
  • 网络core tier one capital
  1. 这些数据将巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)上一次改变规则的影响做成了模型上次改变收窄了银行可计入核心一级资本比率的定义。

    The data model the impact of earlier rule changes approved by the Basel Committee on banking supervision narrowing the definition of what banks can count towards core tier one capital ratio .

  2. 《巴塞尔协议iii》资本比率的定义比现行规定更加严格,对可计入“核心一级资本”的工具进行了限制。

    Basel III capital ratios rely on a tougher definition than current rules dictate , limiting the instruments that count as " core tier one capital " .

  3. 这一改革方案名为《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),其中包括对全球银行核心一级资本比率新的最低要求。

    The reform package , known as Basel III , includes a new minimum core tier one ratio for banks worldwide .

  4. 汇丰的核心一级资本充足率达到10%以上,远远超过《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的规定,因此该行可以在其竞争对手收缩之际继续放贷。

    Basel III core tier one capital is comfortable at more than 10 per cent , so HSBC can keep lending while rivals cut back .

  5. 今年,它变卖了传家之宝:出售巴克莱全球投资者(barclaysglobalinvestors,简称bgi)将使其核心一级资本比率升至8.8%。

    This year it hawked the family silver : the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent .

  6. 它可以退守的业务是德国零售及企业银行业务,其风险状况允许它落在同行后面,按照巴塞尔协议iii核心一级资本比率7.2%运行。

    Its own fallback is German retail and corporate banking , whose risk profile lets it run a peer-trailing fully loaded Basel III core tier one capital ratio of 7.2 per cent .

  7. 他说,除了《巴塞尔协议III》针对所有银行规定的7%的核心一级资本比率之外,上述银行机构将需要一个固定的额外资本金比率。欧洲大陆一些国家对这一理念非常抗拒。

    He said that on top of the 7 per cent core tier-one capital defined by the Basel III accord for all banks , such institutions would need a fixed additional capital percentage , a concept that some parts of continental Europe are very resistant to .

  8. 处于核心一级资本占6.2%,似乎不高,但是通过减少股息,可能会助其一臂之力。

    Its core , tier-one capital , at6.2 % , looks low , but the reduced dividend may help shore it up .

  9. 这一改革方案不仅要求银行拥有更多的资本金,还对核心一级资本给出了更为严格的定义。

    The reform package not only requires more capital but also tightens the definition of what counts toward core tier one - capital .

  10. 全世界的银行都面临提高核心一级资本比率以满足更严格的全球新标准的压力。

    Banks across the world are under pressure to increase their core tier one capital ratios to meet the new tougher global standards .

  11. 这次的16家银行的核心一级资本比率财务稳健的关键指标为5%或6%。

    The 16 institutions ended up with core tier one capital ratios the key measure of financial strength of 5 and 6 per cent .

  12. 然而,银行的资本金摊得如此之薄:英国大型银行的核心一级资本仅为债务的4%。

    Yet banks are also thinly capitalised : the core tier 1 capital of big UK banks is a mere 4 per cent of liabilities .

  13. 一级资本;核心一级资本;普通股本;有形普通股本有太多计算银行资本的方法被人们滥用一气。

    Tier one equity ; core tier one equity ; common equity ; tangible common equity too many ways to count bank capital are carelessly thrown around .

  14. 塞浦路斯官员表示,他们可能被迫寻求欧盟援助,才能使该国银行达到9%的核心一级资本比率(衡量财务健康的一项关键标准)门槛。

    Cypriot officials have said that they may be forced to seek EU aid for banks to meet the 9 per cent threshold for core tier one capital , a key measure of financial strength .

  15. 周日,该委员会责令各银行,在2019年之前,将核心一级资本与风险加权资产的最低比率从2%提升至7%,否则将对其派息和奖金发放施加限制。

    On Sunday , the committee ordered banks to raise their minimum core tier one capital from 2 per cent to 7 per cent of their risk weighted assets by 2019 or face restrictions on pay and bonuses .

  16. 根据《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的新全球资本框架,所有银行都应将质量最优的“核心一级”资本保持在其风险加权资产的7%。

    Under the New Basel III global capital framework , all banks will be required to hold top-quality " core tier one " capital equal to 7 per cent of their risk-adjusted assets .

  17. 冰岛政府周一将宣布的注资计划,将使新银行核心的一级资本比率提高至大约12%符合国际标准。

    The capital injection to be announced by the government on Monday would increase the core tier one capital ratios of the new banks to about 12 per cent in line with international standards .

  18. 有些监管机构允许银行将核心资本(即一级资本)保持在接近于4%的最低水平,或者把大量次级债券和其它非权益资本计算在内。

    Some allowed banks to operate close to the minimum 4 per cent levels of core , so-called Tier 1 , capital , or to count significant amounts of subordinated bonds and other non-equity capital .