
  • 网络national specialized bank
  1. 国家专业银行向国有商业银行转变,是我国社会主义市场经济体制确立和发展的客观要求,是专业银行经营体制、经营方针、组织结构和内部管理体制的一次根本性变革。

    Transferring national specialized bank to state-owned commercial hank is the objective demand of establishing and developing system of socialist market economy in our country and is the fundamental change in system of operation , policy of operation , organization structure and interior managerial system of specialized bank .

  2. 当前我国国有商业银行组织制度仍然沿袭国家专业银行的传统模式,难以适应新形势的要求。

    However , Nowadays state-owned commercial banks institution still follow the traditional patterns of state-owned professional banking , so they cannot adapt to the new trend .

  3. 国家农业专业银行的建立是农村金融现代化的重要标志。

    The establishment of the national agricultural specialized bank is the important symbol of the modernization of the rural finance .