
  • 网络Return;Payment collection;Returned Money
  1. 负责项目合同的回款工作。

    Be responsible for item contract to return to a work .

  2. 就目前中国信用环境而言,风险过高直接影响回款和回报,且信用体系的建设非朝夕可完成,汽车金融公司业务的扩展就显得尤为重要了。

    In regard to the current Chinese credit environment , the exorbitant risks will influence directly the return of the funds and the profits .

  3. 4.Collectionofpayment回款A:回款的期限是多长时间?

    A : What is the term of collection of payment ?

  4. 彭博采访的多位专家表示,每日销售回款(DSO)高居不下是一个危险的信号。

    Several experts interviewed by Bloomberg said the high days sales outstanding ( DSO ) was a red flag .

  5. Markov链在企业坏账预测中的应用另一方面,由于国有商业银行由于长期以来受呆账坏账风险的影响,对贷款的回款速度异乎寻常的敏感,保证贷款安全成为凌驾于确保贷款收益之上的目标。

    The Application of Markov Chain in Forecasting the Amount of the Enterprise 's Bad Account On the other hand , as the state-owned commercial banks were long affected by bad debts , they are unusually sensitive to the loan repayment speed while ignoring their profitability .

  6. 如果你有一张可以回款的信用卡,那么就拿它来加油。

    If you have a credit card that offers cash back , then use it .

  7. 完成销售额并及时回款;

    Achieve sales budget and collections ;

  8. 销售与回款

    The sales and accounts receivable

  9. 分析销售、回款和账龄数据,确保应收帐款的总额在合理限度内,账龄结构不断优化。

    Analyse collection , sales and ageing , ensure both A / R quality and quantity are continuously improved .

  10. 通过建立该信息系统,对三个环节进行管理,对整个出口销售回款过程全程控制。

    By establishment of information system , to manage the three courses and control the whole course of debt receivables .

  11. 现金流是企业赖以生存的血液,而销售回款却是企业现金流的保证。

    Cash flow is the lifeblood of business , and Days Sales Outstanding is the guarantee of corporate cash flow .

  12. 再次困扰零售商的问题包括信用额度以及零售商延长了批发客户的回款周期。

    What 's coming back to haunt retailers are credit lines and longer payback periods which they extended to wholesalers buyers .

  13. 和最大的资金来源是销售回款,并已进行了按计划进行。

    And the largest source of funds is the sales back to subsection , and has been carried out according to plan .

  14. 投资者们已经买到了债券和其他有价证券,这些有价证券是在优次抵押的基础上作为一种赚取高额回款的方式进行的。

    Investors all over the worlds have bought bonds and other securities based on subprime mortgages as a way to earn higher returns .

  15. 随着企业不断发展及壮大,对现金流的需求也越来越大,销售回款也就显得越来越重要。

    With the continued development and growth , the demand for cash flow increasing , it appears more and more important Sales Outstanding .

  16. 执行并完成公司的销售计划和销售政策(包括销售目标、客户回款目标的达成等)。

    Carry out and complete the company sales plans and policies include the sales target , client accounts receipt target and so on .

  17. 我可否取回款项呢?关于企业应收账款回款难及其对策的探讨

    Could I have my refund instead ? On Returns to the Funds About the Enterprise Account Receivable Being Difficult and Countermeasures Being Discussed

  18. 哪怕一家大企业,就算是发票用错格式这类小儿科错误都会延缓回款好几周,甚至几个月。

    Even something as simple as using the wrong format for an invoice can delay your payment for weeks or months at a big company .

  19. 本系统主要由合同信息管理、发票信息管理、出库信息管理、预收款管理、应收款管理、回款情况管理等功能组成。

    The system consists of contract information management , invoice information management , shipment of information management , pre-payment management , receivables management , back money management and so on .

  20. 考虑到面子,为使她向集团公司好交待,根据对方的要求,我方在文字上作了处理即将赔款作回款处理。

    Considering the face , to make she enable to explain to the company , according to requirements of other side , we treated reparations as returned money in the text .

  21. 渠道自身管理主要涉及现金流管理、回款难的治愈、物流问题以及渠道冲突问题的解决办法等等。

    Management of the main channels of their own " cash flow " management " of the difficult return to " cure , logistics issues and channel solutions to the problems of conflict , and so on .

  22. 销售管理系统包括系统管理、产品管理、发货管理、开票管理、运输合同管理、销售回款管理、数据打印管理、代理商管理和综合查询等模块。

    The Sales Management System contains module as system management , product management , delivery management , invoice management , transport contract management , sales fund-callback management , data-type management , agent management , integrated search and so on .

  23. 现金流量是企业经营的晴雨表,企业的生产计划、存货制度、赊销和回款制度等都会从根本上决定企业的财务状况,影响企业的现金流量。

    Cash flow is rain glass of enterprise 's management . The financial status of corporation is fundamentally determined by some aspects like production plan , system of stock and system of tick and return payment , which also influence the cash flow .

  24. 在撰写的过程中采集大量与客户相关的数据和信息,其中包括销售额、利润、销售投入情况,例如新项目数、客户的回款情况、技术交流的次数、投入的专职维护人员等信息。

    During writing I collected a lot of data and relation information of customers , including sales , profits , investment for sales , such as the number of new projects , customer payment situation , technology exchange times , devoted full-time service staff and other information .

  25. 尤其是政府介入配送关系建立、基本药物日常采购、回款环节增加了问题的复杂程度和药品配送企业、乡镇卫生院的道德风险行为。

    Especially , the role of government increased the complexity of problem and the probability of moral hazard behavior of distribution enterprise and township hospitals in the process of establishing the contract relationship between the manufacturing companies , distribution enterprises and township hospitals , routine procurement and repayment .