
  • 网络financial hegemony
  1. 金融霸权背景下的对冲基金投机冲击行为研究

    Study on the Speculation Lash by Hedge Funds under Financial Hegemony

  2. 开放形势下警惕金融霸权的负面影响

    On Guard Against Negative Effects of Financial Hegemony in the Opening Situation

  3. 美国超强的实力所支撑的金融霸权地位;

    The hegemony position being hold up by American super strength ;

  4. 表现为:增强了美国的金融霸权地位,削弱金融弱国的国际地位;

    The weakening of the international financial position of the backward countries ;

  5. 金融霸权、经济虚拟化与中美经济失衡的发生与调整

    Financial Hegemony , Economic Virtualization and the Occurrence and Adjustment of the Sino-US Economic Imbalance

  6. 防范金融霸权

    Watch Out for Financial Hegemony

  7. 美国金融霸权研究

    Analysis on American Financial Hegemony

  8. 金融霸权是美国主要霸权形式之一,也是美国维系其霸权地位的重要手段。

    Economic hegemony is the main form of American hegemony and the important means to maintain the state .

  9. 继而从欧洲一体化和欧元的诞生说起,说明欧洲一体化和欧元对美国金融霸权的挑战。

    Also , we talk about the birth of European integration and Euro and explain the challenges for the US economic hegemony .

  10. 金融霸权是需要多种实力支撑的,特别是实体经济和军事方面的优势(吴必康,2009)。

    Financial hegemony is supported by a variety of strengths , especially the real economy and military advantages ( Wu Bi-kang , 2009 ) .

  11. 美国是世界上受益于国际铸币税最多的国家,并在此基础上构建了其全球领域的金融霸权。

    American is definitely the biggest beneficiary of seigniorge , taking the advantage of seigniorge , American has constructed comprehensive financial hegemony in the world .

  12. 脆弱的国际货币制度和狭隘的金融霸权是国际金融体系无序性的主要表现,也是当代国际金融体系持续动荡的根源。

    The first two aspects are main manifestations of the unsoundness of international finance system , and also the source of continued turbulence in the international finance system .

  13. 文章尝试从金融霸权在新时期所具有的特点及其实现形式展开分析,提出了一些在金融霸权下可以采取的对策。

    The paper starts from an analysis of the characteristics and forms of realization of financial hegemony in the new era and provides some countermeasures for the opening situation .

  14. 正如美国崛起带动美国金融机构走向霸权地位,随着中国及其它新兴国家的崛起,目前也正在发生着同样的事情,今后还会发生更多这样的事情。

    Just as the rise of the US brought us financial institutions to supremacy , so is the same thing happening and will happen even more with the rise of China and other emerging countries .

  15. 金融危机、美元霸权与国际金融新秩序的构建

    The Financial Crisis , U.S.Dollar Supremacy and the Reconstruction of International Financial Order

  16. 金融在整个英国霸权兴衰中都起到了极为重要的催化剂和推动力的作用。

    Finance played a vital role of catalyst and driven force in the rise and fall of British hegemony .

  17. 本文认为国际金融体系下美元霸权和东亚地区内需不足导致了东亚地区的资金供给,美国消费主导型经济导致经常项目赤字进而引致资金的需求,供求之间能达到短期均衡。

    This paper held that East Asia becomes financial supplier because of dollar hegemony under current international financial system and insufficient domestic demand in East Asian countries , US becomes financial demander due to the consumption-led growth .

  18. 在科技创新的促进、全球市场化改革的推动、非均衡发展规律的作用、金融扩张和金融霸权的影响下,金融全球化迅速发展。

    Under the promotion in the innovation of science and technology , the promotion of global market reform , the role of the unbalanced developing law and the influence of financial hegemony and financial expansionism , financial globalization develops promptly .

  19. 本文基于对经济全球化的理论基础的分析,探讨了目前的经济全球化所导致的生产和分配领域的马太效应、全球资源的垄断、金融领域的金融霸权等现象。

    This paper , based on the analysis of the theoretical foundation of the economic globalization , probes into the Matthew effect in the production distribution field , Global monopoly in the resource field , financial hegemony phenomenon that the present economic globalization cause .

  20. 战后金融外交与美国金融霸权

    The Postwar Financial Diplomacy and the USA Financial Hegemony

  21. 其一,既要注重金融安全,又要反对金融霸权,必须抑制美元泛滥;

    In the first place , we should not only lay emphasis on finance security , but also oppose financial hegemony by restraining dollar glut .