
  • 网络BRICS Bank
  1. 金砖银行仍面临着许多挑战。

    The Brics bank faces many challenges .

  2. 拟建的金砖银行使得金砖集团的合作上升至全新层次,其重要性也不可同日而语。

    The envisaged Brics bank elevates the grouping to a different level of co-operation and importance .

  3. 比如说有一个问题就可能引发争议,即金砖银行的总部要设在哪里。

    A contentious issue , for example , is where the bank will be based .

  4. 金砖银行预计明年开始为金砖五国的基础设施项目提供融资。

    The BRICS New Development Bank is expected to start financing infrastructure projects in the five BRICS nations next year .

  5. 马斯多普表示,金砖银行批准的这些项目不仅惠及南非这样的金砖成员国,还将给整个非洲带来实实在在的利益。

    Leslie Maasdorp says the projects not only benefit South Africa , but also boost the development of the African continent .

  6. 但环保人士担心,新的金砖银行和中国支持的亚洲基础设施基金带来的更多竞争意味着,世行的重新审议难免带来标准降低。

    But environmentalists fear rising competition from a new Brics bank and China-backed Asian infrastructure fund mean that review will inevitably lead to lower standards .

  7. 巴西官员建议,金砖国家开发银行应当采纳像安第斯开发公司(andeandevelopmentcorporation)一样简洁的结构。

    Brazilian officials suggest the BRICs bank should have a lean structure , like the Andean Development Corporation ( CAF ) .

  8. 如果这一设想变为现实,金砖国家开发银行将成为1991年欧洲复兴开发银行(EBRD)成立以来设立的第一家重要多边贷款机构。

    If it becomes a reality , the institution would be the first major multilateral lender to emerge since the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1991 .

  9. 欧洲复兴开发银行象征着冷战后的秩序,而金砖国家开发银行可能昭示着新兴国家在21世纪的崛起。

    While the EBRD symbolised the Post-Cold War order , the BRICs bank could showcase the 21st century rise of emerging states .

  10. 中国人强烈支持把金砖国家开发银行的总部设在南非,这样一来,他们将在非洲大陆获得影响力。

    The Chinese are supporting heavily that the bank should be in South Africa , so they will have clout on that continent .

  11. 预计本届峰会有可能达成设立金砖国家开发银行和金砖国家商业委员会的协议。

    This year 's summit is widely expected to endorse an agreement to establish a BRICS development bank and the BRICS Business Council .

  12. 金砖国家开发银行和应急储备安排的设立,不是要削弱或冲击既有的国际体系,而是对现今全球经济金融机制的有益补充和完善。

    The establishment of the BRICS Development Bank and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement is not to weaken or impact the existing international system , but to better complement and improve the current global economic and financial mechanism .

  13. 中方支持主席国南非把成立金砖国家开发银行、外汇储备库、工商理事会、智库理事会等列入会晤筹备重点,期待会晤在这些方面取得积极成果。

    China supports the South African Presidency in prioritizing the establishment of a BRICS development bank , contingent reserve arrangement , business council and think tank council in preparations for the meeting . We hope that the meeting will produce positive results in these areas .

  14. 今年8月份在里约热内卢举行的筹备会上,金砖五国一致同意,金砖国家开发银行应当从市场上筹集资金,不能单纯以基金的模式来运作。

    At preparatory meetings in Rio de Janeiro in August , the five countries agreed that the bank should raise money from the market , instead of acting merely as a fund .

  15. 金砖国家这个月将开始运作其1000亿美元的资金。金砖国家发展银行被视为国际货币基金组织之外的一个选择。

    The group is to begin this month operating a $ 100 billion currency pool seen as an alternative to the International Monetary Fund .

  16. 他表示金砖成员国应该加强合作,深化伙伴关系,寻求共同发展,尤其是通过2014年建立的金砖国家新开发银行和应急储备安排。

    He said BRICS members should enhance cooperation and deepen partnerships to seek common development , especially through the BRICS New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement which were established in 2014 .