
  • 网络Finance Resources;financial resource
  1. 同样必要的是为imf提供更多金融资源,以支持其新的短期借贷工具。

    It is equally necessary to give the IMF more financial resources in support of its new short-term lending facility .

  2. 中小企业占企业总数99%,创造了74%的工业增加值、63%的GDP,占有金融资源却不足20%。

    The SMEs accounts for 99 % of the total enterprises , has created 74 % industry increase in value , 63 % GDP . But in fact it holds only 20 % financial resources .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,更为灵活的汇率制度、规模扩大的资本流动既有利于我国参与世界金融资源的配置,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。

    After China entering WTO , the more flexible exchange rate system and greater volume of capital flow will not only help China participating in the allocation of global financial resources , but also present a critical challenge to China 's monitoring capability of monetary policy and financial safety .

  4. Adams认为这种政策扭曲了农村金融资源的配置,阻碍农村金融市场的发育,不利于贫困的持续缓解和贫困地区正常金融秩序的建立。

    So Adams thought that this policy distorted the distribution of the rural financial resources and prevented the growth of the rural financial market , which , were harmful to the sustainable poverty alleviation and the establishment of the financial order in the poor areas .

  5. 依据SNA的数据确定我国财政金融资源的边界后,基于层次分析法和德尔斐法确定和修正资金的可动员系数。

    Using the data from The System of National Accounts ( SNA ), the boundary of fiscal resources are confirmed . The mobilization coefficients are confirmed by The Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and modified by Delphi .

  6. 像孟加拉的Grameen银行和BRAC以及印度的妇女个体企业协会(SEWA)这样的机构,数十年来为大量的贫困人口提供了金融资源。

    Organizations like Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank and BRAC and India 's Self Employed Women 's Association ( SEWA ) have provided financial resources to large numbers of poor people for decades .

  7. 另外,因为F-1签证不允许学生拿到全工资,学生得出证据表示其金融资源足够支持其美国教育。

    Also , because the F-1 visa does not allow a student to work for full-time wages , the student needs to show evidence that she has enough financial resources available for her studies in America .

  8. 而IMD竞争力评价体系及基于金融资源论的竞争力评价体系设计的部分指标的计算,不是基于客观的数据,而是通过人为的估计取得的,因此其结果的客观性难以保证。

    The IMD competitiveness evaluation system and financial resources based on the competitiveness of the evaluation system designed for the calculation of some indicators , not based on objective data , but estimates made by man-made , so its difficult to guarantee the objectivity of the results .

  9. 新疆农业金融资源构成与变动分析

    Analysis of Components and Changes of Agricultural Financial Resources in Xinjiang

  10. 金融资源的流动与行政壁垒的约束

    The Flow of Financial Resources and the Restraint of Administrative Barriers

  11. 山东省金融资源的配置和经济分析

    The Collocation and Economic Analysis of Financial Resource in Shandong Province

  12. 农村经济增长中的农村金融资源供给及效应

    Rural Financial Resources Supply and Their Effects during Rural Economy Growth

  13. 优化金融资源配置以改善金融生态

    Optimizing the Financial Resources Allocation to Improve the Financial Ecology

  14. 从金融资源配置角度看经济欠发达地区的资金外流

    Capital Outflow from Less Developed Area in View of Financial Resources Allocation

  15. 政策导向:农村金融资源配置的路径选择

    Policy Guidance : the Route for the Allocation of Rural Financial Resources

  16. 金融资源配置与县域经济发展的实证研究

    Demonstration Study of Financial Resource Collocation and County District Economy

  17. 利率市场化将对金融资源的配置方式产生根本性的影响;

    Floating interest rate will make essential infection to financial resource collocating .

  18. 第五章为研究结论及政策建议,主要通过总结本文的实证分析结果,提出有利于重庆市的金融资源配置促进就业的相关政策建议。

    Last chapter is the conclusions and policy recommendations of this study .

  19. 政策性银行在农村金融资源配置中的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of Policy Bank in the Rural Financial Resource Allocation

  20. 金融资源概念的提出最早可追溯到戈德史密斯。

    The history of financial resource allocation can be traced to Goldsmith .

  21. 金融资源区域配置的失衡性探析&四川与东部部分省市金融增长的比较分析

    A Study of Regional Imbalance of Finance Resource Allocation

  22. 城乡协调发展中的金融资源配置

    The Financial Resources Distribution in the Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Areas

  23. 金融资源空间分布规律:一个金融地理学的分析框架

    Spatial distribution regularity of finance resource : an analytical framework of Finance geography

  24. 基于数学规划模型的金融资源配置测算分析

    Calculated and analyzed financial resource distribution on the basis of mathematic programming model

  25. 统筹城乡金融资源促进农村生态金融链的良性循环

    Coordinating Urban and Rural Financial Resources for Rural Eco-virtuous Cycle of Financial Links

  26. 区域金融资源配置受到区域金融生态的硬约束。

    This allocation is subjected to a rigid binding of regional financial ecology .

  27. 社会资本&不可忽视的非金融资源

    Social capital - the unneglected non - financial resource

  28. 济宁市金融资源配置的现状、问题和对策

    On Allocation of Financial Resources in Jining City

  29. 建立基于知识经济的金融资源观和金融发展观

    Finance as A Resource and A Continuous Process of Development in the Knowledge-based Economy

  30. 中国金融资源地区分布差异演变分析

    Evolutionary Analysis on Chinese Financial Resource Area Distribution