
  • 网络electronization;Financial ComputeriZing
  1. 随着金融电子化的普及和发展,银行为了提供更好的金融服务,吸引并留住更多的客户群体,纷纷加快网点建设,特别是自助网点的建设,大幅提高了ATM设备的采购数量。

    With the development of financial computerizing , banks are speeding up the construction of branches , especially the self-service ones , to attract more customers and provide better financial services . Accordingly , the purchase amount of ATM devices is increased greatly .

  2. 随着网络经济的发展,金融电子化是金融业的必然趋势;

    Along with the development of network economy , financial computerizing has become the certain trend of finance .

  3. 铁道结算中心应与时俱进,在铁路改革和国内金融电子化快速发展中,以通讯网络建设和TMIS工程建设为基础,发展网络结算业务。

    The railway settlement center should catch up with the mode . During the railway reform and the rapid development of domestic electronical finance , it is important to develop the network settlement based on communication network construction and TMIS project construction .

  4. 金融电子化对我国金融监管的挑战与思考

    The Challenge of Electronic Finance to Chinese Financial Supervision from

  5. 金融电子化是金融创新的技术保障。

    Finance computerizing is a foundation of modern finance and financial innovation .

  6. 金融电子化对银行财会监管的影响及对策

    Influence and Countermeasure of Financial Electrification on Bank Accounting Supervision

  7. 同时,网络支付也与金融电子化息息相关。

    Finance electronization ( e-finance ) is also closely linked with e-payment .

  8. 金融电子化是“新经济”时代最显著的特征之一。

    Financial electronization is one of the most outstanding phenomena of Neo-economy .

  9. 金融电子化、交易传输高速化、网络化;

    Finance electronization , high speed of transmission transaction , and internet ;

  10. 金融电子化系统的数据库设计

    The Design of Data Base of the Financial Electronic System

  11. 中国银行业建立与实施信息化战略的基本思路:制订明确的金融电子化发展目标和发展策略;

    Proposed china commercial bank 's IT strategy : Set clear objective ;

  12. 金融电子化&21世纪银行业发展的战略选择

    Finance Electronization & Strategic Choice of Bank Business ' Development in 21st Century

  13. 安全性控制是金融电子化信息系统的技术关键。

    Security control is a key technique problem of finance computerizing information system .

  14. 二是加快金融电子化建设,统一技术规范。

    Two , speeds up the financial electron construction , unified technology standard .

  15. 金融电子化风险分析

    On the Analysis of Risk of Financial Electronization

  16. 首先介绍了金融电子化近年来的发展及其创新。其次介绍了研究金融电子化用语的意义。

    The first part is the introduction of the Development and Innovation of E-financial Business .

  17. 网上银行是信息革命带给金融电子化领域的最新创意。

    The online bank that information revolution gives finance electronic field is the freshest originality .

  18. 金融电子化的发展及其风险防范

    Development of Financial Computerization and Its Risk

  19. 金融电子化信息系统安全性控制研究

    Security control for finance computerizing information system

  20. 广东金融电子化及其影响

    Guangdong Financial Computerization and its influence

  21. GB/T15733-1995金融电子化基本术语

    The basic terminology of financial computerization

  22. 金融电子化的竞争策略

    A Competitive Policy for Electronic Finance

  23. 金融电子化、办公自动化、卫星通讯等服务手段得到广泛应用。

    Services such as electronic finance , office automation and satellite communication are in wide use .

  24. 在经济全球化、金融电子化的背景下,国际反洗钱成为一个重要的世界性课题。

    With the pervasive development of economic globalization , anti-money laundering has become an important global issue .

  25. 因此,金融电子化风险的防范和化解是一个综合性的、复杂的系统工程。

    Therefore , It is a comprehensive and complicated systematic project to prevent and remove the risk .

  26. 随着邮政金融电子化建设的发展,邮政储蓄业务已实现电子化。

    With the development of the electronic postal finance , the electronic postal savings has come into being .

  27. 金融电子化建设和金融业务创新快速发展,金融服务水平明显提高。

    Electronic construction and service innovation have developed rapidly , which has enhanced the financial service level significantly .

  28. 在金融电子化和网络化时代,银行之间的竞争已经演变成金融产品之争。

    At the age of computerized and networked finance , banking competition has evolved into competition of financial products .

  29. 随着电子商贸在各行各业的兴起,金融电子化变得越来越重要。

    With the blossom of the electronic commerce , the electronic management in finance is becoming more and more important .

  30. 消费性电子资金划拨是伴随着金融电子化出现的一种资金转移方式。

    Consumer electronic funds transfer ( CEFT ) is a kind of mode of funds transfer which emerged with the electronic finance .