
  • 网络financial innovation;FinancialInnovation
  1. WTO框架下金融创新的知识产权保护

    Intellectual Property Protection of the Financial Innovation under the Frame of the WTO

  2. 中国加入WTO后金融创新问题探讨

    Discussion of Financial Innovation Question after China Joined WTO

  3. 加入WTO后中国汽车企业的金融创新

    The Finance Innovation of Chinese Automobile Corporation after entering WTO

  4. 另外,ABS作为一种金融创新制度也可以成为中小企业融资的一条有效的途径。

    In addition , ABS , which is an innovative financial system , is another effective approach .

  5. CDR金融创新与市场缺陷

    CDR Financial Innovation and Market Shortcomings

  6. 加入金融创新的IS-LM模型

    IS-LM Model with Introduced Financial Innovations

  7. CDR的金融创新风险及其防范&以大陆、香港两地金融法为研究样本

    On Finance Innovation Risk of CDR and Its Avoidance & With the Financial Law of Mainland and Hong Kong is Research Sample

  8. ETFs(交易所交易基金)自创新以来,以其独具特色的交易制度,倍受全球基金业的重视,成为近十年来发展最为迅速的金融创新之一。

    Since the innovation of ETFs , with its distinctive trade system attracts attention of the global fund industry which has become one of the fastest development in financial innovation .

  9. QFⅡ进一步发展需要证券市场法制建设、股权制度的完善、金融创新的推进以及监管水平的提高等多方面措施的配合。

    The further development of QFII system needs the implementation of various measures such as the constitution of the securities market legal system , the improvement of the equity system , finance innovation , as well as the promotion the level of supervision .

  10. 金融创新、金融中介与金融市场:前沿理论综述

    The Relationship Among Financial Innovation , Financial Intermediary and Financial Market

  11. 接着分析了我国银行业效率低下、处境困难的发展状况,而混业经营能够促进银行的金融创新,为商业银行的发展提供良好的制度环境,从而提高金融效率,促进经济增长。

    The system of universal banking can help improve the situation .

  12. 中国证券市场金融创新探析

    A Probe into the Financial Innovation of China 's Securities Market

  13. 基于物流信息平台的金融创新-物流银行

    Logistics Bank & a Financial Innovation Based on Logistics Information Platform

  14. 浅论金融创新及我国的金融创新对策

    On the Financial Innovation and Our Country Financial Innovation Countermeasure

  15. 金融创新是现代金融业发展的必然选择

    Financial Innovation Is The Only Way To Develop Modern Finance

  16. 金融创新理论研究的新进展评析

    On the new Development of the Theory of Finance Innovation

  17. 股票指数期货是20世纪80年代发展起来的金融创新产品。

    Stock index and futures were developed in the 1980 's.

  18. 不同类型的金融创新对金融监管也提出了不同的要求。

    Different kinds of financial innovations demand different financial regulations .

  19. 金融创新的采纳与扩散:以银行卡为例

    Adoption and Diffusion of Financial Innovations : the Case of Bank Cards

  20. 金融创新主要源于风险的规避和利益的最大化要求;

    The financial innovation mainly derives from the risk evasion and profit maximization .

  21. 中国金融创新:特点分析与推进对策

    China Financial Innovation : Feature Analysis & Improving Countermeasures

  22. 金融创新促进了金融发展与经济增长。

    Financial innovation promotes financial development and economic growth .

  23. 金融创新与货币政策∶冲击与变革

    Financial Innovation and Monetary Policy : Shock and Renovation

  24. 论金融创新及其风险控制机制

    On Financial Innovation and Its Risk - Controling Mechanism

  25. 金融创新在基础设施融资中的应用

    The Application of Financial Innovation to Financing Infrastructure Investment

  26. 保险资金进入证券市场:呼唤全方位的金融创新

    On the Insurance Fund Flowing into the Stock Market

  27. 小企业融资与金融创新小企业融资困难原因及对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures on Financing Difficulties of Small-sized enterprise

  28. 对西安市基础设施融资引入金融创新的构想

    Financial Innovation in Funds Circulation for Infrastructure in Xi'an

  29. 金融创新的发展是随着金融领域的不断需求而进行的,因此国内对于金融创新的研究也必须跟上形势需求的发展。

    The financial innovation is developed to meet the demand of finance itself .

  30. 我国商业银行金融创新及其政策取向研究

    The Innovative Technology and Policy of China Commercial Bank