
  • 网络financial leverage
  1. 以金融杠杆统筹四大经济区域的思考

    A Consideration on Coordinating the Four Major Economic Regions with Financial Leverage

  2. 同时企业的高金融杠杆率也大大提高了系统性破产后果的严重性。

    High financial leverage of firms greatly increases the severity of systemic bankruptcy .

  3. 而在苹果公司,最重要的金融杠杆就是iPhone。

    And the most important financial lever at Apple is the iPhone .

  4. 有多少董事会完全意识到了金融杠杆的急速上升呢?

    How many boards were fully aware of the sharp rise in their leverage ?

  5. 投资者也不那么热衷于向金融杠杆买入提供贷款。

    Investors are shying away from some loans being offered to finance leveraged buy-outs .

  6. 低首付和浮动利率抵押贷款使得房屋购买者有众多金融杠杆机制来支付巨额房款。

    Low down payments and ARMs gave homeowners enormous financial leverage to pay high home prices .

  7. 金融杠杆撬动辽宁振兴

    Finance Lever Promotes Development of Liaoning

  8. 金融杠杆与风险分担&支农再贷款操作效应的实证研究

    Financial Leverage and Risk Share : An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Agricultural Supporting Relending Policy

  9. 合理使用金融杠杆与财政杠杆促进社会经济协调发展

    Properly Use Monetary Leverage and Public Financial Leverage to Impetus the Harmonious Development of Our Society and Economy

  10. 第三,大肆利用金融杠杆,也就是相对于资产而言不成比例的大量债务。

    Three , while employing extreme leverage that just means a lot of debt compared to your equity ;

  11. 报告中指出投行掩盖了金融杠杆衍生品,资产负债表外的实体和其他投资工具的过度使用。

    The banks hid their excessive leverage using derivatives , off-balance-sheet entities and other devices , the report found .

  12. 此外,中国房地产市场没有象美国和英国那样,受到加剧泡沫的金融杠杆的影响。

    Moreover , the market is not suffering from the financial leverage that has aggravated the bubble in the US and the UK .

  13. 金融杠杆化是经济发展到一定阶段金融手段的创新结果,满足了经济发展对金融的需求。

    Financial leveraging is the result of finance innovation with the development of economy ; it meets the needs of what economic ask finance for .

  14. 这将需要限制银行使用大量金融杠杆的能力,大量的金融杠杆显然只会增加风险而不会增加社会价值的。

    That will require limiting the ability of banks to rely on vast amounts of leverage , which clearly increases risk without adding social value .

  15. 但如果你没有经历长达30年金融杠杆的不断攀升,过去10年也没有出现过度杠杆化,你就不可能遭遇信贷危机。

    But if you have not experienced 30 years of rising financial leverage , the past 10 to excess , you cannot get a credit crunch .

  16. 随着美国经济滑坡及债务市场部分领域陷入动荡,金融杠杆已然失宠。

    With the US economy turning down and some corners of the debt markets in turmoil , financial leverage has been going out of fashion fast .

  17. 此次全球经济危机的导火线始于美国的次贷危机,这也仅仅是其中的一个方面,更为本质的是美国金融杠杆的过度使用。

    The crisis this time began with American subprime crisis which is just one cause , and the root cause is the unreasonable use of financial leveraging .

  18. 金融杠杆化真正的理性回归需要金融机构、监管机构以及市场参与者的共同努力来寻求市场效率和风险之间的一种平衡。

    The real rational return of financial leveraging need the efforts of both financial institutions and regulators to search for a balance between market efficiency and risks .

  19. 金融杠杆化的风险是潜在的,是可以通过监管机构的有效监管、金融机构的规范经营来规避的。

    The risk of financial leveraging is potential , it can be avoid by the effective supervision of the regulator and the norm operation of the financial organizations .

  20. 如今没有像汉密尔顿那样的战士型政治家,能在华盛顿的支持下,大刀阔斧地解决目前的欧洲危机同时动用所有正确的金融杠杆。

    Today , there is no Soldier-Statesman quite like Hamilton , with Washington standing behind him , to bulldoze his way through to resolving the current European crisis while pulling all the right financial levers .

  21. 还有美国证交会(sec),它把金融机构杠杆的可接受水平上调了。

    Then there is the securities and Exchange Commission , which raised acceptable levels of leverage for financial institutions .

  22. 但是金融的杠杆化会催生金融领域的泡沫,金融杠杆化是一把双刃剑。

    But the financial leveraging can birth the finance bubble , it is a double-edged sword .

  23. 合作,利用市场机制和金融信贷杠杆,以促进这项工作的住宅物业。

    Cooperation , the use of market mechanisms and financial credit leverage that work to promote residential properties .

  24. 美国证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangecommission)也不称职,2004年,它批准金融机构提高杠杆水平,而这最终使这些机构陷入了危险境地。

    The securities and Exchange Commission was incompetent , and in 2004 sanctioned higher levels of leverage for financial firms that ultimately put them into jeopardy .

  25. 上一轮峰会结束之后不到48小时,金融市场对杠杆化EFSF这一荒谬设想的热情就消失得无影无踪。

    After the last summit the financial markets ' enthusiasm over the ludicrous idea of a leveraged EFSF evaporated after less than 48 hours .

  26. 现在,我们看到房屋、消费者以及金融机构的杠杆率都过高。

    Currently , we see over-leveraged homes , over-leveraged consumers and over-leveraged financial institutions .

  27. 非金融企业的杠杆率也很高。

    Leverage among non-financial companies is also high .

  28. 最终,不管是银行还是投资公司,所能做的就是降低金融系统的杠杆比率。

    The net result , for both banks and investment firms is to reduce financial system leverage .

  29. 危机的根源是金融机构采用杠杆交易和背后的巨额的信用违约。

    Root of the crisis is that the financial institutions adopt a " lever " trading and the credit default .

  30. 近年来,由于监管者受到解除杠杆限制的竞争压力,一些金融机构的杠杆比率变得过高。

    In recent years , some financial institutions became overleveraged as a result of competitive pressures on regulators to lift leverage limits .