
  • 网络core employees;Core Worker
  1. 员工离职,尤其是核心员工的离职,将直接影响到企业人才的稳定性。

    The voluntary turnover , especially core workers ' voluntary turnover , will affect the stability of the talent in an enterprise .

  2. 核心员工在企业人员数量中所占的比例相对较小,但是其却可以为企业提供大多数的利益。

    Although core workers occupy comparatively small portion of the employees , they could contribute to the most benefit of the company .

  3. Z公司核心员工培训系统研究

    Study on Training System of Key Employee in Z Company

  4. TL建筑设计研究院核心员工流失的原因及其解决对策研究

    Research on the Reasons for the Turnover of Key Employees and Its Countermeasures of TL Architectural Design & Research Institute

  5. 并且,从Z公司的实际情况和长远发展出发,归纳了当前公司核心员工培训存在的问题,探讨了核心员工培训的紧迫性。

    Additionally , this paper concludes the problems with its present training to the key employees and discusses the urgency of stuff training of Z Company based on its present situation and future development .

  6. 第三部分:在介绍HT公司基本情况的基础上,对HT公司核心员工进行界定并设计心理契约调查问卷,在深入了解HT公司核心员工心理契约情况的基础上分析核心员工激励存在的问题。

    To understand the basic situation of the company based on the HT , the HT core staffs to define and design the questionnaire to learn more about the problem .

  7. 其次,在问卷调查和访谈的基础上,本文从培训方式、时间、内容、师资、方法等要素上进行了统计描述,分析了Z公司核心员工的培训需求。

    Secondly , based on questionnaire investigation and interview , this paper statistically describes the training need of key employees of Z Company with respect to factors including method , time , content , instructor and so on .

  8. 最后结合企业实际,从招聘、培训、薪酬分配体系、人性化管理和职业生涯设计等多方面入手,有针对性地提出了解决SH公司核心员工流失问题的控制对策。

    Finally , some countermeasures against key employees ' turnover are put forth for SH Group base on the Recruitment , Training , Pay distribution system , Humanity management and Career design etc.

  9. 第五章DMG集团公司核心员工薪酬体系优化方案的保障措施:第六章研究结论。

    Chapter v DMG group company core employee compensation system optimization of safeguard measures ; The sixth chapter research conclusion .

  10. 从而,随着电信市场竞争日趋激烈,Z公司必须加强对高素质核心员工队伍的建设,才能提高自身的创新能力,并在激烈的竞争中取胜。

    Accordingly , it is necessary for Z Company to enhance the team construction of high-quality key employees in order to develop its innovative ability and to succeed in the drastic competition of telecom market , which is the standpoint of this paper .

  11. 其中预警分析的环节为监测、识别、诊断及评价过程;预控对策包含组织准备、日常监控、预警危机管理环节。(6)YS集团核心员工流失预警指标体系构建。

    One of the link for the monitoring and warning analysis , identify , diagnosis and evaluation process , Control measures include tissue preparation , daily monitoring and warning crisis management.6.YS group core staffs loss early-warning index system is constructed .

  12. 然后在此基础上,进行变量定义和测量,利用企业战略人力资源管理问卷调查所获得的数据,对SHRM与核心员工保留关系模型的有关研究假设进行检验,并对实证结果做出解释。

    Then the paper discusses the relation between SHRM and key employee retention from quantity view based on the research model and the survey data from SHRM questionnaires . Furthermore , this chapter explains the result of the empirical research .

  13. 能力及知识通过此方法得以发展,DMASS应该根据企业内部的实际需求相应地调整顺序并由绿带和黑带培训师对核心员工进行培训。

    The skills and knowledge developed by this methodology , DMASS , should be transposed effectively into the key employees within the organization , through education by Green and Black Belts .

  14. 接着在对OMH公司进行介绍的基础上,分析了OMH公司员工绩效考核的现状,指出了其中存在的问题,为后文制定科学合理的核心员工绩效考核制度奠定了良好的基础。

    The paper analyzes the status of employee performance appraisal of OMH Company based on its introduction , and pointes out the existing problems , which has laid a good foundation for developing scientific and rational core staff performance appraisal system the later .

  15. 人力资源包括管理团队、核心员工和专业人才。

    Human resources include management team , core staff and professionals .

  16. 生物化工/制药企业保留核心员工实战策略

    Practical Strategy of Retaining Key Employees for Biochemical / Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  17. 转型期核心员工的离职创业行为与家族制企业

    The Conduct of Demission to Start-ups and Family Firms in Transition

  18. 最后,提出了核心员工职业发展管理的对策。

    Finally , a few of management countermeasures are put forward .

  19. 房地产企业核心员工激励机制研究

    Study on Incentive Mechanism to Core Employee in Real Estate Enterprise

  20. 民营企业核心员工职业生涯管理研究

    The Study on Career Management of Core Staff at Private Company

  21. 白宫一些核心员工都要离职了。

    Key staff are now starting to leave the White House .

  22. 核心员工是企业生产运营和发展壮大的原动力。

    Key employees are the original power for enterprise operation and development .

  23. 关注期望理论留住核心员工

    Pay close attention to expectancy theory and keep key staff

  24. 民营旅游企业核心员工流失问题研究

    Research on Core Employees ' Loss in Private Tourism Enterprises

  25. 以核心员工为本管理理念研究

    A Study of Management Idea Based on Core Staff Members

  26. 企业核心员工的成本比较及管理策略研究

    Research on Cost Comparing and Management Strategy of Core Staff in Enterprises

  27. 企业核心员工留用与激励研究

    Study on Retaining and Incentive of Core Employees of Enterprises

  28. 企业核心员工无薪激励的策略

    The Strategy of No-pay Motivating of Key Staff in Enterprises

  29. 时代帝景大酒店核心员工激励机制研究

    Research on Establishing Excitation Mechanism for Core Staff of New Empire Hotel

  30. 基于心理契约的IT企业核心员工离职问题分析

    Study Staff Dimission of IT Companies Based on Psychological Contract