
  • 网络repo;repurchase transaction;repos;buyback deal
  1. 雷曼并未向投资者披露这些回购交易。

    Lehman did not disclose the repo transactions to investors .

  2. 在回购交易中,债务证券的卖方承诺,日后按约定价格重新买回这些证券。

    In a repo transaction , sellers of debt securities promise to buy them back later for an agreed price .

  3. 最后,对质押式国债回购交易流程进行梳理。

    Finally , it sorts out the pledged bond repurchase transaction process .

  4. 而银行间市场回购交易流动性最高。

    About the repurchase transactions , the inter-bank market get the best liquidity .

  5. 客户委托证券公司进行融券回购交易。

    Customers entrust securities companies to carry out a repurchase transaction of financed bonds .

  6. 回购交易指令必须申报证券账户,否则回购申报无效。

    Repurchase transaction directions shall report securities accounts ; otherwise the repurchase reporting is invalid .

  7. 交易系统将回购交易成交数据实时发给结算公司。

    The trading system will send the buyback transaction closing data to the clearing company in real time .

  8. 巴宝莉表示,经营权回购交易可能在本财年为公司增加至多2000万英镑的营运利润。

    Burberry said the deal would add up to £ 20m to operating profits in the coming financial year .

  9. 证券回购交易单位是指证券交易所对回购交易双方参与回购交易委托买卖的数量规定。

    There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter-purchase : doctrine of collateral loan and doctrine of conditional sale .

  10. 回购交易长期以来一直是投资银行至关重要的融资手段,一般会保留在银行的资产负债表上。

    Repo trades have long been a vital source of funding for investment banks , and typically remain on the firms ' books .

  11. 调查报告详细说明了他们如何利用一种回购交易,人为降低了该行的杠杆率,因为他们知道投资者非常重视这个数字。

    The report details how they used a repo transaction to artificially reduce the bank 's leverage , knowing the importance that investors placed on this figure .

  12. 经中国人民银行批准在全国银行间债券市场交易流通的资产支持证券可用于质押式回购交易。

    I.Asset-backed securities which are traded and circulated in the National Inter-Bank Bond Market upon the approval of the People 's Bank of China may be used for pledge-style repo transactions .

  13. 在截至6月30日的6个月中,根据这一期间的恒定样本估算,欧洲回购交易市场同比萎缩14.2%。

    The market for European repurchase – repo – transactions contracted by an estimated 14.2 per cent year-on-year in the six months to June 30 , based on constant samples over the period .

  14. 上证所所有的上市国债都对应质押券申报代码,即所有上市国债都可用于新质押式回购交易。

    Codes of all listing treasury bonds are reported in accordance with reporting codes for pledged bonds , that is , all listing treasury bonds can be used in repurchase by updated pledge business .

  15. 前项比例限制计算,基金、集合计划因参与证券借贷交易、正回购交易而持有的担保物、现金不得计入基金、集合计划总资产。

    In proportion restriction calculation of the preceding item , the guaranty and cash held due to the securities lending transactions and positive repurchase transactions of the funds or portfolios shall not be counted into the total assets .

  16. 通过该流动性指标的数量分析得出结论:1、上海证券交易所国债现券交易流动性自1997年开始明显提高,但2003年流动性有所下降;回购交易流动性在2000年、2001年有显著降低。

    The market liquidity of the spot transactions in Shanghai exchange market has been improving since 1997 , but it has a small decline in 2003 . The market liquidity of the repurchase transactions has been improved in 2000 and 2001 .

  17. 结果表明,结构性金融抵押品的使用近来有所增加,但回购交易的扣减率却有所下降;目前,最大的五家机构在回购市场中只占60%的份额,低于2008年的80%。

    This reveals that the use of structured finance collateral has recently risen , but haircuts on repo trades have fallen ; the top five institutions now represent just 60 per cent of the market , down from 80 per cent in 2008 .

  18. 开放式回购的交易策略及风险防范

    The Strategies of Open-ended Repo Trade and the Relevant Precautions

  19. 进行回购协议交易,是外汇基金日常投资活动的一部分。

    Transactions in repurchase agreements are part of the routine investment activities of the exchange fund .

  20. 旧的国债回购制度交易规则下,产生了大量挪用国债的现象。

    Under the old trading rules of bond repurchase system , a large number of misappropriating phenomena appeared .

  21. 境外资产上升,主要是由于月底时尚未完成的回购协议交易数额增加所致。

    The increase in foreign assets was primarily due to an increase in the amount of repurchase agreements outstanding at the end of the month .

  22. 报告指出,华尔街有些机构利用所谓“回购”交易,把资产转出资产负债表;雷曼就是其中之一。

    The report singles out Lehman as one of the last Wall Street institutions to engage in " repo " deals aimed at moving assets off its balance sheet .

  23. 采用的国债利率为用息票剥离方法得到的零息票利率,原始数据为1997年6月27日~2003年2月25日期间交易所的国债现货和国债回购的周交易价格数据,源自中国国债网。

    Zero-coupon interest rate is gained by bootstrapping , employing weekly trade data of governments debt from 27 June 1997-25 March 2002 in Shanghai Stock Exchange ( SSE ) .

  24. 证券回购的期限、交易对象与同业拆借同。

    The term and trading objects of securities repurchase are the same as these of inter-bank borrowing .

  25. 但不可忽视推出国债买断式回购衍生新的交易模式所可能引起的金融风险,本文对此提出了相应的风险防范对策。

    This paper analyzes both the new trading pattern and the potential risks triggered by the launch of outright repo , and proposes some risk-warding suggestion .

  26. 如今,银行等金融机构提交的关于回购和信用衍生品交易的报告要比以往详尽得多,各个监管机构也在相互交换此类信息。

    Today banks and other financial institutions are filing far more detailed reports on those repo and credit derivatives trades , and regulators are exchanging that information between themselves .

  27. 交易员表示,今明两日将进行的美国国债拍卖,造成了回购市场的相关交易量远低于日常水平,因为各银行都在仔细审查自己的交易策略。

    Traders say an auction of US government bonds due to take place today and tomorrow have triggered a far lower level than usual of related activity in the repo market , as banks scrutinise their trading strategies .

  28. 在退出机制上,提出了应积极发展买壳上市和借壳上市、企业回购、通过产权交易市场和场外交易市场退出等多种退出方式。

    Besides these methods , we should develop different way to reclaim the capital , such as going on the stock market through purchasing or borrowing stock shell and enterprise repurchase , the property exchange market and OTC market are also considerable .

  29. 现行回购标准券是以证券公司为核算单位,新质押式回购交易必须按账户申报,并且按证券账户核算标准券库存。

    The prevalent repurchase of standard bonds considers the securities company as a calculating unit , but the repurchase by updated pledge shall report in the light of account and calculate the inventory of standard bonds on the basis of securities account .