
  • 网络Structured product;structure product
  1. 结构化产品的销售将成为特别重要的一项工具,而最长3个月的期限则被视为甜蜜点(sweetspot)。

    The sale of structured products will be a particularly important tool with durations of up to three months seen as the sweet spot .

  2. 在累计期权和雷曼(lehman)迷你债券等结构化产品上亏损的投资者,在香港街头抗议,指银行在风险方面误导了他们。

    Investors who lost money on structured products , such as accumulators and Lehman mini-bonds , protested on Hong Kong streets , alleging banks had misled them about the risks .

  3. 可是,与银行、基金合作推出CDO能大笔揽钱,结构化产品如此诱人的前景让其欲罢不能。

    Yet they earn so much revenue from CDOs that working with the banks_and funds that structure them has proved irresistible .

  4. 销售由次贷证券支持的结构化产品,引发了信贷危机。

    Sales of structured products backed by subprime securities triggered the credit crisis .

  5. 非结构化产品信息的分布式模型研究

    A distributed model for non structured product information

  6. 自去年8月份以来,雷曼兄弟一直在面向亚洲投资者销售基于粮食的结构化产品。

    Lehman has been selling structured products targeted at Asian investors based on food since August last year .

  7. 他们给的建议常常集中于债券和黄金,尤其是实物黄金,而不是基于黄金的结构化产品。

    Often advice focuses on bonds and gold - especially physical gold , and not structured products based on gold .

  8. 本文使用金融工程组合分解和无套利均衡分析方法,先将结构化产品分解为债券和期权合约,再运用常见的方法和技术模型对其定价。

    In this paper , with the use of financial engineering techology and no-arbitrage analysis , we divided into bonds and options contracts .

  9. 它们把银行贷款打包成结构化产品,然后(通常由银行自己)将其出售给富有的散户投资者。

    They package up bank loans into structured products that are then sold on , usually by the banks themselves , to wealthy retail investors .

  10. 分级基金是一类在中国新兴崛起的结构化产品,通过对基金收益分配的安排,将基金份额分成预期收益与风险不同的两类份额。

    Structured mutual fund is a newly developed structured product in China , which divides the fund into two parts with different return and risk characteristics .

  11. 对国际上资产证券化和结构化产品演进历史的追溯表明,结构化产品创新是盈利多元化及业务多样化的重要因素。

    By tracing the evolution of securitization and structured products , it is shown that innovation of structured products plays a critical role in business and profit diversification .

  12. 目前对非结构化产品信息还没有形成合适的表达模型和相应的操作模型。

    Advanced manufacturing requires relevant production information model , which is divided into the structured product information ( SPI ) and the non structured product information ( NSPI ) .

  13. 随着一系列创新型结构化产品的推出,这些标准又进一步降低,而这些产品的复杂性和风险并不总能被整个行业所充分了解。

    Standards fell further as a range of innovative structured products were launched , whose complexity and risks were not always well understood in all parts of the industry .

  14. 在金融炼金术的点化下,信托公司将股权投资变成了能产生固定回报的结构化产品。

    With a touch of financial alchemy , trusts transform an equity investment into a structured product that yields a fixed return & that is , unless something goes wrong .

  15. 随着市场复苏,相当多的亚洲投资者仍在选择风险极大的投资产品,比如,杠杆外汇投资以及复杂的结构化产品。

    Quite a large number of Asian investors are still taking excessive risks towards their investments , such as leveraged foreign exchange investments and complex structured products as markets recover .

  16. 从新产品开发的主要模式串行工程和并行工程出发,介绍了结构化产品开发模式,并概述了相关理论的形成和发展。

    It starts from describing the new product main Serial engineering and Concurrent engineering , and then introduces the mechanical product developing template . Afterwards , this article summarizes relevant theories evolution .

  17. 欧洲的银行家们正在测试一种结构化产品的变种,希望迎合投资者对高收益资产的强劲需求。这种结构化产品一度十分繁荣,直到发生次贷危机。

    Bankers in Europe are testing variations of a type of structured product that boomed until the subprime crisis , as they seek to take advantage of strong investor demand for high-yielding assets .

