
huí bì cè lüè
  • avoidance strategy
  1. 回避策略是第二语言学习者在语言运用过程中的心理行为。

    Avoidance strategy is one of the communication strategies used by second language learners .

  2. 回避策略的运用既有积极作用,也有消极作用。

    And the use of the avoidance strategy has both its advantages and disadvantages .

  3. 回避策略实际上是种交际策略。

    Avoidance is , in fact , a communicative strategy .

  4. 学习者倾向于采取回避策略;

    Learners tended to take evasion strategy in using it .

  5. 这种自我回避策略也许将来会应用于仿生机器人的设计。

    The self-avoidance strategy might even find its way into bioinspired robot design .

  6. 为什么三段体可以归类为回避策略?

    Why can TPS be classified as avoidance ?

  7. 性别因素变量无论对回避策略抑或成就策略的选用都没有显著性;

    The factor " sex " has no significant effect on either Avoidance Strategy or Achievement Strategy ;

  8. 回避策略的特点在女权主义写作、女权主义阅读、女性审美等多个层面上都有体现。

    The method of obviation is incarnated in such aspects as feminist writing , reading and aesthetic .

  9. 并通过问卷调查、个人访谈探究学生写作过程中采取回避策略的原因及心理行为。

    And also through face-to-face interviews , the author investigates the psychological reasons for students employing the avoidance strategy .

  10. 母语负迁移、回避策略是导致僵化现象的主要原因。

    Negative transfer from native language and avoidance strategy are the two main factors leading to fossilization of RC .

  11. 本文基于元认知知识和写作策略的研究,试图从回避策略的角度出发,研究中学生在写作测试环境下的任务元认知知识。

    Based on these previous studies , this thesis is trying to investigate the writing task knowledge in the perspective of avoidance strategy used in writing test situation .

  12. 结果中小学教师的职业压力应对策略中的忍耐策略、积极评价策略、自我调控策略、回避策略、幻想策略和接受责任策略对职业倦怠的情绪疲惫维度具有显著的预测作用;

    Results The results indicated that endurance strategy , positive appraisal strategy , self-control strategy , avoidance strategy , imagine strategy and accepting responsibility strategy significantly predicted emotion exhaustion ;

  13. 好的写作者比差的写作者更多的使用调整或回避策略、使用迂回或同义词策略、以及与人同感策略。但差生比好生更多地使用与别人谈论感受策略。

    Good writers differ from poor writers in the use of strategies of adjusting or approximating the message , using circumlocution or synonym , discussing feelings with others , and empathizing with others .

  14. 可能由于中英语型的差异给中国英语学习者带来极大的困难,导致他们也许会采用其他较为简单的结构替代关系从句,或者采取回避策略。

    The possible reason is that typological differences pose great difficulties for Chinese EFL learners ; as a result , they might substitute other simpler structures for the RCs or resort to the strategy of avoidance .

  15. 本文分析了风险回避策略作为风险处理方式的优点和缺点,并从感受器、加工器以及记性系统三个方面对积极风险回避策略和消极的风险回避策略进行了比较分析。

    This paper analyzes the advantageous and defaults of the strategy of risk avoiding which is the method of dealing with risk , then comparatively analyzes passive risk avoiding and passive risk avoiding from the point of sensillum , processor and memory system .

  16. 专利回避设计策略研究

    Research on Strategy of Design Around Patent

  17. 当史学家谈到历史想象,实践的史学家大多采取回避的策略。

    When historians start to talk about the historical imagination , the historians of practice are mostly taking evasive policy .

  18. 从年级差异看,问题解决策略、屈服让步策略和回避冲突策略有随年龄增加的趋势,其余两种策略变化不明显。

    According to age , there lied a increasing trend to dealing with problems , succumbing and avoiding skills excluding two other skills .

  19. 研究表明,青少年在亲子冲突处理策略的使用上具有显著的类型差异,从高到低依次是主动解决问题策略、屈服让步策略、回避冲突策略、反抗攻击策略和他人调节策略。

    The results showed : 1 . The results showed that there was significant difference among the conflict resolutions , which were dealing with problems with active , succumbing skills , avoiding skills , revolting skills and other 's regulation .

  20. 相同之处是两组受试者都较多地使用了间接策略。譬如:理由、歉意、选择、说服以及回避等拒绝策略。

    Both two groups prefer indirect strategies to direct strategies such as : reason , regret , alternative , dissuasion and avoidance .

  21. 而且,PGD会直接影响赛后的情绪,也通过心理回避这一应付策略对情绪间接产生影响。

    PGD influenced affect of post-competition directly , and reacted on affect indirectly through mental distraction .

  22. 政府似乎继续回避超大城市的策略。

    The government appears to continue to balk at a biggest-city approach .

  23. 临场应对的策略包括直接应对、情绪应对、回避应对、阿q策略四种。

    The main strategies of the on-the-spot reply are composed of four parts , including , direct reply , emotional reply , avoided reply , and a Q strategy .

  24. 第三部分,阐述内部审计风险的控制策略,包括风险回避和风险转移策略,重点针对高校内部审计风险产生的原因提出了具体的降低风险的措施。

    Part three , the author elaborates on the control methods of internal audit risk , including the evasion and transfer of risk , and brings forward relevant countermeasures to reduce internal audit risk in college .

  25. 本文通过对学生写作的调查了解回避现象在词汇、句型、衔接、话题等方面的具体表现;并通过问卷调查、个人访谈探究学生写作过程中采取回避策略的原因及心理行为。

    This paper classifies the avoidance phenomenon in students ' actual writings in terms of vocabulary , structure , cohesion and topic . And also through face-to face interviews , the author investigates the psychological reasons for students employing the avoidance strategy .