
  • 网络Financial engineering;finance engineering;MSc Financial Engineering;mfe;Master of Finance Engineering
  1. 搞过了软件工程和金融工程之后,谷歌(Google)又搞起了语言工程。

    After software engineering and financial engineering comes linguistic engineering .

  2. 参与自私的金融工程(financialengineering)的首席执行官和寻求短期收益的对冲基金经理都不能避免挑战。

    Neither a chief executive involved in self-interested financial engineering nor a hedge fund manager seeking a short-term return is immune to challenge .

  3. 《黑道家族》引发的制作高质量电视剧的趋势,则比针对HBO母公司的“金融工程”更有生命力、也更加持久。

    The upheaval that The Sopranos caused was more potent and enduring than the financial engineering inflicted on HBO 's parent company .

  4. 随着金融工程的不断发展和金融工具的不断创新和复杂化,金融风险问题越来越引起人们重视,VaR作为新的金融风险管理工具,其重要性已经得到认可。

    With the development of financial engineering and the innovation of financial tool , the financial risk problem attracts people 's attention . So , the importance of VaR has been recognized .

  5. 世界银行总裁罗伯特佐利克(robertzoellick)周二表示“农产品价格风险管理”工具显示了“理性的金融工程”可以胜任哪些使命。

    Robert Zoellick , World Bank President , said on Tuesday that the " agriculture price risk management " tool showed what " sensible financial engineering " could do .

  6. 实际上,看似有吸引力和基于政治利益的金融工程比如,在花旗集团(citigroup)第三次纾困中使用的方案有可能削弱多年来在美国发挥了良好作用的长期原则。

    Indeed , seemingly attractive and politically expedient financial engineering , such as that used in the third Citigroup bail-out , risks undermining long-standing principles that have served the us well for years .

  7. 事实证明,如今被政府接管的美国国际集团(aig)就是去年的一个巨大系统性风险,主要原因就是该集团把业务范围从保险拓宽到复杂的金融工程。

    AIG of the US , the failed insurance group , was proven to be a vast systemic risk last year , in large part because of its diversification from insurance into complex financial engineering .

  8. 资产证券化(Asset-backedSecuritization,ABS)是衍生证券技术和金融工程技术相结合的产物,20世纪70年代在美国开始兴起,90年代呈现出迅猛发展的态势。

    Asset-Backed Securitization ( ABS ), a combination of the technologies in both derivative securities and financial engineering , began to rise in the United States in 1970s , and the 1990s has seen the trend of its rapid development .

  9. 期权是金融工程的核心工具,Black和Scholes由于对期权定价理论的贡献获得了1997年诺贝尔经济学奖,十多年来,期权定价理论的应用越来越广泛。

    Option is the core instrument of the financial engineering . Owe to the contribution of option pricing theory , Black and Scholes won the 1997 Nobel Prize . In last decade , the application of the OPT become more and more widespread .

  10. 在金融工程的发展中,金融工具的发展极为重要。

    The development of financial tools is more important than others .

  11. 期权定价理论是金融工程的主要理论基石。

    Option pricing theory is the main footstone for financial engineering .

  12. 《企业金融工程管理》课程内容体系构建初探

    On the Curriculum System of Corporate Management Basing on Financial Project

  13. 然而无论是叫金融工程。

    Financial Engineering , Financial Mathematics , Mathematical Finance , Computa .

  14. 那里不考虑金融工程问题。

    The question of financial engineering is not on the table .

  15. 发展金融工程为中国实现经济金融赶超提供了重大机遇。

    Development finance engineering provide the importment opportunity for China economy finance .

  16. 论现代保险与金融工程的依存关系

    On the Dependent Relationship between Modern Insurance and Financial Engineering

  17. 期权作为金融工程领域中最重要的衍生产品,种类繁多,品种各异。

    Option is one of the most important derivatives in financial market .

  18. 我国农产品期货与农村金融工程建设

    Futures of Agricultural Products and Financial Engineering in China 's Rural Areas

  19. 金融工程在企业风险管理战略中的应用

    The Application of Financial Engineering in Enterprise Strategic Risk Management

  20. 金融工程发展动因及影响分析

    Analysis of influence and motive factors of financial project development

  21. 金融工程在汇率风险管理中的应用研究

    Applied Study of Financial Engineering on Managing Exchange Rate Risk

  22. 引入金融工程的方法来研究住房抵押贷款证券化的金融风险;

    It uses finance engineering to discuss finance risks in Mortgage-backed securitization ;

  23. 金融工程综合实验室建设探索

    Exploration for the Construction of Complex Laboratory of Finance Engineering

  24. 金融工程:研究方向与发展展望

    Financial Engineering : Research Orientation and Prospects for the Development

  25. 我国金融工程发展的市场环境与制度框架

    Market Environment and System Framework for Our Financial Engineering Development

  26. 试论发展我国金融工程的必要性及途径

    Theory about Necessity and Methods of Developing Our Financial Projects

  27. 美国金融工程课程设置比较及其启示

    Comparision and Revelation by Investigating the Financial Engineering Curriculum of American University

  28. 金融工程:动因、特征与理论结构

    Financial Engineering : Motivation , Characteristics and Theoretical Construction

  29. 金融工程:信息与控制领域的挑战

    Financial engineering : challenge in the information and control

  30. 论金融工程及其在我国的发展前景

    On Financial Engineering 's Development and Prospect in China