
  • 网络Exchange rate determination;Exchange Rate Determination Theory;theory of exchange rate determination;determination of exchange rate
  1. 第一章是关于汇率决定理论及其模型的探讨。

    Part I discusses the exchange rate determination theory and model .

  2. 第三章是介绍西方汇率决定理论。

    Chapter three introduces the western exchange rate determination theory .

  3. 人民币长期均衡汇率决定理论及实证研究

    Long-run Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB Decision Theory and Empirical Research

  4. 汇率决定理论的新近发展:文献综述

    New Developments on the Theory of Exchange Rate Determination : A Survey

  5. 基于现代汇率决定理论的人民币与新台币汇率定价研究

    The Study Based on Modern Exchange Rate Theory of RMB and NTD Pricing

  6. 汇率决定理论是多种经济理论的交汇点。

    And many economic theories meet and form a theory of exchange rate determination .

  7. 可以说在众多的汇率决定理论中,购买力平价理论是最有影响的。

    We can say that PPP theory is the influential one among the numerous theories .

  8. 购买力平价理论与汇率决定理论的发展

    The Theory of Purchasing Power Parity and the Development of the Theory of Exchange Rate

  9. 汇率决定理论分析与评述

    Analysis and Discussion on Exchange Rate Theory

  10. 第四章根据传统汇率决定理论,对几个汇率决定理论做实证分析。

    Chapter ⅳ, according to the traditional exchange rate determination theory to do several empirical analysis .

  11. 文章的重点是对汇率决定理论的评述与验证。

    The emphasis of the article lies in the investigation and test of the determination of exchange rate .

  12. 经典汇率决定理论主要是指购买力平价理论和利率平价理论;

    The classic exchange rate determination theory includes the theory of purchasing power parity and the theory of interest-rate parity .

  13. 当代汇率决定理论主要包括:投机泡沫理论、新闻模型和混沌分析方法。

    The contemporary exchange rate determination theory includes the speculation foam theory , the news model and the chaotic model .

  14. 本文系统地探讨了现有的汇率决定理论,结合当今流行的人工神经网络技术对汇率预测进行了深入的研究。

    This article discusses systematically current foreign exchange rate deciding theory , makes especial research on foreign exchange rate forecasting combined fashionable neural network technology now .

  15. 本文的亮点在于借鉴了国内外的均衡汇率决定理论,构建了中国的人民币均衡汇率决定模型;

    The highlight of the paper lies in using foreign and domestic equilibrium exchange rate theories as reference to build Chinese RMB equilibrium exchange rate model .

  16. 几个世纪以来汇率决定理论一直是外汇理论的核心,也是国际学术界最为重要的学术领域之一。

    Therefore , how to decide the exchange rate is the most essential part of Foreign Exchange Rate Theory , and a hot topic for academic research during centuries .

  17. 第二章为文献综述,介绍西方主要的汇率决定理论,各主要汇率理论的实证研究结果和人民币汇率实证研究。

    The second chapter is literature review mainly describes the major Western theories of exchange rate determination , and the major RMB exchange rate empirical research in Western Exchange Rate Theory .

  18. 在第二章中,本文首先介绍了五种汇率决定理论的提出背景、假设和结论,从中总结出了影响汇率的因素。

    In chapter 2 , introduced the background , assumptions and conclusions of the five kind of exchange rate theory from which sort out the factors that influence the exchange rate .

  19. 从理论上讲,汇率决定理论是研究汇率波动问题的基础,主要有传统的汇率决定理论和现代货币主义汇率决定模型之分。

    The theory of exchange rate determination is the foundation of it . There have been many research results in exchange rate determination , including traditional theories and modern monetarist models .

  20. 现代汇率决定理论从研究汇率期限的长短上可以划分为长期的汇率决定理论和短期的汇率波动理论;从研究着眼点的不同可以划分为基本宏观变量学派和非基本宏观变量学派;

    It can be divided into long-term theory of exchange rate determination and short-term theory of exchange rate fluctuation , fundamentalism school and non-fundamental school respectively according to time term and contents ;

  21. 本文的框架结构分为四个部分:第一部分是本文的理论基础,介绍了金本位制崩溃之后提出的汇率决定理论,分为早期汇率决定理论和现代汇率决定理论。

    The main framework of this paper includes four parts : The first part is the theoretical basis of this paper , which introduced exchange rate determination theories after the collapse of the gold standard .

  22. 在文献综述部分,本文重点分析了人民币汇率决定理论和人民币汇率决定因素、汇率变动对进出口竞争力的影响。

    In the literature review section , the paper focuses on the RMB exchange rate determination theory and the RMB exchange rate determinants , the impact of exchange rate changes on import and export competitiveness .

  23. 本文按照汇率决定理论的发展,将其划分为经典汇率决定理论、现代汇率决定理论和当代汇率决定理论三个阶段。

    According to the development of exchange rate determination theory , it can be classified as the classic exchange rate determination theory , the modern exchange rate determination theory and the contemporary exchange rate determination theory .

  24. 本文期望在利用西方汇率决定理论对人民币汇率进行实证分析以及对人民币升值的利弊分析基础上给出自己的看法。

    This paper applies the western exchange rate determination theory to conduct an empirical study and a normative analysis on the RMB ' exchange rate , and then endeavors to pose our own viewpoints on the issue .

  25. 购买力平价说是一种基本的汇率决定理论,但影响购买力平价关系成立的短期或长期经济因素众多,从而使得实际汇率经常偏离平价关系。

    Purchasing power parity ( PPP ) is a basic exchange rate determinant theory . However , due to the numerous short and long term factors that affect PPP , the real exchange rates frequently deviate from it .

  26. 现代汇率决定理论主要是指汇率决定理论的资产市场方法,包括:货币模型、货币替代模型和资产组合模型,其中货币模型可以分为弹性价格模型和粘性价格模型;

    As the main part of modern exchange rate determination theory , the capital market method of exchange rate determination theory includes the currency model which includes elastic price model and viscous price model , the currency substitution model and the portfolio model .

  27. 在对国内外学者对现代汇率决定理论研究的基础上,发现现代汇率决定理论的具有以下五大规律:汇率决定理论的演变和发展与货币本位制度及国际金融体系的演变和发展密切相关;

    This paper , based on the study of modern theories of exchange rate determination , finds the evolution process of theory of exchange rate determination has five rules : it has a close relationship with the evolution and development of monetary standard system and international finance system ;

  28. 论文的创新主要表现在以下几个方面:1、结合了汇率决定理论和外汇市场干预理论,全面分析了汇率波动条件下外汇市场干预的必要性以及外汇市场干预的影响渠道。

    The contributions of this article are mainly embodied in the methodology innovation . 1 . Combine the exchange rate decision theory and the theory of foreign exchange market intervention , and analyze the need for intervention in the foreign exchange market as well as the channel . 2 .

  29. 人民币均衡汇率决定的理论分析&基于购买力平价理论的思考

    The Theory Analysis of Renminbi Balanced Exchange Rate & Theory Thought about Purchasing Power Parity Price

  30. 以往汇率的决定理论实际上可以区分为两种分析思路:一种是从长期分析出发,如从购买力平价开始,逐渐发展到货币主义价格灵活汇率决定理论,乃至资产组合理论的发展过程。

    Traditionally , theories on exchange rate determination are distinguished into two alternative approaches , one of which emphases on long-run analysis . The first one gradually evolved from the purchasing power parity , through the flexible price monetary model of monetarists , to the portfolio theory .