
  • 网络Financial efficiency;finance efficiency
  1. 基于DEA的区域金融效率评价研究

    Research on the Chinese regional financial efficiency based on DEA model

  2. 研究金融效率问题应该有一个新的思路。

    And a new idea for studying financial efficiency is needed .

  3. 不确定性、风险和金融效率之间存在千丝万缕的联系。

    Uncertainty , risk and financial efficiency are inextricably linked .

  4. 金融效率理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Research on the Financial Efficiency Theory

  5. 财政分权视野的金融效率与区域经济增长

    Financial Reform and Regional Economic Development under the Background of Fiscal Decentralization

  6. 区域金融效率及其对经济增长的支持研究&以河北省为例

    Regional Financial Efficiency and Economic Growth & Case Study of Hebei Province

  7. 宏观金融效率、所有权效应与中国的银行自由化

    Macro Financial efficiency , Ownership Effect and Liberalization of Banks in China

  8. 与此同时,金融效率不高、金融抑制等问题仍然存在。

    There are still such problems as financial inefficiency and financial oppressions .

  9. 金融效率低下,运行缺乏秩序;

    Low financial efficiency and lack of operating order ;

  10. 我国住房金融效率分析

    Analysis of the Efficiency of Chinese Housing Finance

  11. 金融效率理论框架与我国金融效率实证考察

    Theory framework of financial efficiency and an empirical study of china 's financial efficiency

  12. 论经济发展中的金融效率

    On the Financial Efficiency in the Economic Development

  13. 金融效率分析的理论框架

    The theoretical framework of financial efficiency analysis

  14. 金融效率和金融安全是金融法律制度的两个基本价值理念。

    Financial efficiency and financial safety are two basic ideas in the financial law system .

  15. 现行财政体制下金融效率与我国区域产业结构优化

    Financial Efficiency in Current Financial System and the Optimization of Regional Industrial Structure in China

  16. 试论宏观金融效率与经济增长

    On Macro-financial Efficiency and Economic Growth

  17. 第三,农村产业结构与农村宏观金融效率指标正相关。

    Thirdly , the rural industrial structure is in positive correlation to the rural macroscopic financial efficiency index .

  18. 农村金融效率的高低成为影响现代农业发展的关键因素。

    The level of the efficiency of rural finance is the essential factor that affects the development of modern agriculture .

  19. 在实证分析之后,探求湖北省农村金融效率的制约因素。

    Based on the analysis above , it searches for factors that restrict the efficiency of rural finance of Hubei Province .

  20. 在社会网络中,政府信用、企业信用和个人信用不同程度的影响着金融效率。

    In the social networks , government credit , corporate credit and personal credit construct varying degrees of impact on financial efficiency .

  21. 分析了国内金融效率相对低下的现状,结合资产证券化的创新内涵,论证了资产证券化对提高国内金融效率的积极贡献。

    According to the innovative connotation of asset-backed securitization , the contributions to making the efficiency of domestic financial industries rise are expounded .

  22. 主要结论有:总体上,金融效率在全国范围内对经济增长有一定的收敛作用。

    The main conclusions are : In general , the financial efficiency plays a converging role to the economical growth in nationwide scale .

  23. 通过研究银行、资本市场与经济增长的关系,来研究金融效率与经济增长之间的关系。

    This paper is to study the banking , capital markets and economic growth , and the relationship between financial efficiency and economic growth .

  24. 显示金融效率的最优化,不仅要看重当前,更应着眼未来。

    To demonstrate the best optimization of the financial efficiency , the attention should not only te paid to the present but to the future .

  25. 东部长三角地区和东北部地区的县域金融效率最高,且区域内县域金融效率差距不大。

    Finance efficiency of the regions in the east and northeast of the county is the highest , and there is small gap in the region .

  26. 在全球追求金融效率、金融混业经营的浪潮中,金融控股公司成为首选的组织模式。

    In pursuit of global financial efficiency , financial mixes industry the management of the wave , the financial holding company a preferred modes of organization .

  27. 货币离岸经营后,脱离了货币发行国的监管,金融效率和风险都相应提高。

    Considering that money easily goes beyond the issuer 's regulation when it is operated abroad , financial efficiency must be raised as financial risk rises .

  28. 依据金融效率的基本表现,论文对金融服务贸易自由化对金融中介效率、金融市场效率、金融配置效率的影响进行了一般分析。

    Then it studies the influence of liberalization of financial service trade to financial efficiency , including financial market efficiency , financial intermediation efficiency and financial allocation efficiency .

  29. 金融效率体现在系统(或宏观)、个体(或微观)、市场(或中观)三个层面,核心都是资源配置。

    Financial efficiency reflects in system ( or macroscopic ), individual ( or microscopic ) and market ( or meso ), all of whose core are resource allocation .

  30. 从各省的角度来看,东部地区省份的宏观金融效率水平对中西部省份的优势明显,这说明我国在金融发展方面有着很大的地域差异。

    Regionally , eastern provinces have much advantage than central and western provinces in the performance of macro-financial efficiency which proves that there are great regional differences in our financial development .