
  • 网络Asset bubble;property bubble
  1. 历史表明,从债务所致的资产泡沫中复苏是个漫长而又痛苦的过程,GDP增长大减速和失业高企的局面至少将持续十年。

    History suggests that recovery from a debt-fuelled asset bubble can be long and painful , with much lower GDP growth and higher unemployment for at least a decade .

  2. 本文主要利用带资产泡沫的BGG模型研究了我国资产泡沫与经济波动的关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between asset bubble and economic fluctuation is studied by using the BGG model considering asset bubble .

  3. 随着物价日益上涨、资产泡沫膨胀,很多新兴国家经济已经过热

    Many are already overheating , with prices rising and asset bubbles inflating .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)昨日警告,通胀压力可能迫使东亚各国的央行“更早而不是更迟”收紧货币政策,以遏制正在浮现的资产泡沫。

    Inflationary pressures could force East Asian central banks to tighten monetary policy " sooner rather than later " to choke off emerging asset bubbles , the World Bank warned yesterday .

  5. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  6. IMF在报告的另外一个章节中表示,各国央行应考虑在资产泡沫破裂之前,承担起戳破泡沫的任务。

    In a separate chapter of the report , the IMF suggested that central banks should consider taking on the role of deflating asset bubbles before they burst .

  7. imf表示,资本控制可以抑制货币升值和资产泡沫的形成,但代价是降低经济效率和阻碍金融市场的发展。

    The IMF says that controls can reduce currency appreciation and the formation of asset bubbles , but at the cost of reduced economic efficiency and development of financial markets .

  8. 美国财政部昨日表示,银行、对冲基金及其它金融机构可能会发现自己的投资策略受到美联储(fed)的限制,以降低经济出现资产泡沫的风险。

    Banks , hedge funds and other financial institutions could find their investment strategies curtailed by the Federal Reserve to reduce to the risk to the economy from asset bubbles , the US Treasury said yesterday .

  9. 那么qe2中的很大一部分就有可能流向海外,在高回报的发展中经济体引发资产泡沫。

    A significant portion of the QE2 could then leak offshore , sparking asset bubbles in high-return developing economies .

  10. 我们从倒向随机微分方程的角度研究了资产泡沫的问题,并将之应用于BGG(2001)模型中。

    We study asset bubbles by backward stochastic differential equation and apply it in the BGG model .

  11. 伯南克在雷曼(lehman)倒闭前犯了三个关键性错误:第一个、也是最重要的一个是,他固守央行应在涉及资产泡沫时持不可知论的哲学信念。

    Mr Bernanke made three critical mistakes in his pre-Lehman incarnation : first , and foremost , he was deeply wedded to the philosophical conviction that central banks should be agnostic when it comes to asset bubbles .

  12. 几乎可以肯定,香港交易所主席夏佳理(ronaldarculli)周四对宽松货币政策导致的亚洲资产泡沫发出警告时,脑子里想着的是自己的“后院”。

    Hong Kong exchange chairman Ronald Arculli , warning on Thursday about Asian asset bubbles inflated by loose monetary policy , almost certainly had his own back garden in mind .

  13. 不过,被RGEMonitor创始人、超级悲观人士鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)称之为历史上规模最大的杠杆资产泡沫和信贷泡沫破灭的影响,正给实体经济造成越来越猛烈的冲击。

    But the impact of the implosion of what the hyper-bearish Nouriel Roubini , of RGE Monitor , calls the largest leveraged asset bubble and credit bubble in history is hitting real economies increasingly hard .

  14. 国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)本周表示,为了借助宽松的货币政策恢复增长,资产泡沫是值得付出的代价,但中国需要区分好的泡沫与坏的泡沫。

    In the week that Dominique Strauss-Kahn , head of the International Monetary Fund , said asset bubbles were a cost worth paying for reviving growth through loose monetary policy , China needs to distinguish between good ones and bad ones .

  15. 以美联储前任主席艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)命名的所谓“格林斯潘教义”认为,资产泡沫很难发现,而且即便能够发现,在泡沫破灭后做扫尾工作也比试图阻止泡沫破灭更加容易。

    According to the so-called " Greenspan doctrine " , named after Alan Greenspan , former Fed chairman , asset bubbles are hard to spot and even if they are it is easier to mop up after the bubble has burst than to try to prevent it .

  16. 因此,我们必须采取措施预防资产泡沫的发生。

    Therefore , we must take measures to prevent asset bubbles .

  17. 金融投资中介化与资产泡沫研究

    A Study on Delegated Investment by Financial Intermediaries and Asset Bubbles

  18. 这位经济学家表示:通货膨胀和资产泡沫现在互为支持。

    Inflation and the asset bubbles are now supporting each other .

  19. 而通过发行债券来避免通胀和资产泡沫的成本太昂贵。

    Trying to avoid that by issuing bonds would also be expensive .

  20. 基于风险函数的资产泡沫模型与拟合

    Asset Bubble Model Based on Hazard Rate Function and Related Data Fitting

  21. 中国资产泡沫的破裂可能发生在下周,也可能是在明年。

    China 's asset bubble may burst next week or next year .

  22. 投资中介化、风险转嫁与资产泡沫

    Investment Through Financial Intermediaries , Risk Transfer and Asset Bubble

  23. 巨大的短期风险来自资产泡沫。

    The big short-term risk is from asset bubbles .

  24. 塔克提出,设定最低折价能够抑制资产泡沫。

    Mr Tucker has suggested that minimum haircuts could tamp down asset bubbles .

  25. 第二章回顾历史上发生的重要金融资产泡沫事件。

    In the second chapter review history occurs important financial asset bubble event .

  26. 次级抵押贷款危机会否戳破全球资产泡沫?

    Whether the crisis of secondary mortgage loan will break global value foam ?

  27. 一些专家警告称新的资产泡沫正在形成。

    Some pundits are now warning of new asset bubbles in the making .

  28. 第三章对金融资产泡沫的衡量做实证分析。

    Third chapter is to the financial asset bubble weight and the empirical analysis .

  29. 印度当然不会没有资产泡沫的危险。

    The country is certainly not immune to the danger of an asset bubble .

  30. 与以前的资产泡沫不同,黄金仅占全球投资资本的很小一部分。

    Unlike previous asset bubbles gold is a tiny fraction of total global investment capital .