
  1. 我们提出了创建金融安全区的构想。

    we propound the proposal for building up the financial safety area .

  2. 对创建金融安全区的思考

    The Thinking on the Establishment of Financial Safety Area

  3. 基于此,我们提出了创建金融安全区的构想和思路。

    Therefore , we propound the proposal for building up the financial safety area .

  4. 金融安全区问题研究

    A Study on Financial Safety Zones

  5. 创建金融安全区

    Create Financial Safety Zone

  6. 研究结论:通过运用指标体系对中国金融安全区状况的量化实证分析,得出测算结果:中国目前金融状况为基本安全,即短期内没有金融危机,但仍然存在金融风险。

    The conclusion : the financial security condition in China is basic security . That is there is no financial crisis in shortly , but there is financial risk .

  7. 而建立金融安全区指标体系,对金融安全区状况进行量化考核,可以使金融监管部门全面、具体、完整地了解影响金融安全的有关因素,以便有针对性地采取措施。

    Moreover , the set up of financial security section index system ( FSSIS ) and examine the financial security 's condition in quantity can help financial department to find out the affect factors of financial security , so they can adopt some measures .

  8. 创建金融安全区是一项社会系统工程,需要在各级政府的统一组织领导下,人民银行、金融机构、政府有关部门和新闻宣传等社会各方力量一起参与,共同防范和化解金融风险。

    Building up the financial safety area is a systemic project that needs all great efforts made by the People ′ s Bank of China , financial institutions , the related government organizations and the medium under the unified guidance by the government at all levels .