
  • 网络Financial Repression;Financial Constraint;financial depression
  1. 由金融抑制到金融深化的路径选择&国际比较与中国经验

    The study of the path choice from financial repression to deepening

  2. 西部地区金融抑制的制度分析

    An Institutional Analysis of Financial Repression in China 's Western Area

  3. 中国金融抑制与经济发展的实证分析

    A Positive Study of Financial Restraint and Economic Development in China

  4. 县域经济发展中的金融抑制与路径选择

    Financial Restraint in Development of County Economy and Choices of Policies

  5. 金融抑制下缅甸金融发展困境与自由化展望

    Financial Repression , Development Dilemma , and Liberalization Prospects in Myanmar

  6. 我国农村金融抑制与金融体系重构研究

    A Study on China Rural Financial Repression and Financial System Reconstruction

  7. 长期以来,印度的金融抑制程度一直很高。

    The finance has suppressed for a long time in India .

  8. 农业经济转型中的金融抑制及金融深化

    Finance Inhibition and Intensification In the Transition of Rural Economy

  9. 金融抑制背景下农村金融体系的构建

    Construction of the Rural Financial System under the Financial Restraint

  10. 总的来说,山东金融抑制现象比较严重。

    Overall , the financial repression phenomenon is more serious in Shandong .

  11. 一些人将会抱怨这是金融抑制。

    Some will complain that this is financial repression .

  12. 农村金融抑制与金融深化问题研究

    A Study of Rural Finance Restraint and Finance Deepening

  13. 金融抑制理论是小额贷款产生的又一个关键理论基础。

    Financial inhibition theory is another key theoretical basis on which Microfinance exists .

  14. 金融抑制下的温州经济衰退现象

    The phenomenon of " Wenzhou Economic Recession " in Circumstances of Financial Restraint

  15. 金融抑制阻碍了经济增长,要发展农村经济必须解除金融抑制。

    FINANCIAL The financial repression counterworks the rural economy .

  16. 我国金融抑制与深化研究

    Study on Financial Deepening and Financial Repression of China

  17. 在中国以市场化为基本取向的经济转轨过程中,农村金融抑制仍广泛存在,农业信贷市场尚未成熟。

    Now in China 's transition economy , the financial restrain is still serious .

  18. 农村金融抑制阻碍了陕西农村经济的快速发展。

    The rural Financial Repression question has hindered the Shaanxi rural economic fast development .

  19. 金融抑制下的中小企业融资

    Discussion on the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Financing in the Condition of Finance Restraint

  20. 从一定意义上而言,我国的民间融资是金融抑制的产物。

    In a certain sense , the non-government finance is a product of financial restraint .

  21. 新农村建设中消除供给型金融抑制问题探析

    Brief Analysis of the Problem of Eliminating Supply-type Financial Repression in the New Countryside Construction

  22. 金融抑制与黑龙江省中小企业融资难题的破解思路

    Financial Constraint and the Problem-solving Idea of the Financing Problems for SMEs in Heilongjiang Province

  23. 中国在90年代之前一直处于金融抑制状态。

    China was all along under the condition of finance restraint before nineteen nineties ' .

  24. 严重的金融抑制是“温州经济衰退”的重要因素之一。

    The financial restraint is one of the important causes of " Wenzhou economic recession " .

  25. 农村小额信贷的经济学分析&基于金融抑制理论的视角

    The Economic Analysis of Microcredit in Rural Area & Based on the View of Repressed Finance

  26. 一是信息不对称学说,二是金融抑制学说。

    The first one is the information asymmetry theory . The second is the financial inhibition theory .

  27. 我国和大部分发展中国家一样,都存在严重的金融抑制问题。

    The same as most developing countries , there is serious " Financial Repression " in China .

  28. 而民族地区农村金融抑制的存在有着其普遍性和特殊性。

    The existence of the national rural areas " financial repression " has its universality and particularity .

  29. 针对金融抑制进行金融深化,必须进行系统化的农村金融制度创新。

    We must systematically innovate on rural financial institution to carry out financial deepening for financial restraint .

  30. 政府在解决陕西农村金融抑制问题过程中发挥着重要的作用。

    Thirdly , the government plays a vital role in solve in the rural Finance Repression question .