
  • 网络Currency Investment
  1. 这里是美国人进行货币投资的场所。

    It is the place where America invests its money .

  2. 杜冈被认为是非货币投资过度论的开创者,影响了一大批经济学家。

    Tugan is considered as the pioneer of The Nonmonetary Overinvestment Theory analysis and has a great influence on other economists .

  3. 市场参与者应该将此视为外汇储备从流动性较强的美元应急储备,转向较长期多种货币投资组合的自然结果。

    Market participants should see this as a natural consequence of the shift of foreign exchange balances from liquid dollar emergency reserves to longer-term multi-currency investment portfolios .

  4. 她还认为,养老基金将转向绝对回报,同时将寻求加大货币投资,英国地方政府已开始采取这一策略。

    She also sees funds moving towards absolute returns as well as seeking increasing exposure to currency , an approach that UK local authorities have begun to follow .

  5. 从历史上看,外汇交易主要由经营全球业务的投资银行、商业银行、货币投资组合经理人、货币经纪人、大公司和极少部分的私人投资者把持。

    Historically , Forex has been dominated by inter-world investment and commercial banks , money portfolio managers , money brokers , large corporations , and very few private traders .

  6. 美国、欧元区和日本的利率处在相似的水平,许多投资者认为,以欧元或日元作融资货币投资于美元,比借入美元更有利可图。

    With US , eurozone and Japanese interest rates at similar levels , many investors have decided that it makes more sense to invest in rather than borrow the dollar , using the euro or the yen as a funding currency instead .

  7. “每一种证券提供的收益率都低于通胀率。”MikeAmey说,他为基金管理团队太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)管理英国货币的投资组合。

    " Every single gilt offers a yield that is less than inflation ," says Mike Amey , who manages sterling portfolios for PIMCO , a fund-management group .

  8. 这是很难做现金或货币市场投资。

    This is hard to do with cash or money market investments .

  9. 通货膨胀的主要影响因素是产出、货币、投资和收入。

    The mostly influencing factors of inflation are output , currency , investment and income .

  10. 只要政治变化存在,只要有经济不平等存在,货币和投资就会继续跨边界流动。

    As longas there arepolitical changes and as long as thereis economicinequality , currencies and investments willcontinueto flow across borders .

  11. 欧洲货币越南投资论坛应该召集几百名世界顶尖级的货币管理人员到河内。

    The Euromoney Vietnam Investment Forum was supposed to bring hundreds of the world 's top money managers to Hanoi .

  12. 股票,证券投资基金,货币市场投资三项资产风险系数较大。

    The empirical evidences indicate that coefficients of fixed income investment are less than stock , fund and monetary market investment .

  13. 通胀率自身的传导效应较大,产出、货币和投资分别对其有不同程度的影响,而工资对其影响并不显著。

    The domino offect of conduction of the inflation rate is great . Output , currency and investment influenced inflation rate differently .

  14. 投资者利用套利策略,借入低收益率的发达市场货币,投资于利率较高的发展中国家货币。

    The investor has used carry strategies , borrowing in low-yielding developed market currencies to invest in developing countries where interest rates are higher .

  15. 银行在任何时候所贷出去的货币及投资,是超过法定存款准备金和最低现金规定的现金和银行存款余额。

    The money it can lend and invest , at any moment , is its excess of cash and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements .

  16. 摘要:黄金以其独特的物理和化学属性在经济社会中延伸出三大经济属性,即货币、投资和商品属性。

    With its unique physical and chemical properties , gold has extended to three economic properties in the economic society , which are currency , investment and commercial properties .

  17. 在重商主义时期,是用黄金来弥补这个这个差额,但是现在是通过持有国际收支逆差国的现金和用该国货币的投资来弥补这个差额。

    In the mercantilist period , the difference was made up by a transfer of gold , but today it is made up by holding the deficit country 's currency or investments denominated in that currency .

  18. 与日元一样,港元走强的一个原因是套利交易的平仓。所谓套利交易,即借入低息货币,投资在回报率较高的另一国家。

    Like the yen , one reason for the Hong Kong dollar 's rise has been the unwinding of carry trades – borrowing cheaply in one currency , to invest in another country where returns are better .

  19. 当前中国的对外资产累积有几千亿美元,但绝大部分是缺乏控股权的债券与货币性投资,直接投资所占份额很少。

    Chinese external assets have been accumulated up to several hundreds of millions dollars at present , most of which , however , is bond and monetary investment short of controlling interest , and in which the proportion of direct investment is very low .

  20. 随着英央行提高利率,外国投资者更加愿意向英国金融机构提供贷款,以利用所谓的“套利交易”,借入瑞士法郎或日元等低息货币,投资于英镑。

    As the bank raised interest rates , foreign investors became ever more willing to lend to UK financial institutions to take advantage of so-called " carry trades " , borrowing in low-rate currencies such as Swiss francs or yen to invest in sterling .

  21. 惠誉分析师阿拉斯泰尔休厄尔(AlastairSewell)和黄莉(LiHuang)称,这尤其令人担忧,因为中国的零售货币基金大量投资于长期存款和债券,以保持有竞争力的收益率。

    This is particularly worrying because Chinese retail money funds invest heavily in deposits and bonds with long maturity dates in order to keep yields competitive , say Fitch analysts Alastair Sewell and Li Huang .

  22. 以非货币资产对外投资;

    Investing abroad with non-currency assets ;

  23. 中国货币政策行业投资效应的差异性分析

    An Analysis of the Difference in the Effect of Chinese Monetary Policy on the Investment of Different Industries

  24. 在我国现有的经济结构下,政府为了优先保证经济增长速度,使用货币政策和投资等手段对经济进行干预,以保持适度通货膨胀。

    As far as the current economy structure of China , the government takes priority to keep certain growth rate .

  25. 流动性陷阱与利率调节&货币政策对投资、产出、就业无效吗?

    The Trap of Liquidity and Regulation of Interest Rate & Is Monetary Policy Ineffective on Investment , Output and Employment ;

  26. 市场上以特定货币结算的投资包括货币市场基金、债券、按揭、银行存款和其他工具。

    Investments that are denominated in a given currency include money-market funds , bonds , mortgages , bank deposits , and other instruments .

  27. 在大多数国家,央行如果担心产能过剩,可能会利用货币政策令投资放缓。

    In most countries , if a central bank were worried about overcapacity , it would use monetary policy to try to slow investment .

  28. 东亚国家和地区应完善区域合作协调机制、加强区域货币和贸易投资合作,并进一步促进亚洲债券市场发展。

    To tackle global economic imbalance , East Asia should enhance regional cooperation in the field of strategic partnerships , Asian currency cooperation , intra-regional trade and investment .

  29. 首先,资本流入通过对本国货币供给、投资的扩张作用促进经济增长,引起实际有效汇率升值、国际储备稳定增长和整体物价上涨。

    ( A ) Capital inflow will lead to economic growth , real effective exchange rate appreciation , international reserve increasing steadily and inflation through expanding money supply and investment .

  30. 但目前的经济和金融趋势,包括仅局限于亚洲的债券基金、货币互换、投资协定和相关制度,可能会使美国企业日益陷于不利地位,并与美国的目标相左。

    But economic and financial trends , including Asia-only bond funds , currency swaps , investment pacts and institutions , may increasingly disadvantage US companies and work against US objectives .