  18. 近年评级机构屡遭诟病,先是因为它们在金融危机之前对结构化产品和银行的评估过于乐观,后来又因为它们在欧元区危机期间对主权债务和金融机构大范围降级。

    The rating agencies have attracted criticism first for their rosy opinions of structured products and banks before the financial crisis and for their mass downgrades of sovereigns and financial institutions amid the eurozone crisis .

  19. 这种黑匣子投资方法受到了金融界不断增加的复杂性和不透明性的鼓励,大量资产流进了影子银行体系,孵化出诸如担保债务凭证这样的结构化产品,要么就进入了监管较少的对冲基金。

    This black box approach to investing has been encouraged by the increasing complexity and opacity of a financial world where many assets have migrated to a shadow banking system that spawned structured products such as collateralised debt obligations , or to less regulated hedge funds .

  20. 本文结合产生无效迭代的原因,通过建立协同的产品开发组织和增强型的结构化产品开发管理流程来讨论实现组织内部协同、减少协同产品开发过程中的无效迭代问题。

    This dissertation analyze the cause of the invalid-iteration , by the aid of establishing collaborative product development organization ( for short : CPDO ) and enhanced structured development process ( for short : ESDP ), it aims to discuss how to reduce the invalid-iteration activities .

  21. 金融结构优化的具体措施包括多层次资本市场的完善,大力发展机构投资者,发行债券收购国家外汇储备的增量,推进银行业的综合化经营以及进行结构化产品创新和房地产投资信托产品创新等。

    It is more important to optimize the financial structure , which includes perfecting the multi-level capital markets , developing the institutional investor , issuing bonds to purchase the state foreign reserve flow , promoting the comprehensive operation of commercial banking , initiating the financial structure products and REIT , etc.

  22. Z公司有着完善的项目结构化的产品开发流程,但同样也存在不足之处。

    Z Company has a good project structured product development process , but there are also many inadequacies .

  23. 资产管理公司和银行正大举推出多种与大宗商品有关的投资产品:基金、交易所交易基金(ETF)、指数追踪基金(tracker),以及各种结构化投资产品。

    Asset managers and banks are rolling out a wide range of commodity-linked investment products : funds , ETFs , trackers , and all kinds of structured products .

  24. 介绍了制造网格环境下结构化的产品数据交换的机制。

    The paper introduces a mechanism for structured product data exchange .

  25. 运用该模型可实现结构化的产品创新设计过程,克服制约因素的阻碍作用。

    Its problem-solution process model is studied systematically and can overcome the obstacles to innovation design and realize structured product innovation design processes .

  26. 结构化理财产品是金融市场最受欢迎的投资工具之一,在最近几年里发展迅猛。

    Structured Products is one of the most popular tolls for people to investment , especially , achieved quickly growth in recent years .

  27. 由此可见,复杂的结构化金融产品和针对金融监管的创新,对现代复杂金融环境下的危机预警提出了更高的要求。

    The complex structured financial products and innovations in financial regulation have put forward higher requirements for the early crisis warning in the modern complex financial environment .

  28. 重点研究了以粗糙集的方法对产品结构成分的重要性进行分析,对结构化的产品设计有很强的指导作用。

    The author mainly explains the way of a rough set by which analyzing the importance of product components has a good directive function in the structural product designs .

  29. 以产品结构化方法和产品配置方法为线索,对大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)模式下的产品设计方法进行了系统研究。

    The method of product design for Mass Customization was studied from the view of product structured and product configuration .

  30. 提出了协同仿真的数据交换策略:对于结构化的非产品模型数据采用XML进行数据交换;对于非结构化的产品模型数据采用XML和STEP相结合的方法交换。

    Then the data exchange strategy in collaborative simulation is proposed , XML is used to exchange non-product model data which have good structure , and XML combined STEP is used to exchange non-structural product model data .