
  1. 决定人民币均衡汇率因素的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate

  2. 本文采用IMF的事实分类法,对1999-2003年国际汇率体系变迁进行统计分析,没有发现支持两极化假说的证据。

    Using the IMF de facto classification , this paper analyses the evolution of exchange rate regimes during 1999 - 2003 and finds no support for the popular bipolar view .

  3. 人民币/美元汇率收益率的统计特性和非线性特征研究

    Statistic and Nonlinear Research of RMB / USD Exchange Rate Returns

  4. 1999~2003年国际汇率体系变迁的统计分析老龄化、非中介化机制与金融体系变迁

    The Evolution of Exchange Rate Regimes During 1999 - 2003 ; Aging , Mechanics of Disintermediation and the Evolution of the World Financial System

  5. 第一节对各国钉住汇率实践进行了统计分析,欠发达国家在钉住汇率制度崩溃后仍然继续选择钉住制的事实是对钉住汇率制度可行性的现实证明。

    Analysis on countries ' exchange rate regime practice showed that , once the pegged collapsed , countries in financial constraint chose to peg once more , and the fact is the best proof for the optimum of pegged regime .