
  • 网络Repo;repo rate;repurchase rate
  1. 上世纪90年代,德拉克马的贴现率高达14.5%至21.5%。2002年起,如此之高的贴现率被3.25%这一令人难以置信的欧洲央行(ECB)回购利率所取代。

    The drachma discount rate hovered between 14.5 and 21.5 per cent in the 1990s . Its place was then taken by a scarcely credible 3.25 per cent European Central Bank repo rate from 2002 onwards .

  2. 质押式回购利率的风险度量研究&基于ARMA-GARCH模型的实证检验

    Risk Measurement of Pledged Repo Interest Rate : Empirical Study Based on ARMA-GARCH Model

  3. 选择经济增加值EVA作为衡量商业银行经营绩效的指标,以银行间的90天证券回购利率作为研究的基准利率。

    EVA is chosen as index to measure the commercial banks ' operating performance . And the benchmark interest rate of research is 90 day ' securities counter-purchase interest rate between commercial banks .

  4. 使用ARCH/GARCH模型对我国银行间债券市场三个月回购利率进行了分析,发现其波动性能够用不对称性GARCH模型得到很好的描述。

    This paper analyzed the 3 month repurchasing rate in China inter bank bond market by using the ARCH / GARCH models . We found that the volatility of the interest rate can be described well by the asymmetric GARCH model .

  5. 本文以银行间债券市场和上交所债券市场国债回购利率的行为为研究对象,利用广义矩估计方法分别估计两个市场的回购利率的CKLS模型。

    Based on the data of 7-day repo rates on both inter-bank bond market and Shanghai Security Exchange bond market in China , CKLS models on the two markets are estimated respectively by GMM .

  6. 同时,实证分析结果显示,CKLS模型预测银行间市场回购利率变化的能力很弱,但对交易所市场回购利率的变化具有一定的预测能力。

    Our empirical result also indicates that CKLS model is weak in predicting the repo rates ' change on the inter-bank bond market , while it is moderate in predicting that on the SSE bond market .

  7. 协整检验方面总共包括shibor利率四组、1年期以上国债即期利率四组、银行间回购利率三组、从不同利率体系分别选取一个序列交叉利率两组。

    Co-integration test in a total of four groups , including shibor rate , 1-year Treasury spot rate more than four groups , three groups of inter-bank repo rate , the interest rate system were selected from a different sequence of cross-interest groups .

  8. 银行间市场回购利率变化的利率模型解释

    Analyzing repo rates in the inter-bank market with essential affine models

  9. 我国国债回购利率基本特征与统计检验

    Repurchase Rates of Government Bonds : Basic Features and Statistical Test

  10. 本文利用向量误差修正模型对各个国债回购利率的估计结果进一步验证了这一点。

    Furthermore , the estimation results are supported by error correction model .

  11. 中国银行间债券市场国债回购利率随机行为的实证研究

    Some Evidence of the Stochastic Behavior of Interbank Bond Redemption Interest Rates

  12. 短期回购利率是重要的货币市场利率,是短期债券发行定价和利率衍生品定价的重要基准,也是套利资金的成本,其对市场的影响越来越大。

    The short-term buyback interest rate is the important money market interest rate .

  13. 流动性与交易所市场回购利率

    Liquidity and the Repo Rate of the Exchange Market

  14. 上海证券交易所回购利率期限结构的风险溢酬

    Risk Premium of the Term Structure of Repo Rates in the Shanghai Stock Exchange

  15. 影响银行间市场回购利率的因素分析&兼论我国货币政策的传导机制

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Banks ' Counterpurchase Rate

  16. 含跳跃过程单因子利率模型的估计&基于中国国债回购利率的实证分析

    Estimation for One-Factor Term Structure of Interest Rates With Jumps : Evidence from Government Bond Market

  17. 上月的第二次信贷吃紧期间,7天质押式回购利率一度突破9%。

    In the second surge last month , the seven-day bond repurchase rate rose through 9 per cent .

  18. 银行间市场债券回购利率在我国发挥着部分基准利率的功能。

    The inter-bank market bond repurchase rate in our country to play the part of the benchmark rate function .

  19. 7天回购利率是中国市场上最接近真正的市场利率的指标。

    The seven-day rate in the inter-bank market is the closest thing China has to a genuine market rate .

  20. 同时指出,对我国货币市场基准利率的争议主要在同业拆借利率与银行间债券回购利率之间。

    In fact , most of the scholars support the inter-bank offered rate and the repo rate as the benchmark .

  21. 研究结果表明:一年期人民币银行贷款利率和回购利率是影响我国银行间同业拆放利率的主要因素。

    It is found that our interbank offer rate is mainly affected by one-year maturity RMB bank-loan rate and buyback rate .

  22. 同期印度央行还将基准借款利率反向回购利率下调了200个基点。

    The reverse repurchase rate , or the key borrowing rate , has been lowered by200 basis points over the same period .

  23. 我国货币市场的参考利率一般有隔夜回购利率、7天回购利率和央行票据的发行利率。

    The overnight repo rate , 7-day repo rate and bank note issue rate are the major reference rates of China monetary market .

  24. 中国短期流动性的关键指标7天期质押式回购利率升至近10%,银行纷纷囤积资金。

    The seven-day bond repurchase rate , an important gauge of short-term liquidity , rose to nearly 10 per cent as banks hoarded cash .

  25. 7天期质押式回购利率(衡量短期流动性的一个指标)从今年初的水平下跌了220个基点,至2.9%。

    The seven-day bond repurchase rate – a gauge of short-term liquidity – has fallen 220 basis points from the start of this year to 2.9 per cent .

  26. 中国目前浮息债券基准利率有一年期定期存款利率和7日回购利率两种。

    At present , there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt , one year fixed deposit rate and 7 - day repurchase rate , in China .

  27. 7天期回购利率周三一度触及8.9%,较5月份的平均水平上浮了逾500个基点。

    The seven-day repurchase , or repo , rate , hit 8.9 per cent on Wednesday , up more than 500 basis points from its average in May .

  28. 隔夜质押式回购利率已回落至5.83%,仅为上周水平的大约一半,但仍为正常水平的两倍左右。

    The overnight bond repurchase rate fell to 5.83 per cent , more than half what it was last week , but still about twice as high as normal .

  29. 这与2011年和2012年春节之前形成了鲜明的对比,当时的回购利率急速升高了一倍,之后才有所回落。

    That was a sharp contrast to the run-up to the Chinese New Year holidays in 2011 and 2012 when the repo rate quickly doubled before eventually falling back .

  30. 回购利率事实上能确定短期利率,因为没人会愿意按低于美联储所愿意支付的无风险利率来提供贷款。

    The rate on the repo effectively sets short-term interest rates , because why would anyone make a loan for less when the Fed is willing to pay risk-free ?