
  • 网络structured interview;Structured Interviewing
  1. 国家公务员结构化面试中评委偏差的IRT分析

    An IRT Analysis of Rater Bias in Structured Interview of National Civilian Candidates

  2. 基于GT和多面Rasch模型的结构化面试分析

    Based on Generalizability Theory and Many-facet Rasch Measurement To Analyze the Data of Structured Interview

  3. 通过编码测试的应聘者将受邀到Facebook公司,参加四轮紧凑的结构化面试。

    Those who pass that test will get invited to Facebook proper for a series of four tightly scripted interviews where , no surprise , more coding will be expected .

  4. 领导干部结构化面试信度的多元概括化理论分析

    Reliability Analysis of Structured Interview : A Multivariate Generalizability Theory Approach

  5. 海关公务员结构化面试测评要素模型研究

    The Research on Structured Interview Model of Civil Servants in Customs

  6. 基于胜任力的结构化面试方法,在学术界和企业界均得到了大量的关注。

    Competency-based structured interview method is extensively employed in academia and industry .

  7. 概化理论在结构化面试评分误差中的应用研究

    An Application Study of Generalizability Theory on Assessing Error in Structural Interview

  8. 前景理论视角下结构化面试问题的设计

    Question Design in Structural Interview : From the View of Prospect Theory

  9. 结构化面试在公务员考录中的实证研究

    Practical Research for Structured Interview in Civil Servant Examination

  10. 基于胜任特征模型的结构化面试信度和效度研究

    The Research of Reliability and Validity of Structured Interviews Based on Competency Model

  11. 结构化面试构思效度现场研究

    Construct Validity in Structure Interivew : A Field Study

  12. 公开选拔副厅级党政领导干部结构化面试评估报告

    Appraisal Report for Structured Interview in Opening Promotion of Leaders of Party and Governments

  13. 结构化面试与无领导小组讨论信度分析的概化视角

    A Research on Reliability of Structural Interview and Leaderless Group Discussion by Using MGT

  14. 结构化面试在高校教师招聘中的应用

    Application of Structural Interview in Colleges ' Employment

  15. 结构化面试在医院招聘中的应用

    Structured interviewing application in hospital recruitment

  16. 非结构化面试的信度分析

    The Reliability Analysis of Unstructured Interview

  17. 从这150名学生中挑选了10名学生进行半结构化面试。

    Of all the 150 students , 10 students were selected to be engaged in a semi-structured interview .

  18. 提高结构化面试、心理测验的利用率,建立并完善人才测评体系。

    Improve utilization ratio of structured interviews and psychological test , establish and perfect the system of personnel evaluation .

  19. 结构化面试吸收了标准化测验的优点,能够在较短的时间内筛选到合适的人才,从而弥补了传统面试的不足。

    Enlightened the advantages of standardization test , the structured interviewing could screen the right staff in a short time .

  20. 面试、尤其是结构化面试是企业、政府机关及一些非盈利性组织选拔人才的最常用的工具。

    Interview is a useful method for enterprises , governments and other non-profit organizations in the selection of talented people .

  21. 结构化面试通过父母双方对生长数据、人口统计学资料、医学以及行为学方面资料的收集。

    Structured interviews were conducted with both parents to collect information on anthropometric , demographic , medical and behavioral data .

  22. 早期面试研究认为面试信度和效度较低,但是从20世纪80年代初以来,实证研究发现面试尤其是结构化面试有较好信度和效度。

    Since the 1980s , empirical studies indicated that interview , particularly structured , had moderate evidence for reliability and validity .

  23. 本文针对高校教师招聘中存在的问题,对招聘中采用结构化面试的方法、内容与实践进行探讨研究。

    This paper makes an exploration on the methods , contents and practice of structural interview in the colleges ' employment .

  24. 但随着社会的发展和考生水平的不断提高,结构化面试暴露出了很多缺陷和漏洞。

    However , there are many , defects and loopholes in the structured interview with the developing of the society and the examinee .

  25. 结果显示结构化面试获得了比以前实证研究更高的效度,效度系数高达0.712。

    The results of empirical study showed that the structured interview got higher validity than before . Validity coefficient was as high as 0.712 .

  26. 以某三级甲等医院人力资源管理部门应用结构化面试的方法招聘门诊导医员为例,对面试方案的设计到实施的步骤进行了探讨。

    Based on guides in outpatient service recruitment with structured interviewing in one of the tertiary hospital , the plan design and implementary procedure was mentioned .

  27. 如何弥补结构化面试的不足,引入半结构化面试不失为一种有益尝试。

    How to compensate for the deficiency of the structured interview , the introduction of the semi-structured interview can be regarded as a kind of useful attempt .

  28. 公务员录用考试测评体系主要分为笔试和面试,笔试科目由行政职业能力测试和申论组成,面试采用的是结构化面试。

    The exam evaluation system consists of written examination and interview , written test has administrative professional ability test and essay-type examination , interview adopts structured interview .

  29. 紧接着,将这套带有共性的可操作化的测评系统应用于某具体企业特定职系的研究中,便形成了一套个性化的针对特定职系的结构化面试题本、评分要点和评分表格。

    Then , applying this operating system to specific enterprises and specific job in order to create a set of specific structured interview questions , score standards and score forms .

  30. 在与由笔试、结构化面试和无领导小组讨论综合确定的选拔结果的比较中,文件筐测验获得了较高的同时效度。

    There is also satisfactory Spearman 's rho between the result of I B and the combined seletion result of the paper pencil test , structured interview , and LGD .