5月间,IBM、诺基亚和摩托罗拉相继宣布了公司在未来回购数十亿美元股票的计划。

    During April and May , 2005 , IBM , Nokia and Motorola announced their respective share buyback plan .

  2. 有一个想法很诱人:一旦美联储(Fed)上调利率,股票回购潮就会停止。

    It is tempting to believe the buyback boom will come to a halt when the US Federal Reserve puts up interest rates .

  3. 公司宣布了一个大量回购股权的方案。

    The company announced an extensive stock buy-back program .

  4. 企业资本结构的改进:每股EVA无差别点论B股回购

    The Improvement Corporate Capital Structure : Economic Value Added Per Share On repurchase of B-share

  5. MF回应说,它从不通过回购市场融资。

    MF said it doesn 't borrow using the repurchase market .

  6. 文章是以案例对如何控制BT项目回购风险加以说明的,这样做的好处是理论联系实际,对其他项目具有不可低估的借鉴价值。

    This dissertation uses cases to illustrate how to control repurchase risk in BT project .

  7. 环球影视(NBCUniversal)正在与微软公司(Microsoft)进行正式谈判,拟回购微软全国有线广播电视公司(MSNBC.com)。

    Nbcuniversal is in serious negotiations with Microsoft to buy back MSNBC .

  8. 随机需求下两级供应链回购协调机制供需双方Stackelberg博弈分析

    Stackelberg Game in a Two-echelon Supply Chain under Buy-back Coordination Mechanism

  9. 具体地说,应要求货币市场基金采取浮动资产净值;2005年对破产法中有关回购协议规定的更改按揭相关资产不受“自动冻结(automaticstay)”条款约束将被逆转。

    Specifically , money market funds should be required to have floating net asset values , and the 2005 change in repo bankruptcy rules that exempted mortgage-related assets from an automatic stay would be reversed .

  10. 但据花旗(citi)估计,必和必拓只需通过回购股票,就能将明年的每股收益(eps)提高10%。

    But BHP could raise earnings per share next year by a tenth simply by buying back shares , on Citi estimates .

  11. 在这里,本文介绍了基于股份回购、投资者关系管理(IRM)和知识管理的价值提升策略。

    The Share Repurchase , Investor Relationship Management and Knowledge Management was introduced in this part .

  12. 美国风险投资退出渠道主要以IPO和并购为主,而德国风险投资主要以股票回购退出为主。

    Compared with the USA venture capital that usually exits by IPO and M & A , the major exit way of Germany venture capital is only Buyout .

  13. 铁路运营商联合太平洋铁路公司(UnionPacific)因为提高基本运价,上季度销售额增加了13%,该公司计划在2014年前回购4000万支公司股票。

    Railroad operator Union Pacific ( unp ) , whose sales rose 13 % in the last quarter because it was able to raise freight prices , plans to acquire 40 million shares by 2014 .

  14. 此外,通过Zynga之前的股票回购,凯鹏华盈还获得了约597万美元的收益。

    This is on top of around $ 5.97 million in stock it previously generated via a share buyback .

  15. 这九个月中,IBM回购这批股票的平均价格约为167美元&根据巴菲特刚刚宣布的数据,他在3月份至11月之间建仓的平均成本与此恰好一样。

    IBM 's cost-per-share for the stock it repurchased in those nine months was about $ 167 & just what Berkshire 's cost is on the facts that Buffett has announced for the March-into-November period .

  16. 在JanaPartners的敦促下,马拉松原油公司也同意在2月份回购20亿美元的股票。

    At Jana partners ' urging , marathon petroleum agreed to buy back $ 2 billion worth of shares in February as well .

  17. 花旗集团的stevenwieting预测,企业红利和股份回购将会在来年出现飙升的场面。

    Steven wieting of Citigroup projects that both dividends and share repurchases will rise sharply next year .

  18. 因此,如何在风险分担的基础上确保回购基价调整的准确性以及合理的投资回报率是BT项目顺利进行的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to ensure the accuracy of the buyback base price on risk-sharing basis and a reasonable return on investment is the key to success of BT project issues .

  19. 这批援助资金的条件是,CIT回购昨日到期的10亿美元债券的招标活动取得成功。

    The rescue funds were contingent on the success of CIT 's tender offer for $ 1bn of its bonds maturing yesterday .

  20. 这些工具包括央行适时使用回购协议(repo),以及由财政部拍卖外汇存款。

    These include the timely use of repurchase agreements ( repos ) by the central bank and the auctioning of foreign exchange deposits by the treasury .

  21. 本部分主要归纳总结了国内外学者在BT回购基本概念及回购总价影响因素、回购基价理论、回购投资回报率等方面的研究成果。

    This section summarizes the major domestic and foreign scholars in the basic concepts of BT repurchase pricing and repo total factors , repurchase price theory , repurchase ROI and other aspects of research results .

  22. 家得宝随后宣布,将进行资本重组,计划(目前仅完成了一半)以出售HDSupply所得资金,通过回购225亿美元股票,向股东返还现金,并计划发行120亿美元债券。

    The retailer then announced it would restructure its capital , with plans currently only half completed to return cash to shareholders by buying back $ 22.5bn in shares , funded by the HD Supply sale and a planned $ 12bn bond issue .

  23. 此外,在今年三月份,他通过公司的股票回购获得了1.1亿美元,当时每股定价实际为13.95美元(高于IPO定价)。

    This is on top of the $ 110 million he received this past March via a share buyback , which actually was priced at $ 13.95 per share ( i.e. , higher than the IPO price ) .

  24. 分析结果表明,无论风险企业是否达到IPO退出条件,风险投资家和风险企业之间是否签订回购协议以及回购协议中约定的违约费用的大小是影响博弈均衡结果的主要因素。

    According to the analysis , the main factors influencing the game equilibrium are whether the buyback agreement is signed between venture enterprises and venture capitalists , the sum of punishment , and whether venture enterprises satisfy the requirement of IPO .

  25. 必和必拓(BHPBilliton)昨日承诺,如果成功收购竞争对手力拓矿业集团(RioTinto),将回购价值300亿美元的力拓股票。此举旨在吸引收购目标的投资者。

    BHP Billiton yesterday pledged to buy back $ 30bn of shares if it succeeds in taking over rival mining group Rio Tinto , in a bid to appeal to the target 's investors .

  26. 上述衍生品将以“回购隔夜指数平均”(ronia)利率为基础。

    The derivatives will be based on the repurchase overnight index average ( Ronia ) rate .

  27. 如果Groupon不从梅森等人手中回购股票,这一风险原本也可以很容易避免。

    And yet , you are expected to take on unnecessary risks & risks that could easily have been avoided had insiders not decided to pay themselves hundreds of millions of dollars from venture financing .

  28. 2006至2007年,木材产品巨头惠好公司(Weyerhaeuser)斥资8亿美元,进行了公司历史上最大规模的股票回购。

    In 2006 and 2007 timber giant Weyerhaeuser ( WY ) conducted one of the biggest share buybacks in its history .

  29. 金融集团之所以有意回购trups,是因为它是一种昂贵形式的资本金。

    Financial groups are interested in buying back the securities because trups are an expensive form of capital .

  30. 使用ARCH/GARCH模型对我国银行间债券市场三个月回购利率进行了分析,发现其波动性能够用不对称性GARCH模型得到很好的描述。

    This paper analyzed the 3 month repurchasing rate in China inter bank bond market by using the ARCH / GARCH models . We found that the volatility of the interest rate can be described well by the asymmetric GARCH model .