
  • 网络international expansion
  1. 中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴集团聘用了长期与其合作的一名前高盛(GoldmanSachs)高管,负责该公司的国际扩张业务。

    To oversee international expansion , the Alibaba Group is turning to a former Goldman Sachs executive who has long worked with the Chinese Internet giant .

  2. 新闻集团(newscorporation)旗下的社交网站myspace将扭转其国际扩张的战略,以便在全球广告业滑坡之际削减成本并提高利润水平。

    MySpace , the social networking site owned by News Corporation , is reversing a strategy of international expansion in an attempt to slash costs and improve profits amid a global advertising slump .

  3. IBM于2008年初进行的中国首席执行官调查发现,60%受访者计划在2009年进行国际扩张。

    A survey by IBM survey of Chinese chief executives at the beginning of 2008 found that 60 per cent planned to expand internationally in 2009 .

  4. “web2.0”一代最为成功的一些消费者互联网公司正纷纷走向全球,掀起了一波国际扩张浪潮,与美国第一轮互联网热潮时的勃勃雄心颇为相似。

    Some of the most successful members of the " Web 2.0 " generation of consumer Internet companies are racing to go global , in a wave of international expansion that echoes the outsized ambitions of the first wave of dotcoms from the US .

  5. 零售业咨询公司JCWilliams合伙人吉姆•奥卡穆拉(JimOkamura)表示,美国大型零售连锁企业也在对互联网引导的国际扩张进行探索。

    Jim Okamura , partner at JC Williams retail consultancy , said online-led international expansion was also being explored by large US retail chains .

  6. 比如说,OLX采用了火星式方法进行国际扩张。

    For example , OLX has taken the Martian approach to international expansion .

  7. 比如说,OLX采用了“火星式方法”进行国际扩张。

    For example , OLX has taken the " Martian approach " to international expansion .

  8. 在以色列,一家领先的水务技术公司whitewater即将完成新一轮筹资,以支持其国际扩张。

    In Israel , Whitewater , a leading water technology business , is completing a new funding round to support international expansion .

  9. 下调该公司股票评级的就是贝尔德证券的分析师鲍尔。他还列举了其他风险,包括内容成本激增,国际扩张的成败,以及来自亚马逊(Amazon)、Hulu和YouTube的竞争加剧。

    Mr. Power , the analyst at Baird who downgraded the stock , outlined other risks , including escalating content costs , international expansion and rising competition from Amazon , Hulu and YouTube .

  10. 美国的有线体育电视网络espn正着手一项国际扩张计划,并声称“绝对有兴趣”在2009年的下一次拍卖中,购买英超联赛(premierleague)在英国的转播权。

    ESPN , the US cable sports network , is planning an international expansion , saying it is " absolutely interested " in acquiring UK rights to the English Premier League when they are next auctioned in 2009 .

  11. 优步(Uber)负责国际扩张的高管即将离职,这是该公司大规模重组的一部分。这个叫车应用公司正在艰难应对欧洲的监管问题和中国的融资问题。

    The Uber executive in charge of international expansion is leaving the company , as part of a broader shake-up of the taxi-hailing app as it struggles with regulatory difficulties in Europe and fundraising in China .

  12. 国际扩张将带来挑战(这是创造力的另一个关键因素)和巨大机遇,因为进入其他市场和新的合作伙伴(比如最近收购的一家欧洲制作/推广公司BBGroup)带来了新的创意和业务处理方式。

    International expansion will bring challenge - another essential component of creativity - as exposure to other markets and new partners such as recently acquired BB Group ( a European producer / promoter ) bring new ideas and ways of working into the business , and huge opportunities .

  13. 安利公司董事长史提夫o温安洛的父亲是安利联合创始人之一。在最近接受《财富》采访时,温安洛谈到了直销商业模式遭受的种种抨击、安利在中国的成功以及安利未来的国际扩张计划。安利总部位于密歇根州大急流城(GrandRapids)。

    Amway Chairman Steve Van Andel , the son of one of the company co-founders , recently spoke with Fortune about criticisms of the direct-selling business model , its China success , and the next step in Grand Rapids , Michigan-based Amway 's international expansion .

  14. 他认为,这家公司接下来的两大执行挑战是拓展在实体店的覆盖率【它今年夏天以来已经开始在好市多(Cosco)进行测试】和国际扩张(不只是最近进入加拿大市场)。

    He believes that its next two major execution challenges are expanding its in-store retail presence ( it has been running a test in COSCO since the summer ) and international expansion ( beyond the recent Canada launch ) .

  15. 一场专利纠纷给小米(Xiaomi)的国际扩张造成打击,这家发展迅速的中国智能手机制造商在印度遭遇暂时禁售,利润率面临更大压力。

    A patent dispute has dealt a blow to Xiaomi 's international expansion , leaving the fast-growing Chinese smartphone maker facing a temporary ban on sales in India and further pressure on margins .

  16. 2000年,他进入瑞士电信,出任移动部门主管,其后在2006年晋升为首席执行官,此前他的前任延斯•阿尔德(JensAlder)在与瑞士政府就集团的国际扩张战略发生冲突后被迫辞职。瑞士政府是瑞士电信的最大股东。

    In 2000 , he joined Swisscom as head of its mobile division , before being promoted to chief executive in 2006 , after his predecessor , Jens Alder , was forced to resign following a clash with the Swiss government , which is Swisscom 's largest shareholder , over the group 's international expansion strategy .

  17. 随后他们借助快速国际扩张,使汽车业销售额翻了一番。

    They subsequently doubled automotive sales thanks to rapid international expansion .

  18. 但这并没有阻止该公司宏伟的国际扩张计划。

    But not stopping the company having big , international expansion plans .

  19. 会计师事务所国际扩张:四大与非四大的比较研究

    International Expansion of Accounting Firms : A Comparative Study between Big-Four and Non-Big-Four

  20. 来吧伙计们,你们到底会不会尽全力国际扩张?

    Come on boys , are you committed to international expansion or not ?

  21. 国际扩张实际上是我们整个公司今后几年的策略。

    International expansion is actually a company strategy in the coming few years .

  22. 它也打通了小企业进行国际扩张的道路。

    It has also opened the way for smaller companies to expand internationally .

  23. 同时,该公司一直在通过直销和网络渠道迅速进行国际扩张。

    It has been rapidly expanding its global footprint through direct , online sales .

  24. 对这些品牌来说,进行国际扩张的时机已经成熟。

    These brands are ripe for international expansion .

  25. 寻求国际扩张的中国企业是否会将美国视为目标?

    Is the United States considered a target for Chinese companies looking to expand internationally ?

  26. 不过,此笔收购可能会给中石油带来一个更好的海外平台,可用于国际扩张。

    Nonetheless , the acquisition potentially gives PetroChina a more palatable offshore platform for international expansion .

  27. 对该公司来说,当其在美国的增长放缓,国际扩张就变得越来越重要。

    International expansion is increasingly crucial for the company as growth slows in the United States .

  28. 新创企业国际扩张、组织学习与绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Relationship among International Expansion , Organizational Learning and Performance in New Enterprises

  29. 尽管营收呈现下滑,苹果仍在增加对未来产品和国际扩张的投资。

    Even as revenues slide , Apple is hiking its investment in future products and international expansion .

  30. 沃尔玛没有回应对其未来的国际扩张时机置评的请求。

    Walmart did not respond to a request for comment on the timing of future international expansion .