
  • 网络Financial swap;swap
  1. 金融互换与企业负债管理

    Financial Swaps and the Management of Enterprise Debt

  2. 第三章论述信用支持这一非典型担保在遵守内国担保法律的同时,尽量防范国际金融互换实际支付的信用风险。

    Chapter Three describes that credit support arrangement which is an atypical security defends credit crisis in the real payment of international financial swaps .

  3. 金融互换交易在我国的运用研究

    A Study on the Applications of Financial Swap in Our Country

  4. 关于我国发展金融互换市场的思考

    Research on China 's Swaps Market Development

  5. 金融互换的新课题&能不能通过借债来形成银行资本

    The New Project for Financial Swap

  6. 其主要构想为:建立石油期货市场,争取石油定价话语权;利用石油金融互换制定有关石油的货币金融政策;建立石油产业发展基金等。

    The main ideas are establishing oil future market , striving speaking right in oil pricing , developing monetary policy related oil , and so on .

  7. 金融互换的基本原理是比较优势与利益共享,它具有功能较多、灵活性较大、风险较小等优点。

    The basic principle of financial swaps is to compare advantages and share benefits . It is characterized by more functions , better flexibility and smaller risks .

  8. 作为场外衍生金融交易的互换交易具有较大的信用风险,信用违约互换在此次美国次贷危机中颇具争议。

    With financial derivatives out-of-counter transaction , financial swap bears superior credit risk and it leads to a debate on the current subprime mortgage crisis in USA. .

  9. 上星期财政司司长与金融管理专员互换函件,该等函件列载双方在货币与金融事务方面的职能与责任分配。

    An exchange of letters between the financial secretary and the Monetary Authority last week set out the division of functions and responsibilities in monetary and financial affairs .

  10. 除了传统的金融期货、金融期权、金融互换和远期合约这些基础衍生金融工具外,伴随资产证券化产生的担保债务凭证、信用违约互换等创新衍生金融工具也在金融市场中占据了重要地位。

    In addition to the traditional basic financial instruments , such as financial options , financial exchanges and forward contracts , Collateralized Debt Obligation , Credit Default Swap became popular in financial markets .

  11. 主要的创新工具有金融远期、金融期货、金融期权和金融互换等。

    Derivative financial instruments are financial instruments , which are derived from fundamental financial instruments mainly including exchanges , interests , stocks and index .