
huò wù tūn tǔ liànɡ
  • Cargo throughput;cargo handling capacity;cargo loaded and unloaded
  1. 基于BP神经网络的港口货物吞吐量预测

    Port Cargo Throughput Forecast Based on BP Neural Network

  2. 随着改革开放及外向型经济的蓬勃发展,深圳港的吞吐量2008年已经达到2141.6万TEU,货物吞吐量达21125万吨。

    With the reforms and the rapid development of export-oriented economy , the throughput of Shenzhen Port in 2008 reached 21.416 million TEU , cargo throughput reached 211.25 million tons .

  3. 2000年厦门港货物吞吐量预测

    The volume forecast of freight handled at Xiamen port in 2000

  4. 三次指数平滑法预测大连港货物吞吐量

    Dalian Port Throughput Capacity of Goods Forecast by Cubic Exponential Smoothing Method

  5. 并将此方法应用于港口货物吞吐量及出口量预报。

    This method is applied to harbour transport .

  6. 其中煤炭吞吐量,占全港货物吞吐量的25%。

    Throughput of coal , accounting for 25 % of cargo throughput in Tianjin Port .

  7. 目前港口的通过能力和货物吞吐量均已超过亿吨。

    The annual handling capacity and throughput of Ningbo Port have both exceeded 100 million ton .

  8. 我们有世界上最繁忙的货柜港和最庞大的国际空运货物吞吐量。

    We have the busiest container port in the world and the busiest international air freight throughput .

  9. 2008年,烟台港完成货物吞吐量1.11亿吨,集装箱153万标箱。

    In 2008 , Yantai Port cargo throughput achieve 111 million tons , 1.53 million TEUs of containers .

  10. 宁波港货物吞吐量的日益增长,这对浙东地区综合运输网络的构建提出了新的要求。

    Ningbo port cargo throughput growing , this area of eastern Zhejiang an integrated transport network put new demands .

  11. 第二,根据宁波港泊位规划设计能力预测未来近、中期货物吞吐量情况;

    Second , cargo - handling capacity predict of near or middle period according to capability designed of berths ;

  12. 舟山港货物吞吐量1996年首次突破1000万吨,进入全国沿海大港行列;

    Port handling capacity of Zhoushan broke 10 million tons firstly in 1996 and rowed into the large port of China .

  13. 在得出港口货物吞吐量概率分布的基础上,利用条件数学期望提出了港口货物吞吐量的双层预测模型。

    A double forecasting model is proposed by using conditional mathematical expectation , based on probability distribution of port cargo throughput .

  14. 就抵港与离港船舶的数目、货物吞吐量和出入境旅客量而言,香港仍然跻身最繁忙港口之列。

    It also remained one of the busiest ports in terms of vessel arrivals and departures , and cargo and passenger throughput .

  15. 2004年宁波港货物吞吐量超过2.2亿吨,仅次于上海港居中国大陆港口第二位;

    In 2004 with cargo throughput exceeding 220,000,000 tons , it is the second-largest port in China , second only to Shanghai ;

  16. 研究发现,组合预测模型相比单个预测方法具有较高的精度,能够较准确地预测上海内河港口货物吞吐量。

    It is found out through research that the result by combined forecasting model is more precise than by one single forecasting model .

  17. 建立了机场货物吞吐量的灰色预测模型-GM(1,1)模型,对机场货物吞吐量进行了预测。表明该方法具有所需原始数据少、原理简单、运算方便、预测精度高和可检验性等优点。

    The paper establishes grey forecasting model GM ( 1.1 ) for freight handling capacity so as to forecast freight capacity in the airport .

  18. 河北省港口群在近些年实现了快速发展,港口基础设施逐步完善,港口货物吞吐量快速增长。

    In recent years , civil airports of Hebei province have kept fast development , the infrastructure of civil aviation improved gradually , port throughput grow fast .

  19. 灰色模型因其需要的原始数据较少、精度较高等优点,能满足一般港口货物吞吐量预测的要求。

    Grey model can satisfy the requirement of usual cargo volume forecast due to the advantages that grey model needs less original data and is of higher accuracy .

  20. 到2045年,预计将其建成世界第四、亚洲第一大的专业货运机场,那时每年货物吞吐量可达765.2万吨。

    By 2045 , it is expected to become the world 's fourth and Asia 's first professional cargo airport with an annual cargo throughput of 7.652 million tons .

  21. 上海港货物吞吐量年均增长率19.5%,集装箱吞吐量年均增长31%。

    The average annual rate of increase 19.5 % of the throughput of the goods of Shanghai Harbor , the throughput of the container increases by 31 % every year .

  22. 同时对广州港2010年~2015年的港口货物吞吐量进行了预测,为广州港发展与规划提供科学的参考数据。

    Meanwhile , the port cargo throughput of Guangzhou port from 2010 to 2015 is forecasted , and it will provide scientific reference data for Guangzhou port development and planning .

  23. 随着港口货物吞吐量的增加,起重机械越来越向大型化和高速化发展,对起重机械行进时水平方向抗冲击性也提出了更高要求。

    With the increasing cargo throughput of the port , the size and the weight of cranes gets larger and more speeder , which require higher quality of impact resistance .

  24. 上海的工业总产值占全国1/12,港口货物吞吐量占全国1/10,口岸进出口商品额占全国1/4,财政收入占全国1/8。

    Shanghai is responsible for one twelfth of China 's industrial output , one tenth of cargo handling , a quarter of imports and exports , and one eighth of the tax revenue .

  25. 随着社会经济的发展,港口码头的货物吞吐量越来越大,门座式起重机作为港口码头重要的装卸机械发挥着重要的作用。

    With the development of social economy , the cargo throughput of port terminals is increasing . As a vital handing machinery of port terminals , portal jib crane plays an important role .

  26. 今年上半年,这个港口(2015年与邻近的舟山港合并)的货物吞吐量位居全球第一。

    And in the first half of this year the port ( which merged with the nearby Zhoushan port in 2015 ) handled more tonnes of cargo than anywhere else in the world .

  27. 论文先用回归分析法和三次指数平滑法进行预测,考虑到两者预测结果的差别,本文最终采用组合预测技术对2001~2010年镇江港口的货物吞吐量作出了预测。

    First the article takes regression analytical method to forecast and at last combinatorial technology to forecast the port 's handling capacity from 2001 to 2010 , considering the differences got by the two methods .

  28. 洋浦港是海南省三大主要货运港之一,以原油、成品油装卸运输为主,随着港口发展,进出港船舶艘次和货物吞吐量呈增长趋势。

    Hainan Yangpu Port is one of the three major cargo port , with crude oil , refined oil handling and transportation-based , with the port development , access to inbound vessels and cargo throughput increasing .

  29. 航运事业发展迅速,到2004年底,我国沿海和内河港口货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量已经提前6年实现翻一番的目标,中国海事工作也取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    By the end of 2004 , the freight and container volume has gained the aim of increasing twice , which is earlier by six years than scheduled plan and Chinese Maritime has got attracting achievement .

  30. 随着我国港口的货物吞吐量纷纷跃居世界前列,以及上海建设国际航运中心的战略举措,港口日益被人们所关注。

    As the cargo throughput of the ports in China have leapt to the world , as well as the construction of Shanghai international shipping center continuously developes , the port is increasingly concerned by the people .