
  • 网络Exchange Rate Theory;erer
  1. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。

    The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory , the most widely used are : purchasing power parity theory , interest rate parity theory , the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory .

  2. 第二章讨论的均衡汇率理论包括两部分,购买力平价理论和Nurkse的均衡汇率理论。

    Chapter Two introduces the equilibrium exchange rate theory , which includes the theory of purchasing power parity and Nurkse equilibrium exchange rate theory .

  3. 基于CES生产函数汇率理论的FDI战略动机模型建构

    Constructing Theoretical Models of FDI Strategy Motivations and Exchange Rate Based on CES Product Function

  4. 均衡汇率理论和政策的新框架

    Theory and Policy of Equilibrium Exchange : A New Analytic Framework

  5. 人民币均衡汇率理论和政策新框架的再拓展&基于内部均衡和外部平衡的分析

    RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate and the Development of the New Policy Framework

  6. 新型汇率理论初探

    Discussion about the theories on RMB exchange rate revaluing

  7. 国际货币体系与汇率理论发展

    International Currency System and Development of Exchange Rate Theory

  8. 在国际宏观经济学领域,汇率理论的基础地位是无可争辩的。

    Exchange rate theory holds an unchallengeable basic position in the international macroeconomics .

  9. 当代西方汇率理论模型研究

    On the Contemporary Western Modeling Theory of Exchange Rate

  10. 货币主义现代汇率理论评述

    Comments on Modern Theory on Currency Exchange Rates

  11. 均衡汇率理论视角下的汇率制度转型研究

    Research on the Transformation of Exchange Rate Regime Based on the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory

  12. 最后,文章介绍了货币主义现代汇率理论发展的方向。

    Moreover , the development orientation of modern theory on currency exchange rates is touched upon .

  13. 均衡汇率理论和政策新框架的再探索

    Theory and Policy : A Further Research on the New Framework of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate

  14. 新汇率理论

    New Exchange Rate Theory

  15. 本文首先分析国际汇率理论和国际汇率制度现状。

    In this paper , the theory of international exchange and international exchange rate system , the status quo .

  16. 因此可以认为在引入了非线性的机制后,基于汇率理论的结构式模型在预测汇率变化的能力上有所提高。

    At the end , we forecast the exchange rate using ANN models and compare the results with random walk models .

  17. 本文以此为思路,在第三章与第四章中分别选用以上两类理论方法中具有代表性的购买力平价理论和均衡汇率理论来对人民币汇率进行分析。

    Accordingly , the author selects Purchase Power Parity Theory and Equilibrium Theory respectively from each type to analyze RMB 's exchange rate .

  18. 主要介绍西方货币主义汇率理论产生的历史背景、主要内容、评价以及国外关于货币模型实证检验的发展;

    This part introduces history background , major content , evaluation of Monetary Model and empirical research on Monetary Model in foreign countries .

  19. 全文共分六章,其核心内容主要为马克思汇率理论、西方汇率理论和人民币汇率理论三大部分。

    Its focuses are mainly made up of Marxist exchange rate theory , western exchange rate theory , and RMB exchange rate theory .

  20. 本文首先对均衡汇率理论及人民币均衡汇率研究文献进行回顾和评述。

    Firstly , the article made a review of relative equilibrium exchange rate theories and the research literatures of RMB equilibrium exchange rate .

  21. 首先,对现有的均衡汇率理论进行高度概括总结,并在此基础上,提出了人民币均衡汇率内涵和测算模型的基本假设。

    With the result , the concept and connotation of RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate and the basic hypothesis of calculation model are presented .

  22. 在此基础上,本文对目前较为流行的西方均衡汇率理论及其模型进行了系统性介绍,并就其各自的优缺点进行分析,为后面的实证研究部分奠定了理论基础。

    Based on it , we briefly introduced the popular western theories on equilibrium exchange rate recently and their relative advantages and disadvantages .

  23. 汇率理论是基于汇率的不完全传递性对汇率的价格-流转理论进行介绍。

    In this paper , the theory of exchange rate is based on the incomplete delivery of the price on the exchange rate transfer theory .

  24. 基于均衡和无套利原则建立起来的汇率理论难于解释货币危机爆发和汇率调整过渡阶段的货币价格行为。

    The exchange rate behaviors during currency crises and transitional phase are difficult to be explained by exchange rate theories based on equilibrium and no-arbitrage .

  25. 作为汇率理论核心内容之一的均衡汇率理论,正是判断汇率水平是否失调的重要理论依据。

    As one of the core exchange rate theory , equilibrium exchange rate theory is the important theoretical basis of judging the level of exchange rate .

  26. 第一节的讨论是围绕购买力平价理论展开的,分别介绍了绝对购买力平价理论、相对购买力平价理论、包含交易成本的购买平价理论、购买力平价的扩展形式和国际货币主义汇率理论。

    Sector one introduces the absolute PPP 、 the relative PPP 、 PPP of including exchange cost 、 the extended PPP and theory of international monetary .

  27. 外汇市场目前是全球交易量最大、交易最活跃的市场,它的发展为汇率理论的创新和突破提出了要求。

    The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world , the theory of exchange rate market needs innovation and breakthrough .

  28. 在全球化时代,这一直是最具影响力的汇率理论之一,但它可能很快将化为乌有。

    It has been one of the most influential theories about exchange rates in the age of globalisation and it may be about to go up in smoke .

  29. 作为汇率理论的核心问题之一,均衡汇率是判断实际汇率水平是否失调的主要客观依据。

    As a core of foreign exchange theories , equilibrium exchange rate is the main objective criterion to justify whether misalignment has appeared to the real exchange rate .

  30. 通过分析与比较,本文认为,不论从哪个角度来考察研究,这些汇率理论都具有其独特的内容和形式。

    With the analysis and comparisons , this dissertation holds that , irrespective of any aspect , each of these exchange rate theories has its unique content and form .