
  1. 而附加的汇率风险敞口,对回报结构和投资者心理都会有重大影响这是外国基金公司经常低估的因素。

    The added dimension of currency exposure has both a significant impact on the return profile and on Investor Psychology - something often underestimated by international fund managers .

  2. 大头针工厂的首席执行官,或者负责对冲未完工大头针汇率风险敞口的人,边际产出又是多少呢?不知道为什么,这位苏格兰大学者甚至都没有提到后两者的贡献。

    And what was the marginal product of the chief executive of the pin factory , or the person who hedged the foreign exchange exposure on the unfinished pins , whose contributions the Scots savant unaccountably failed to mention ?

  3. 在理论与实证分析的基础上,本文阐述了我国商业银行如何防范汇率风险,主要是从对汇率风险敞口进行管理和汇率波动管理两方面展开论述。

    On the basis of analyzing from theory and empirical aspects , it outlines how to guard against exchange rate risks of China 's commercial banks , mainly from the exposure of the exchange rate risk management and the management of exchange rate fluctuations .