
  • 网络Technology;core technology;Know-how;core
  1. 容错是增强Web服务可用性的核心技术。

    Fault tolerance is the key technology to improve the availability of Web service .

  2. 下一代网络及其核心技术SoftSwitch

    Next Generation Network and Its Core Technology : Soft Switch

  3. 关键核心技术实现重大突破,进入创新型国家前列。

    Making major breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas , China will become a global leader in innovation .

  4. 推动我国汽车制造业高质量发展,必须加强关键核心技术和关键零部件的自主研发,实现技术自立自强,做强做大民族品牌。

    We should strengthen the independent development of core technologies and components manufacturing industry and build strong domestic automobile brands .

  5. 介绍了构成Web服务的核心技术。

    Introduction to the core technologies that make up Web services .

  6. 加入WTO,打造企业核心技术竞争力的政策考虑

    Enter WTO and Policy Concern for Enterprises to Creat Core Technology Competence

  7. Java虚拟机是Java的核心技术之一,是Java技术实现平台无关特性的基础。

    Java Virtual Machine was one of core technologies in Java , which was the basic of " platform-independent " characteristic .

  8. 研究表明:每一产业的核心技术都有一组与之匹配的关键要素,在H模型中称之为Xi要素。

    The result based on H model is that there is a group of Xi-factors necessary to every industry .

  9. Ajax核心技术及其研究应用

    Ajax Core Technology and Its Research Application

  10. 域名系统(Domainnamesystem,DNS)是Internet的核心技术之一,提供了针对域名和IP地址间相互映射的解析服务。

    Domain Name System is the core technology of the Internet , which can provide resolution service on mutual mapping between domain names and IP addresses .

  11. 在此基础上,从Java编程的核心技术线程入手,提出了Java网格编程模型,它使网格结构的接口细节抽象化,为网格客户的网格应用程序的开发更加简单、便捷。

    On this basis , from the core technology of Java programming , Java grid programming model is put forwarded by the author .

  12. VPN及其核心技术

    VPN and Its Key Technology

  13. 消息传递技术是SOA的核心技术,XML已经成为跨应用程序数据表示和交换的通用语言。

    Messaging technology is at the core of SOA , and XML has emerged as the lingua franca of data representation and exchange across applications .

  14. 对TCP协议进行有效的改进,使之适用于无线网络成为高效可靠数据传输的核心技术。

    TCP protocol to improve effective to apply to become a highly efficient and reliable wireless network for data traNSmission core technology .

  15. RFID中间件作为RFID的核心技术之一,在RFID系统中起到非常重要的作用。

    RFID Middleware plays a very important role as the core technology , when RFID system will be deployed in reality .

  16. CDMA作为第三代移动通信的核心技术之一,具有良好的保密性和抗干扰性。

    As the core technology of the third generation mobile communication system , CDMA has good privacy performance and anti-interference ability .

  17. 在此基础上,借鉴了运政管理信息系统协同建设的思想和工作流技术,系统在核心技术思想采用了基于WEB的工作流思想,并运用工作流思想,建立了运政管理信息系统的流程模型。

    The systems use the WEB-based workflow ideas as the core technology , and make use of the work flow of thought , finish the establishment of the Transportation Management Information System Process model .

  18. 近年来,基于密度泛函理论(DFT:densityfunctiontheory)的第一性原理计算在物理性质预测、合成、材料设计和评价诸多方面有许多突破性的进展,己经成为计算材料科学的重要基础和核心技术。

    In recent years , Density Function Theory based on first principles calculation can predict the physical properties , material design , synthesis and evaluation , and has become an important basis for calculation of Materials Science and Core Technology .

  19. Web服务作为面向服务架构的核心技术,以其动态性和跨平台性为分布、异构的企业级Web应用组合或协作提供了有力的支持。

    Web services , as the core technology of the SOA , has strong ability to support the distributed and heterogeneous enterprise-class Web applications ' composition or cooperation because of its dynamic and cross-platform ability .

  20. 本文的绝大多数代码都是HTML、JavaScript和CSS&Web开发人员的核心技术。

    Most of the code in this article is just HTML , JavaScript , and CSS & the core technologies of any Web developer .

  21. 研究系统的核心技术:提出CHECK系统的功能,给出四个图形建模工具的开发过程及其流程图,设计系统的三个支撑数据库,并给出关系图;

    The key technologies of the system , including the function of " CHECK ", the development course of four figure modeling tools and three databases to support the system , were discussed .

  22. 随着Web服务成为公认的实现服务的主流技术选择,这使得动态Web服务组合技术成为面向服务的计算的核心技术。

    Along with the acceptance of Web Services as the mainstream technology for service provision , dynamic service composition based on Web Services has been regarded as one of the core technologies for the service-oriented computing paradigm .

  23. 作者将RUP的应用研究总结为基于RUP的建模技术、迭代式开发、风险分析与规避策略和RUP过程裁剪等四个核心技术研究。

    I summarize RUP core technology as four aspects : modeling based on RUP ; iterative development ; risk analysis and elusion ;

  24. 确定了以OpenGL作为刺激器系统开发的核心技术方案,实现了三维模型的渲染与灵活控制。

    In order to realize 3D model rendering and flexible control , OpenGL has been identified as the core technology to develop system .

  25. 在未来的无线宽带接入以及4G移动通信系统中,OFDM技术已经被确定为核心技术。

    OFDM has been confirmed as a core technology for future wireless broadband access as well as the fourth generation mobile communication system .

  26. IC核心技术是利用反应器所产沼气的提升作用形成内循环,在强化传质的同时提高基质利用效率。

    The core technic of IC is using the upgrading function of marsh gas to form internal circulation which can intensify sending qualities and simultaneously improve radicel qualities degradation .

  27. TMIS中央系统核心技术浅析

    Core technology analysis of TMIS Central System

  28. 以定位平衡压裂为核心技术的层内细分改造工艺,不破坏的界面厚度达到0·4m;

    With layer internal fine reconstruction technique based on oriented balanced fracturing , the undamaged interface thickness reaches 0.4m .

  29. WebServices在跨越防火墙通信、应用系统集成方面的巨大优势,使之成为构建企业支付网关的核心技术。首先对企业电子支付的现状和存在的问题进行了讨论,探讨了构建企业支付网关的难点。

    Web services have great advantages in across firewall communication and systems integration and become the key technology in the construction of Enterprise Payment Gateway . Firstly , the status of e-commerce and online payment of enterprise and existing issues are discussed .

  30. 两大核心技术层叠加嵌及EDH处理技术都是在FPGA内部完成的。

    Two core technologies of this paper , cascade multiplex and EDH processing technology is done within the FPGA .